Leisure Writer
From Germany;
Born 8th Apr 1994;
Some College;
Joined Aug 18, 2017
I am just an ordinary person with a simple wish. A wish to share my stories with the world. There are so many stories to tell. So many worlds to create and to shape. I am in love with the idea to write the stories I have to tell and the worlds I'm about to create where everyone can dive in and expience it on their own.
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I am just an ordinary person with a simple wish. A wish to share my stories with the world. There are so many stories to tell. So many worlds to create and to shape. I am in love with the idea to write the stories I have to tell and the worlds I'm about to create where everyone can dive in and expience it on their own.
My writing style is mostly divded in different first-person perspectives within each story. The reader should figure it out by themselves who is in the lead right now and in whose mind they are in in that moment.