Up In Smoke | Penana
Up In Smoke
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Up In Smoke
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Noah is known at school as an all-around bad boy, Part of him is broken and shattered, part of him is still holding on to what little things he has left. Its hard being able to "fit in" with the rest of the crowd at school. His mom passed and it was hard for him to get through it.

He's had one person closest to him, they'd known him for the longest time. They grew up with each other spending the majority of their time together. Learning about the real side of what actually happens behind the smile that hides everything. The darker side of life. Reality.

 He had nothing left he gave up and wanted to move. He was going to. But then he met Isabella. Spending time around her changed everything about him.
So, why is it so hard to let her go when it comes time to go?

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Total Reading Time: 57 minutes
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