It was a beautiful, sunny day, as Davina and Josh sat on a bench together, Josh wearing sunglasses. They were at a park.
“Have I told you that you’re awesome? ‘Cause you are! I’m with the sun…” He looked at the Daylight ring on his hand. “Daylight rings…” He noticed a cute boy running and checks him out. “That guy jogging in a tank top…”
Davina was distracted by her thoughts and then said, “Josh?”
Josh looked at her.
“Now that you have a ring, I think you need to leave town,” she suggested.
“Whoa!” He took off his sunglasses. “Wait, we’re breaking up?”
“I’m serious!” she replied.
“I know! Serious is kind of your default setting. Which is why you need me around to lighten you up! Ergo-- not leaving.”
Davina looked past Josh and noticed Mikael’s ghost, standing on the sidewalk across the street. It startled her, but when she tried to look again, he was gone. Josh noticed that she was distracted and turned to see what she was looking at behind him.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked, concerned.
“Just witch stuff. Marcel came to me yesterday. He wanted a cloaking spell. He’s going to make a move against Klaus. A big move,” she informed him.
Josh frowned. “Wow, okay. Guess he forgot to call me. Rude! Did you help him?”
“Yes, because I didn’t want him to get killed, but if Klaus finds out, then---“
Josh interrupted her. “Hey! Look, if Marcel’s got a plan, maybe Klaus will buy a clue, realize he’s negative on the popularity chart, and go into vampire retirement? I hear Palm Springs is nice!”
Davina worriedly looked over to where Mikael’s ghost was standing, but he was no longer there.
“Klaus isn’t the only thing we need to be afraid of.” Josh frowned in confusion. “Look, if there’s war coming, promise me you'll go before you get caught up in it.”
Josh smiled sadly and nodded in agreement.
In Klaus’ study, Klaus had given Genevieve the page of Esther’s grimoire that contained the moonlight ring spell. She examined it as Klaus watched.
“Your mother's spell is as complicated as it is elegant. She was clearly a very gifted witch,” she complimented.
Klaus snatched the page from her hand and pointed at it. “Is this the bit, here?”
She snatched it back. “Hey! Like I said, it’s complicated. She bound protection magic to black kyanite stones. A werewolf with the stones is free from turning on a full moon.”
“And what of the improvements?”
“This spell will enhance speed, strength, and agility.”
“There should be something in there about fangs, it’s what our mother used on us when she turned us into vampires,” he replied.
“Not just fangs-- you said you want venom, so the bite is still lethal to vampires.”
Klaus smiled, as Genevieve layed the pages carefully onto the table.
“Here.” She appeared slightly jealous. “It should make a nice gift. I’m sure Katherine will be thrilled.”
“Not just Katerina. You’ll be making quite a few of these. Let’s call it an even hundred,” he informed her.
Genevieve frowned. “That’s not the deal I made with Elijah.”
“Well, you're dealing with me now,” he reminded her. He crouched down to whisper in her ear, saying, “And I am offering considerably more.”
“You think because I sleep with you, I'm suddenly at your beck and call?” she inquired.
“Because you sleep with me, love, I will protect you from those who might do you harm, including my brother. Because I need you, however, I'm prepared to offer something more valuable than my protection.”
“Which is what?” she wanted to know.
“My mother's grimoire, from which I took these spells. You see, Elijah is offering you a mere peek at these pages, but I will grant it to you as a gift. If you pledge your loyalty to me, beginning with the creation of those rings.”
Genevieve shook her hand incredulously. “This has been your plan all along! You want to build a werewolf army, and you’re using me to do it!”
Klaus placed his hand on hers. “Sweetheart, I’m not the enemy. Nor the wolves. Your abusive coven expects you to sacrifice yourself for the last of the Harvest girls.” He cupped her face in his hands. “Do this one favor for me, and you need never fear anyone ever again.”
Marcel and Diego had Jackson and Oliver at Thierry’s old warehouse at the docks, after capturing them the night before. Jackson and Oliver were both bruised and bloody from being beaten. Diego was violently punching Oliver in the face.
“Leave him alone!” Jackson demanded.
“We’ll leave your boy alone when you tell us what Klaus is up to,” Marcel told him.
“How the hell should I know what he’s up to?” Jackson questioned him.
“See, I know you’ve been meeting him. The stones in your duffle bag?” He kneeled down in front of Jackson to look him in the eye. “That’s black kyanite. It's pretty rare. I also know enough about witchcraft to recognize the ingredients of a spell.”
Jackson glared at Marcel angrily.
“So, you’ll make me ask again?” Marcel questioned, which had Jackson sneer at him. “Okay.” Marcel backed away from them and looked at Diego, who grabbed a blowtorch and walked over to them.
“You wanna know the problem with having two werewolf hostages? You really only need one,” Diego said, before lighting the blowtorch and Jackson and Oliver both flinched in fear.
“You Crescent boys, you think you're a bunch of bad asses, but back in '25, I wiped out a whole bloodline of Guerrera werewolves. They were a LOT tougher than you,” Marcel said.
Diego grabbed Oliver by the hair and went to aim the lit blowtorch at his face, when Jackson finally stopped him by saying, “Wait!” Diego looked over at Marcel, who gestured at him to hold off. Diego reluctantly let go of Oliver.
“You let him go, I'll tell you about the stones, about Klaus, whatever,” Jackson assured them.
“Alright! Alright. A deal's a deal.” He turned to Diego. “But, since Nirvana here is gonna turn into a wolf in about eight hours, D, drop his ass off way out into the Bayou.”
Diego gestured at Jackson. “Do I at least get to kill this fool?”
Marcel looked at Jackson who sneered at him. “Nah, I got a better idea.”
After finding out that a couple of his allies were missing, which he knew meant that Marcel had done it, and after having a conversation over the phone with Elijah and Katerina, he jumped from the rooftop he’d been standing on, to stand behind Josh, which startled Josh. This was leverage against Davina for aiding Marcel in a cloaking spell put on Marcel.
“Hello, Joshua,” he greeted, before grabbing and then biting him on the neck.
Davina was in the greenhouse, studying when she sensed something nearby. Behind her, Mikael appeared, looking concerned.
“Davina!” Mikael called to her.
Davina turned her head as she tried to find the source of the voice, but Mikael had disappeared. She got up to investigate, and jumped when she heard a noise behind her. It was Josh who had been thrown into the room.
“Josh?” she questioned.
Josh gasped as he said, “I’m sorry.”
Davina knelt down next to him, worried. “What happened?”
Klaus appeared out of nowhere. “Joshua went and got himself a werewolf bite! Well, a hybrid bite, technically, but it will kill him just the same.”
Davina was furious. “Why are you doing this?”
“Well, I blame you! After all my overtures of friendship, you've once again sided with Marcel, forcing me to do horrible things to someone you care about.” Davina glared at him, and Klaus knelt down to look her in the eye. “I’m not without mercy, Davina. I can cure him. But, you have to cooperate, and tell me where to find Marcel.”
“Why? So you can kill him, too?”
“Marcel chose his path. Seems unfair that Josh should have to suffer for it.”
Davina was silent, so Klaus got up to leave.
“Davina, please,” Josh pleaded with her.
“He’s at a warehouse at the docks! Thierry’s place,” Davina informed Klaus, heeding to both of them.
“You see? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” He walked towards the door.
“What about Josh?” she asked.
Klaus stopped and turned back to her. “He’ll live another twenty-four hours or so. I may need you, and Joshua serves as wonderful leverage. The next time I ask a question, answer quicker.”
She watched, as he vamp-sped away, leaving her there with an uncured Josh.
Meanwhile, Cami was at her Uncle’s apartment, searching through old stuff, searching for the key since Francesca wanted it, saying it was hers because she represented the humans of the city.
Katherine was pacing around the compound, worrying about their current problems. Genevieve was there to look after her, just in case something were to happen while Elijah and Klaus were absent.
“Elijah should have called by now,” she stated.
“Worrying isn’t going to help. You should sit down, try to keep calm.”
Katherine frowned. “What are you, now, magician slash zen-life-coach?”
“The treatment of pregnant women has advanced remarkably since I was a nurse, but even I know high blood pressure is bad for you, and your baby.” Katherine sighed and finally sat down. “Especially now, since you're so close to term.”
“I hate this. I feel completely useless,” Katherine stated to her.
“Don't you get it? You're the point of all this. Klaus and Elijah running all over town?” She sighed. “It’s all for you. I’m a bit envious.”
Katherine already knew that, but said, “Lucky me,” anyway.
“Is there anything I can get you?”
Katherine gave a smile. “How about those moonlight rings for the wolves?”
Genevieve chuckled at that. “The spell can't be performed until the full moon reaches its apex. And, of course, I need the stones, which will be here soon enough. Have a little faith!”
Katherine got up and walked away. She didn’t trust her. In her experience, witches weren’t trustworthy. The most trustworthy witches she’d ever known were Sophie and now Davina.
Klaus and Elijah arrived at the docks and found Jackson, who was still bound to his chair and left with a black hood over his head. However, Marcel and Diego were both gone. Jackson flinched when he was found, until he realized he was being rescued.
Klaus grabbed Jackson’s face in his hand. “Accolades to Marcel, he did quite a dance across the bridge of your nose. Where is he now?”
Jackson looked around, and then looked down at the floor to find that there was an explosive rigged to the legs of his chair, which were connected to a crate that had an even larger bomb inside.
“Nowhere to be found,” Elijah said. He opened a crate to find another explosive. “Although, he did leave us a delightful parting gift.”
“What about the stones?” Klaus asked Jackson.
Jackson was frantic, as he said, “I don’t know. Untie me, I’ll help you find them!”
“Sit still! You’ll be freed as soon as it’s safe,” Elijah told him. He knelt down to examine the triggers on Jackson’s chair, while Klaus looked into another crate, which held yet another bomb.
“Our focus should be the stones. I think you’d agree,” Klaus suggested.
“Disregard my brother. Over the course of the last millennium, his capacity for tact has somewhat diminished,” Elijah said to Jackson.
“Well, that's typical, isn't it? Marcel fills a room with dynamite, and yet, I'm the tactless one.”
“I recognize these explosives from the attack on the Bayou. Could you remind me, again, why you believed that Marcel was innocent?”
Klaus shrugged. “Remind me to ask him before I pull out his innards.” Klaus opened another crate to find that it contained at least six bombs. “Okay—“ He gestured around him and the crate. “Exercise extreme caution in this general area. Bit of a mess.”
Elijah’s phone rang and he saw that Katerina was calling him, so he answered it.
“Impeccable timing,” Elijah greeted.
“What’s going on?” she wanted to know.
“Jackson is fine. He’s…a little tied up right now. Can we call you back?”
Klaus sniggered at Elijah’s joke and then flipped open another crate. Inside were another handful of bombs, with a folded slip of paper on top. Klaus frowned, just as the red blinking light on the bombs turned green.
“Oh, that doesn’t bode well,” Klaus commented.
Jackson angrily said, “Are you trying to kill us?”
“Elijah, tell me what’s going on, now!” Katherine demanded.
Klaus picked up the folded paper, as Elijah watched him.
Klaus read the note aloud in a whisper which read: “This is for Thierry.”
Klaus and Elijah realized they’d been set up, so Elijah quickly grabbed Jackson as he and Klaus vamp-sped away as quickly as they could.
A moment later, the building exploded in huge bursts, which Katherine heard over the phone and was terrified.
When Elijah, Klaus, and Jackson returned, looking disheveled and covered in ash, Katherine was relieved.
Jackson groaned and turned to Elijah, saying, “I got it.”
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she said to them all. She then added, “Thank you,” to them for finding and saving Jackson for her. The wolves over time had all become like friends to her; something she was very low on throughout the centuries that she’d lived as a vampire. Elijah nodded at her, as Jackson sat down. “What about the stones?” Katherine questioned both of the Originals.
Elijah sighed. “Scattered across the bed of the Mississippi, I'd imagine.”
Klaus poured himself a drink. “Marcel's not a fool. He knows an empowered werewolf army would mean the end of vampires in New Orleans. The explosion is his way of saying he means to prevent that. For all the good it'll do him.”
“Well, it did him pretty darn well, didn't it?” she commented to him. She then looked at Elijah who frowned.
“This is my fault. I'll find a way to fix it,” Jackson said, blaming himself.
Katherine assured him that it wasn’t his fault, but Klaus said, “I’m blaming you! Those stones will be hard to replace.” Klaus looked over at Elijah and smiled evilly, before saying, “Fortunately, I always have a backup plan.”
Katherine smiled at that, knowing that was coming. She knew he always had a backup plan, just as she always did when she’d been a vampire. Her smile faded though, when they went downstairs and saw Francesca walk into the compound with five men, all of whom were wearing suits, and one of whom were carrying a briefcase.
“You can’t seriously mean her!” she objected with Klaus.
“I see her more as a means of procuring rare items at short notice,” Klaus assured her. He turned to Francesca and her entourage. “Greetings, Ms. Correa! I see you’ve brought company.”
“These are my brothers. I always include them in delicate business matters.” She turned to her brothers. “Fella, meet Mr. Mikaelson.”
Klaus smiled. “Please, call me Klaus. All my friends do.”
Katherine couldn’t help but remember him saying nearly the same thing to her when they’d first met back in 1492, when she’d called him Niklaus until he’d corrected her. She smiled at the thought and memory.
“I don't know if I'd call us friends.” She reached into the briefcase her brother was holding, and pulled out a small drawstring bug. “But, if you and Marcel are planning on having a little throw down, I’d prefer my family to be on the same side as the inevitable victor.”
“Then, you have what I asked for?” Klaus probed.
She held out the bag. “Not enough for an army at such short notice, but it's a start.”
Elijah joined the conversation. “Strange, I wasn’t aware that she was familiar with our plan.”
“My price for doing business is full disclosure. Your brother complied.
“And what does the Human Faction stand to benefit from all of this?”
“I only want us to solidify our allegiance to the ruling class. It’s good for business.”
Klaus examined the stones. “If only everyone shared your capacity for reason.”
“Sadly, they don’t. Marcel is being especially vindictive. I’m worried he might come after me, or my family, just for meeting with you.” She took a deep breath. “It might be in our best interest if we combine our efforts.”
“So be it! The more bodies we have to defend the compound, the better. Let’s get started, shall we?”
While Klaus was scheming with Francesca, Katherine was tending to Jackson’s wounds upstairs. After a few minutes, she finally finished bandaging him up and smiled.
He stood and put his shirt back on. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, it was Elijah and Klaus who vamped your ass to safety.”
“Yeah, well, they really seem to care about you.”
“It’s…complicated,” he summed up.
“I think that's the understatement of the year.” Katherine smiled at him and he added, “Look, I gotta go get back to the Bayou before the moon rises.”
“Jackson, this will be the last time. After tonight, you’ll never have to turn again. No more pain, no more hiding in the bayou. I promise.”
“You know, Klaus isn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He's doing it for you. Katherine, you’re the one who’s going to change everything for us.”
As Jackson left, Elijah approached them.
Jackson took a deep breath. “Seems I owe you yet again.”
Elijah nodded. He then turned to Katerina. “I understand he risked his life to save his friend. He’s a good man.”
“Yes, he is,” she agreed.
In another room, Genevieve had everything arranged to start the moonlight ring spell.
Klaus walked into the room. “I trust you’re ready?”
She sighed. “The last ingredient is personal. As the spell is designed to control transformation, I need the blood of a werewolf who doesn't turn on a full moon. My first thought was Katherine, because of the pregnancy--,” she started to end, talking about the baby that was to be a hybrid as well as a witch.
“Out of the question. I'd just as soon limit the mother of my unborn side to the side-effects of your witchery. I am half-wolf, I control my form-- use my blood.” He held his hand out to her, but when she grabbed a knife to use to cut his palm, he grabbed her roughly by the arm. “If you fail to hold up your end of the deal, the consequences for you will be apocalyptic.”
She was nervous but said, “You say the most romantic things.”
She took his hand and used her knife to cut his palm. She dripped the blood over the stones and it hissed as she began the spell.
In the meantime, Marcel was reviewing his army of vampires the battle plans, before they started.
Genevieve continued to cast the moonlight ring spell in the Mikaelson compound while Klaus, Katherine, and Elijah watched. She held her hands out and chanted.
Francesca rushed in and said, “My people say Marcel is on the move, and he’s bringing friends.”
Klaus turned to Elijah before rushing away. “Get Katerina to safety.”
Elijah walked over to Katerina and grabbed her arm. “Come with me.”
“No. Someone needs to watch her.”
Francesca said to Elijah, “You should help Klaus. My brothers and their security detail won't be much against a vampire army. I'll stay with Katherine.”
Katherine nodded to Elijah. “Go, Elijah.” She walked over to him and looked him in the eye. “And don’t hold back.”
Elijah reluctantly agreed to the plan and left to help Klaus.
Downstairs, Elijah strolled into the courtyard, where Francesca’s brothers and their security guards were aiming guns at the vampires who were flooding in from every direction. He joined Klaus in the center of the room as the vampires surrounded them on all sides.
Klaus smiled. “I thought this lot had learnt their lesson!”
“Well, they’re not exactly renowned for their genius,” Elijah commented.
Klaus said to the crowd,” So, where’s the ringleaders of this circus?” He turned to face the other side of the room. “Too afraid to show his face?”
Marcel appeared on the balcony. “I’m here! And I’m gonna offer you one last chance to pack your stuff and get the hell out of my town.”
“You’ll allow your men to rush to their deaths? Again?”
“Look around. Every vampire in the Quarter is coming out! They want their city back. No surrender this time. You're gonna have to kill us all.”
Klaus was unfazed. “Okay! I think I’ll start with you.”
“Fine. Then, come get me.”
Marcel vamp-sped away.
“If you don’t kill him, I will,” Elijah informed Klaus.
“He’s mine. This won’t take long.”
Klaus vamp-sped away, leaving Elijah with the rest of the vampires. Elijah confidently unbuttoned his jacket and smiled. “Gentlemen.” He held out his arms. “Shall we?”
Vampires started jumping down from the balconies and lunged for him, and he jumped into battle mode and started fighting.
Klaus was in the French Quarter, angrily stalking down the street to find Marcel. After walking for a moment, he turned just in time to see Marcel jump down behind him. The two began to fight. At first, Marcel was on top, and beat Klaus up pretty badly.
“Not bad. But, not nearly good enough,” Klaus commented. They resumed fighting and Klaus gained the upper hand quickly, and threw Marcel across the street, where he hit a parked car. Klaus approached him. “How pathetic you've become. Explosives, Marcellus? Really? I should have known it was you who detonated those bombs in the Bayou.”
“The docks! That was me. I got the detonators from Francesca. Why don't you ask her about the Bayou bombing?” Marcel tried to tell him.
“Lies! And distractions!” Klaus replied.
Marcel yelled, saying, “I never went after Katherine! I’m not a monster, Klaus! I'm not you.”
Klaus glared at him furiously.
In the courtyard, Elijah was fiercely fighting against all of the vampires, and despite being severely outnumbered, he was still winning. Many of the vampires tried to stake him with regular wooden stakes, but he simply stole them and used the stakes on them.
One of the security guards made his way into the room where Genevieve was casting the spell, in order to get Francesca out of there. She held up a hand and said, “Not yet.”
“Ms. Correa, we need to go. Your brothers are already headed out the back.”
Katherine saw that Cami was calling her, but because of what was all going on, she ignored it, figuring that it could wait until later.
Genevieve stopped chanting, the spell completed, and picked up a stone to examine it. She was impressed. “The stones are finished. I’ve done my part. Now, it’s up to you.”
Katherine went to grab the stones. “I’ll get them to the Bayou.”
Francesca rushed over to Genevieve and held out her hand. “Actually, she was talking to me. Call it a side deal. The point is, I’m taking the stones.” She started to walk away.
Katherine followed her. “Are you out of your mind? You think the humans can go up against Klaus?”
“No, I don’t. But, I’m not human.” She pulled out a knife and used it to slit the throat of her bodyguard. When the bodyguard died, she doubled over in pain. She looked back up at Katherine with gold eyes and fangs, which revealed to Katherine that the Guerra family were wolves instead of humans. “And now, I’m gonna take back my town!”
“Like hell you are!” Katherine protested. Human or not, she wasn’t going to let werewolves like her take over New Orleans. This was her home now, as much as it was the Mikaelson’s. She couldn’t do anything right now though, since Genevieve and Francesca were now leaving.
Klaus and Marcel were still fighting outside. Klaus had knocked Marcel to the ground and was punching him in the face over and over again. Klaus started to feel weak after a while, and stood up, leaving Marcel laying on the ground disoriented, though Klaus wasn’t sure why he was feeling weak.
“Marcellus. How well your name fits you-- little warrior. Though, ultimately one of no consequence.”
Marcel forced himself to stand up in front of Klaus.
“My name is Marcel!”
Marcel lunged for Klaus whom easily blocked him. He slammed his head against a car that was parked on the street and twisted his arm behind his back.
“Is there no end to your defiance? You summon Mikael, turn Rebekah against me, try to bury me in your Garden? And yet, you always fail.” Marcel tried to fight against him, but Klaus grabbed his face in his hands and stared him in the eyes. “What is there left to do but put you out of your misery?” Klaus let out his hybrid face and bit Marcel on the neck, feeding on his blood.
In the meantime, Cami was leaving Katherine a voicemail after trying to call her six times.
At the Mikaelson compound, Elijah was still fighting against the vampires.
Outside the courtyard, Francesca was handing out moonlight stones to her brothers.
“We spent two generations living a lie. And now, our time. Our time has come. You know what to do.” When she left them, one of her brothers killed another bodyguard to trigger his werewolf curse.
Back on the streets, Klaus stopped feeding on Marcel and gasped in pain. His hand had sliced itself open in the same place as Genevieve had cut it during the spell. He fell to his knees, and Marcel, weakened from his hybrid bite, tried to pick himself off the ground.
At the Mikaelson compound, another one of Francesca’s brothers killed another bodyguards, and triggered his curse.
On the streets, Klaus cried out in pain again, as if he was being affected by each newly-triggered werewolf who had a stone.
A third Correa brother triggered his curse.
Klaus saw Marcel standing up and roared at him fiercely.
Marcel vamp-sped away.
Back at the compound, the fountain in the courtyard was full of blood. Elijah paced around the room at all of the severely injured and dead vampires laying around the room.
Elijah seemed bored, as he asked them, “Are we done?”
Diego lurked in the corner, injured but braced himself for another fight, ready to die fighting for what he thought was a good cause. But then Francesca entered.
“Well, nice job! Saved me the trouble of killing all these vampires myself!”
Elijah looked at her, confused, until two of her fully brothers jumped him at both sides, biting into his neck. Diego was terrified, realizing that the moonlight rings were finished. Elijah dropped onto the ground, but fought against both of the wolves.
“RUN!” Diego yelled.
All of the wounded vampires that could still run, ran.
“Kill as many of them as you can,” she ordered her brothers.
The newly-turned werewolves rushed around and attacked all of the vampires that they could get their paws on. Before Diego could get away, one of the brothers found him and latched onto his neck.
Meanwhile, Klaus stumbled into the bar and saw a custodian mopping the floor.
“I'm sorry, mate, but I'm a bit famished,” he apologized, before biting into his neck and feeding on him. He held out his hand which was still bleeding. Genevieve came in and laughed at that moment, once the guy was on the ground.
“You look awful.”
“What aren’t I healing? What have you done to me?” he solicited.
She approached him. “Well, you're the one who wanted me to cast the spell. So, I made your stones... by linking their power to your blood. And now, each full moon, whenever a werewolf uses their power to keep from turning, they'll be drawing from your strength! And causing you pain.”
He groaned in pain. “After all I offered you, you will betray me?”
She knelt in front of him and grabbed his face. “Look me in the eyes, Nik. Were you ever planning to give me your mother’s grimoire? Did you care about me, even for a moment?”
Klaus glared at her. “I suppose you’ll never know.”
Genevieve stood up to leave. “Francesca kept her end of the deal. There is, after all, honor among thieves, even if they are werewolves. And as for you? The great irony is, in wanting to take the city, you lost everything.” Klaus pulled himself to his feet. “Your sister Rebekah, your adopted son Marcel, and now, even your child and her mother will suffer, all because of your greed.”
Klaus lunged at her, but collapsed at her feet. “I will kill you.”
“As weak as you are? Doubtful.”
She threw out a hand and used a pain infliction spell on him, but when Katherine entered and saw the scene, she used her Traveler magic to throw Genevieve across the bar, making her land against a wall.
“I think you’ve done enough damage. Now get out before I kill you myself,” she ordered the witch.
She knelt down and put an arm around him, helping him to his feet, in which he let her do. Then she helped him walk, which was slow progress, considering how weak he was. Eventually though, she got him home.
After getting home, Klaus cured Marcel and a few of the vampires and then Katherine got Klaus to bed, even as pregnant as she was.
Afterward, she went back downstairs to see the damage and caught Marcel before he could leave, even though his living and cured vampires had gone.
“Where’s Elijah?”
“I don’t know. Klaus and I went off into the streets to fight,” he replied.
“Go home,” she ordered him. “I need to find Elijah.” With that, she left.
Davina was still at the Greenhouse with a bitten and dying Josh laying on the table.
“Josh? Please, drink this,” she encouraged, and helped him lift his head so she could feed him some water, but it made him gag and cough.
“Oh, man.” He groaned.
Davina was near tears. “Just hang on, please?”
Josh layed back down on the table, very out of it. Davina was so upset that Josh was dying that she angrily threw the glass of water at the wall. Mikael appeared behind her.
“Surely you're not surprised? Deep down, you knew Niklaus would leave Joshua to die.”
Davina angrily said, “Why are you still here?”
“I haven't much time left. But then, neither does your friend.”
Davina rubbed Josh’s arm soothingly. “I can heal him. I’ll find a way.”
“Even if you could, how long 'til it happens again? As long as Niklaus remains in your liens, you and your loved ones will continue to suffer his torment. I am the only man in history who's been able to drive him off. To bring him fear and pain. If your friend needs Klaus' blood to survive, I've been known to spill a fair share of it.”
“You’ll help me save Josh?” she quizzed him, skeptical that he’d help her.
“I do have personal reasons for wanting Niklaus to suffer, but yes. I'd like nothing more than to help you. “
“And all I have to do is raise you from the dead.”
“A small price to pay to cure your friend and live a life free of a monster. Think, Davina. There still exists a weapon that can kill Klaus. Bring back the one being who has the strength to use it.”
Josh had another coughing fit, which distracted her for a moment. When she looked back to where Mikael was standing, he was gone.
“Who were you talking to?” Josh asked.
She smiled. “It doesn’t matter. I’m gonna fix you.”
After Oliver had recently turned back into a human, Francesca met up with him in the Bayou with a moonlight stone.
“It’s done!” She gave it to him. “A deal’s a deal.”
“You said the bombing was gonna be minor. No casualties. All I wanted was rally the Crescent against the vampires.”
“And isn’t that exactly what happened?”
Oliver was frustrated. “People died! My people! MY PACK!”
“Your pack? That's funny, because it looked to me like they were ready to follow Katherine. But now, thanks to me, we have control over the very thing that will inspire loyalty from both the Crescents AND the Guerreras. The means to make our people even more powerful. The only thing that I had to trade away was the one person who could have challenged us. Poor Katherine. It is a shame. The witches drive a hard bargain. But, every revolution requires sacrifice. This city will belong to the wolves again. All we have to do is take it.”
When Elijah realized that Katerina wasn’t home, he realized that something had happened, so he went in search of her, figuring it probably had something to do with the witches.
Katherine struggled with the witches inside the church, whom had both her arms. Monique and another witch waited for them in the pews. Katherine could only hope that someone would come to her rescue if she couldn’t rescue herself or their child, because she realized what they were planning to do to them both.
“Get her down on the floor!” Genevieve ordered the witches restraining her.
“We should take her to the City of the Dead,” Monique suggested.
“We won’t make it, the baby is coming now,” Genevieve replied.
“No! It's too soon!” Katherine yelled.
“Apparently not,” Genevieve disagreed.
Monique grabbed Genevieve by the arm. “The plan was to induce her when the sacrifice was ready!”
“I had to subdue her, and the trauma caused a placental abruption. So, the baby is coming, and we’ll just have to adapt.”
Katherine was still fighting against the witches holding her down. “LET ME GO!”
“You need to be calm, Katherine,” Genevieve soothed.
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“To be reborn, you must sacrifice,” Monique answered her.
Katherine pushed Monique’s hand away. “What does that mean, you psychotic bitch?”
“The ancestors demand an offering in exchange for power,” Genevieve informed her.
“You and your child will be a fine offering,” Monique said.
“You will not take my baby, I will kill ALL OF YOU!” she threatened them.
“No, you won't! And neither will Klaus, or Elijah! When your baby is born, you will offer her up to those who came before us,” Monique said.
She continued to struggle against the witches.
“I’m sorry, Katherine, but this is the way it had to be,” Genevieve soothed.
“No!” Katherine yelled.
The witches began to prepare.