No Plagiarism!o4AWAsYvZGf8ApJwIpRMposted on PENANA I like the summer season very well.8964 copyright protection514PENANAOcisD4qLc6 維尼
The coy come up to eat in our pretty pond.8964 copyright protection514PENANAxWBwDwBC2W 維尼
The fresh-cut grass is a pleasant smell.8964 copyright protection514PENANAQ6zs6wOJ3V 維尼
The warm summer heat I am quite fond.8964 copyright protection514PENANAh5hK1KGiru 維尼
Birds chirp loudly in the forest’s trees.8964 copyright protection514PENANALPBP2rVq0J 維尼
And when it’s hot, I swim in a lake.8964 copyright protection514PENANA626FFfDDcV 維尼
Or in Hawaii, in the great seas.8964 copyright protection514PENANA8vP9qBwfr5 維尼
And at a barbeque, I eat steak.8964 copyright protection514PENANA2puAhkMe0u 維尼
In the sky, I see the shining sun.8964 copyright protection514PENANA7a8VY8FLfl 維尼
I throw into the river, some rocks.8964 copyright protection514PENANAzdfVM3Fnr4 維尼
I love the summer, it’s so much fun.8964 copyright protection514PENANAlnMqIfg29u 維尼
But I dare not wish for chicken-pox.8964 copyright protection514PENANADQicZh306Z 維尼
Every year, I collect a shell.8964 copyright protection514PENANADaNQ88Ql3x 維尼
Every year, before the leaves fell. 8964 copyright protection514PENANAEYks3lKGXh 維尼