One Cone Down | Penana
One Cone Down
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One Cone Down
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Trying to escape an abusive parent Harlen and his girlfriend finds a simulation that changes their lives forever. 

Note from Harlan

"Ever since I've been stuck it fees like life has been passing me by.. How will I last in here? Nothing makes sense, everything is....... different.. How did i get myself into this mess.."

Note from Kyler 

"I cant believe any of this is happening right now, everyone thinks I'm crazy trying to put me into a psych ward and IM NOT! HARLAN IS GONE ! HE WENT INTO THE CONES AND NEVER CAME BACK! Why wont anyone believe me!"

Note from Myka: 

"After the funeral for Harlan, Kyler completely lost it. Started yelling about how he Isn't dead he's in a "simulation" yeah right. I hate to think my brother is gone but dragging on this insane story is just putting Kyler and everyone else through unnecessary pain." 

Note from Chris: 

"When does the bar open?"

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Total Reading Time: 11 minutes
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