It was still dark outside. Katherine was in the middle of labor and screamed at Genevieve and Monique as they stood around her, between labors.
“Let go of me, you bitch!” she yelled.
Klaus whom had somewhat recovered and had found Katerina gone for far too long, limped into the church. When he did, Katherine was relieved to see him, but the witches weren’t too thrilled. Klaus lunged toward one of the witch guards and ripped his head off. Abigail and Genevieve linked hands and pinned Klaus to the wall magically. He tried to fight against the spell pinning him to the wall, but he couldn’t get free of it. Monique and Abigail anchored the spell and went back to helping Katherine give birth.
Klaus and Katherine watched fearfully, as Genevieve grabbed the ceremonial knife that was used for the Harvest, as Katherine screamed in agony and Genevieve turned to address both Katherine and Klaus.
“You should know this brings me no joy. I promise I’ll make it quick. Let’s begin, shall we?”
After Marcel led Davina to where he and Klaus had fought and Klaus had bled, Davina magically made Klaus’ blood go in a cup for Josh. When she gave the cup of blood to him, it cured him as it was made to do.
Katherine was still in labor, and the witches, led by Genevieve, assisted her in her birth. Katherine screamed in agony.
As he watched the whole thing, Klaus was clearly angry at the witches, as he yelled at them with a threat. “I will bring hell to your family!”
“One last push! Push! The baby’s almost here!” Genevieve said to Katherine.
“I will bathe in rivers of your blood!” Klaus shouted again.
“No! No!” Katherine yelled.
“I can see the baby!” Monique said.
“Push! Gently! Gently!” Genevieve instructed.
Klaus shouted again, saying, “You will die screaming!”
“There!” Genevieve said, the baby now born.
Klaus and Katherine were silent, once the baby was born, looking at their child. One of the witches helped cut the umbilical cord, and Genevieve wrapped the baby in a blanket.
“You have a beautiful baby daughter,” Genevieve announced to them. “We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky.”
“Please. Please, can I hold her?” Katherine questioned.
Genevieve let her hold the child.
Katherine looked at Klaus with a smile and then, now with at least one hand free, she magically was able to throw all of the witches away from them and stood. By doing so, Klaus was now free. Soon, the church was a bloodbath with dead witches, some with hearts ripped out and others magically killed. That night, the witches learned the hard lesson not to try harming Klaus and Katherine’s child, nor Katherine or Klaus themselves, without consequences.
Later, when Klaus found out that Elijah was bitten, he gave Elijah some of his blood to cure him. Then, once they all were home, Katherine layed her down in the nursery.
In the meantime, Cami showed Davina and Marcel Kieran’s collection which Davina automatically recognized as Dark objects spelled by witches for centuries.
Davina was back at the greenhouse with Mikael’s spirit there, her figuring out the spell to bring Mikael back to life.
“It says I need to channel power from a nexus vorti?”
“Ah, yes. My wife, Esther, always did love to dress things up a bit. It's fancy witch-speak. A nexus vorti-- a rare occurrence. Something so infrequent, it's almost a miracle. Like, an astrological event. Or...”
“…A miracle baby.”
“Voilà,” Mikael said, assuring that she was right.
She began collecting all of the dark objects she grabbed from Kieran’s hidden room Cami showed her and Marcel.
“So, are you certain that you have the power to bring me back?” Mikael inquired of her.
“I do now.”
She took the objects and started to set them in various places around the circle. Mikael watched her, as she did so and she held her hands out and began the spell. Soon, the spell was completed and she blacked out on the floor. Mikael fell to the floor too, but in pain as he was resurrected. After the pain had ended though, Mikael pulled himself off the floor and gasped as he was brought back to life.
After he was resurrected, Mikael left to go find a vampire or more to feed upon to death for strength. After he’d finished that,
Later, Davina magically drags Mikael back to the church attic and he can’t get pass the threshold.
“STOP!” Mikael yelled at her.
“Why is this happening? You brought me back to kill my son!”
“I brought you back to punish him. And you will! When I'm ready. And not a minute before,” she ordered him.
Mikael was furious. “What have you done?” He lunged at her, but she stopped him easily with magic.
“I added a little something extra in the spell that brought you back!” She held up her wrist, which she had a dark magic bracelet on that she’d taken from Cami’s arsenal. “I spent eight months of my life up here, being used as a secret weapon.” She smiled. “Now, you can see how it feels.” She used her magic to bring him to her, and then forced him on his knees. “Kneel.” She smiled and magically slammed the attic door shut.
At the compound, Klaus and Elijah were seated in Katerina’s room, as Katerina sat with the baby in the rocking chair in the nursery, located right off of her bedroom. They had just realized tonight that what the witches had planned for Katerina and the child had been Esther influencing them. As they talked, Katherine listened.
“We should have felt our mother's hand in this. We should have known she would not be bound by anything as obvious as death. And now she has control of the witches. They will never stop,” Klaus said to Elijah.
“No,” Elijah agreed.
“Nor would I expect the Guerrera wolves to back down. Katerina and the child are wolf royalty, and as such, they are a threat to Francesca’s claim to the leadership. They will never be safe.” Sadly, he said, “I have brought into the world a weapon they can use against me.”
“Then we will arm ourselves! Brother, we have fought every adversary in this town, and we have won. And we'll fight them again, no matter who they are! We will make this home a fortress.”
Klaus lowered his voice. “I will not have her live her life as a prisoner.”
“Then we leave here, together. All of us.”
“Wherever we go, however far we run, those who seek power and revenge will hunt us! They will hunt her. She has inherited all of our enemies with none of our defenses.”
“So, whether we stay, or we leave—we condemn her,” Elijah stated.
Katherine appeared in the doorway with the baby in her arms.
“There’s a third option. I lived 500 years in a warzone, both around and the cause of it. Because of my actions, I spent nearly my entire life alone and unloved. I made a promise to Hope and myself that she will grow up safe and loved. And yet, here she is, on her first day in this world, with a grandmother who is hell bent on sacrificing her. And as a mother who already lost one child 502 years ago, the only thing to do is to give her to someone who will be more than happy to raise her, while we clean up this mess that we’ve made,” she reasoned with them both.
At first Elijah didn’t like it, but eventually he saw her reasoning and Klaus immediately jumped to it, knowing that it was their only chance. He and Katerina both wouldn’t dare raise their daughter in a city full of war and chaos that they themselves, well, mostly himself, had caused.
After some consideration of who would take Hope, Klaus was standing on a countryside road, while Katherine stayed behind so that it wouldn’t be suspicious for all of them to be leaving together, so no one would sense that they were up to anything. A car pulled up to Klaus and Rebekah stepped out and walked up to Klaus. She smiled when she saw her niece and Klaus. Klaus smiled back before greeting her.
“Hello, sister,” he greeted.
Rebekah gently touched her, and looked at her in wonder.
“Oh, she looks like her mother.” She smiled. “Maybe there is a God after all.”
Klaus laughed. “Well, she has a hint of the devil in her eyes. That’s all me. I need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell.”
“I’ll get one,” she assured him.
“No one can ever find her.”
“I know what to do, Nik,” she assured him. The both looked at her. “Perhaps we’ll get a white fence. I think that would be lovely.”
He held up the baby to get a last look at her and whispered to his child, “This city would have seen you dead. But, I will have it your home. And every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down, just as sure as my blood runs in your veins. You will return to me.” He kissed his daughter on the forehead and the cheek, before handing her to his sister. Then he gave the baby and the tiny wooden knight that he carved for Rebekah a thousand years ago, to Rebekah. He hugged Rebekah and kissed her on the cheek. “Be happy, sister.”
Rebekah smiled. “She will be happy, Nik. I promise.” They smiled at each other. “What’s here name?”
“Hope. Her name is Hope.”
Klaus watched silently, as Rebekah left town with Hope.
At the cemetery, a witch name Vincent and the newly resurrected Harvest girl Cassie, stood at Cassie’s grave. Vincent put a flower on her grave.
“May you rest in peace.”
“What’s the fun in that?” she questioned, looking at him. “Come along. We have much to do.”
“Yes, mother,” Finn in Vincent’s body said to Esther in Cassie’s body.
Esther turned to leave and began to walk off, in which Finn followed suit.