King Claude glared down at the young woman below him, the royal sitting in his golden throne while the beauty was forced onto her knees and had chains wrapped around her delicate wrists. Despite’s the fact King Claude had the clear advantage, what with the amount of guards in the throne room and how the girl was chained up, his hands felt cold and clammy, his heart pounding in his chest.
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“I admit, I find it rather surprising you were foolish enough to cause such trouble in my kingdom. The bounty on your head has only increased the more kingdoms you brought to ruin, yet you throw your life away for what? A mere slave?” The King taunted, forcing his voice to sound arrogant and powerful despite’s how he truly felt.
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Rumors of the young woman in front of him has existed since just before her birth. Born the first of four prophesied children who would mature powerful enough to reign terror and chaos upon the lands, she has been hunted down as soon as she drew her first breathe. Yet, she was found and raised by a mysterious winged woman, who prevented all from ending her life as a child.
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“Am I the one who is throwing their life away? I wouldn’t really call it that.” The woman said much too calmly, raising her head up and allowing her eyes to gaze upon the king. Claude felt his breathe hitch in his throat at the full sight of her beauty, the plumpness of her soft looking rose pink lips, the gentle curve of her jaw, her flawless pale skin that was covered in light freckles, the way her fiery red curls framed her face. What was most captivating was her eyes however. Framed by long, dark lashes, were eyes no other had. Dark purple the exact shade of expensive wine, they held a faint glow as the woman gazed at him.
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“What would you call it then? Years of running and manipulating the weak-willed into your command, yet allowing yourself to get captured so easily. You didn’t even put up a fight!” King Claude exclaimed, angry at himself for allowing the temptress to distract him with her beauty. Her unnatural, godlike beauty that could only come from her lineage.
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Loud, high laughter echoed across the room, the woman throwing her head back as if the king was a mere court jester. “Why wouldn’t I wish to see the face of one of the royals who murdered my family?” Her voice was cold as ice, her smile seeming to turn sharper.
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“Your Majesty, do you not remember five years ago? Were you not one of seven Royals who sent your armies out to attack us? Watching us silently for days, before finally ambushing us while we slept?” She asked, voice turning to a sweet lilt as she tilted her head at him. She didn’t let out even a hiss of pain as one of the guards behind her reached out and roughly pulled her head back, fist twisting into the curls. If anything, she merely let out another giggle.
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“I watched as my mother and youngest brother were consumed by flames, while my other two siblings were beheaded mere moments afterwards.” She continued on, the earth suddenly shaking and vines beginning to enter the castle through the cracks of the stone castle.
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“What are you idiots standing there for?! Kill the bitch!” King Claude ordered his men in rage, his guards beginning to pull their weapons out and rushing towards the woman. “Not one of you make a single move.” A sweet, yet echoey voice leaves the woman’s lips, the King unable to do anything as his body stiffened and his men go still as statues.
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The vines tangled around his guards’ legs, slowly twisting and curling around the rest of their bodies. The woman forced her hair out of the now-stiff guard’s hold, standing up from her kneeling position and slowly making her way towards King Claude.
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“I would have been merciful, had you not been someone who helped kill my family. All we wanted was to be left alone to live our lives.” She said softly, stopping just in front of him. Sweat ran down Claude’s temple as her slim fingers trailed teasingly up his cheeks, heart racing in his chest. Whether it was completely by fear, he did not know.
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“My siblings were merely sixteen and eight when they died. Every single day without them and my mother feels cold and empty…” She confessed, eyes lightening to a more violet color as the glow of her eyes grew stronger. Her nails dug into his cheeks and he couldn’t do anything but let out a muffled noise of pain.
“You’re the last Royal I will destroy. Although tempting to kill more with the amount of celebrations I’ve passed through during the anniversary of my family’s death, I’ve killed those who caused their deaths. I have no more reason to hold off on faking my death and going somewhere isolated to live out the rest of my days.” Her voice turned soft and somber, hands relaxing as they gently went down to tilt his chin up.
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She leaned down and pressed her lips gently against his own, the sweet taste of honeysuckle and wine filling his mouth immediately. A strange haze filled his mind, and his lips moved on their own to kiss back, Claude not noticing the vines crawling over his body, nor of them beginning to squeeze his throat.
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She pulled away from him after a few seconds, King Claude letting out a groan as he wished for her to return. As the life was squeezed out of him, the last thing he heard was the siren voice that the enchanting woman—no— Clementine sang out as she turned away, the King unable to do anything but stare with an aching heart as the beauty abandoned him to a slow death of suffocation in his throne room.
Summary answering your questions about my villain Clementine:
Does Clementine have a domain or lair? No, she no longer has a place to call home, merely wandering through the forest to get to her destinations while staying hidden. She does stop at Inns every once in awhile, but always keeps a disguise up to avoid persecution.
What is Clementine willing to do to get what she wants? She is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants, although it depends on how much she truly wants something in the first place. In the case of this story, she has destroyed multiple kingdoms, ended several royal bloodlines, and seduced/mind controlled informants, not caring of the anarchy or chaos she leaves in her wake.
How far as Clementine already gone? Very far considering, again, destroyed entire kingdoms and ended multiple bloodlines. Even finding out each individual member of the armies who participated in the massacre of her family, and killing them, no matter how old or young they were.
Does Clementine have a companion(s)? She had a few romantic ones in the past, most of them being loyal members of the cult she’s procured over the years. None over the last five years unless she was manipulating someone for information though.
Allies? A few who were paid enough gold or threatened enough to give her supplies and the information she needed.
Why is Clementine the way she is? She was a child born with a prophecy that basically claimed she and three other children would grow powerful in the future and ‘cause chaos and anarchy to reign with every breathe they take.’ She and the other children were kept protected by a former Queen of Hell named Charlotte, but they were all killed in the middle of the night when she was twenty years old. She almost died that night too, only being rescued by her Godly father being a good parent for once and stealing her away before she could be killed. Not fast enough to avoid her witnessing her loved ones’ deaths.
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Basics of what she looks like and their personality? Along with a twist/quirk she has? Clementine is the child of the Greek God of Wine and Insanity, Dionysus, and a beautiful, yet forgettable mortal woman. Due to both her parents (mostly her father), Clementine is a beauty that only close descendants of the Gods can achieve. She has a slim yet curvy body with a petite height, fair skin with the only blemish being the light freckles that cover her body and face, with curly red hair that flows down to her waist. Her large, doe-shaped eyes are the same shade of wine purple as her father’s, glowing when feeling strong emotions. She has soft facial features with a button nose and plump rose pink lips, able to captivate people with her beauty easily if she so wished.
Before the death of her family, Clementine was a flirtatious, yet sweet girl, having a strong love for animals and plant life along with being unable to resist helping those in need. She was quick to fall in love, yet was cautious and protective when it came to her loved ones. She was like a bright sun, shinning a light on those she trusted and willing to do whatever she had to in order to keep them safe, leading to recklessness and short-hand thinking.
After their death however, all the joy and light she once had disappeared, leaving her a shell of her former self. She became sadistic and manipulative, charming those she found useful to give her what she needs in order to achieve her goals of revenge.
A quirk/twist she has is giving every Royal who send their armies on her family a kiss on the lips, using her magic to activate pheromones that made them lust and obsess after her despite’s them dying. It is a mockery of the intimacy of a true love’s kiss, something she once believed from the fairytales her mother used to read her.
I honestly finished all this within an hour or two, and it’s basically a possible ‘BAD END’ of a story I have called ‘Using Aggressive Kindness to Stop the Apocalypse’. It’s not even that far ahead in the story, Clementine still being a child at the moment recently rescued by the demon woman, but I have plenty of plot lined up for the rest of the future chapters.