Lily's POV
I rush over to (Y/N) as he falls and Hold him. The cold floor sending shivers up my body.
"Whats wrong?" Sirius asks as he rushes over.
"I told him the diagnosis" The doctor says.
"Which is?" I ask him.
"He has lung cancer. It has spread. What this means is that he has a 7% chance of living past the next 5 years." The doctor says to everyone. The area falls silent.
"He's going to die?" Peter asks in shock.
"Most likely." The doctor says.
"He can't die." (Y/N) says and I lean down and hug him.
"He wont die, I'll do everything I can to help him." I say and the rest nod.
"We can pay for the best treatment." James says.
"And keep him company." Sirius adds on.
"And make sure he is loved." I say.
"But what if he does die?" Peter asks. We all look at him.
"Then it's gods plan." James says. I look at James and he looks at me. Almost with doe like eyes.
"Can we see him?" I ask the doctor.
"Yes right this way." The doctor says. I help (Y/N) to his feet and we walk through the sterile hospital and into a dark room. We turn on the lights and there is Remus. Tubes coming out of his arms and he looks pale, really pale, like as if the blood had been drained from his still beating body.
"How long do you think we have with him?" I ask the doctor.
"I wouldn't say for certain but at this point, two years if he doesn't recover, and fast. We want to start chemo next week but we can push it back another week if you are still uncertain." The doctor says.
"How long till he wakes up?" Peter asks twiddling his thumbs, just like how he used to when he was nervous.
"A few hours." The doctor says.
"He's been asleep for twelve hours, how can he sleep more?" Sirius asks.
"He's not really sleeping though is he doc. He's fighting to wake up." (Y/N) says and we all go quiet.
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I look over at his still body.
"He's been asleep for twelve hours, how can he sleep more?" Sirius asks.
"He's not really sleeping though is he doc. He's fighting to wake up." I say and we all go quiet. I walk over and hold Remus' hand. Just like how he held mine when I was in the hospital. I bring up a chair and sit down next to him and begin to weep.
"Two years, that's it?" James asks the doctor.
"And for some of that he will be in a wheelchair and wont be able to do many daily tasks anymore. It's odd seeing this occur in someone so young. Did he do drugs or smoke?" The doctor asks.
"No," Sirius answers.
"Then he must have a mutation. It's horrible to see someone so young in such a horrible state. I'm so sorry for your loss." The doctor says.
"Stop talking about him like he is dead. He's still here, and alive, and breathing. Dying maybe but he's still here." I say through my tears.
"I have to go now, but you are all welcome to stay here as long as you'd like." The doctor says as they turn to leave and walk out the door.
"Thank you." We all mumble.
"You think he'll make it?" I ask unsure of the response.
"Definitely, Remus is strong he'll make it out alive." James says.
"I'm going to quit smoking." Sirius says as he takes out a pack of cigarettes and trashes them. He ties his hair up in a bun and sits down.
"What should we do?" Peter asks. Then there is a knock on the door. We look over and see a nurse.
"Don't mind me just checking his vitals." He says as he walks in and looks over the machines. I stare at him. I then rest my head in Remus' hand. Praying he would wake up soon. Anytime soon. The male nurse then leaves and I feel cold.
"You okay (Y/N), you're shivering." Lily asks as she wraps a jacket around me.
"You'd make a great mother Evans." Sirius says.
"Thanks," She says back.
"She basically takes care of us already." James says and there is a small heavy hearted chuckle.
"I need some air." I say as I get up from my seated position. I head out the door and begin to cry as I walk down the hospital hallway. I stop in the middle of the hall and then slam my fists against the walls. I sob as I fall to the floor, both from the pain in my hands and the pain in my heart. He's dead, thats all that goes through my head. I know he isn't but two years. Two years and thats all I have with him. I need to make the most of it. I lay in the hall for a few hours just sobbing. By the end my eyes are red and puffy and my heart is heavy, not to mention to headache from both exhaustion and dehydration. I walk back in and see the rest of the gang gathered around Remus. I look up at his face and he is smiling.
"You're up." I say with a faint smile.
"Yeah and they told me everything." Remus says as he sits up a little and smiles even more.
"What do you mean?" I ask him and looks to his feet.
"That i'm dying. That I have cancer. I'm starting chemo next week I decided. I'm not particularly excited to miss classes for it but thats fine. Once ever few weeks, that way I have time to recover. The radiation might hurt me but it's the only way i'll survive, and i'll do anything to live.
"They told you how long you have left?" I ask him and he nods
"I got two years with you." He says with a smile and I smile back. I lean over and hug him.
"Two whole years." I mumble into his arms.
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