Thanks for being a good friend on this site. You were with me in the beginning, and in the end. I wiped my account that its almost clean. Wanted to give you a little something. I figured these coins weren't worth much if I wasn't going to use it anymore. It was nice knowing you, it really was. I hope one day you become all that you set out to be. I hope one day that you'll do all that you want to do. And if you want, meet someone along the way. I know it was a bit rough on this site for you, and for me. But you staying a good friend all throughout it really made me think that there are good people on the internet. I write this as a final goodbye, because it is. If you want, you can find me by asking Mira. But maybe this was just a momentary relationship. And sometimes, those are the best kinds.
Bro ur makin me cry. I'm gonna miss you so shucking much. You were such a good friend, and I am so sorry for the way this site has treated you. I hope that life gives you everything you deserve. I love you Bro, and I'll miss you. See you on the other side.
See you on the other side, Twain.
I'm gonna miss you so shucking much. You were such a good friend, and I am so sorry for the way this site has treated you. I hope that life gives you everything you deserve.
I love you Bro, and I'll miss you.
See you on the other side.
im not even that late this time
scratch that April was like 5 months ago