Regular Writer
From United States;
Born 7th Nov 1997;
High School;
Joined Jan 13, 2015
It's Over Dramatic Opera Singer. Inside joke, private message me if you wish to hear the story...
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It's Over Dramatic Opera Singer. Inside joke, private message me if you wish to hear the story...
I love Assassin's Creed, Skillet, God, my family, Tobuscus, Minecraft, all kinds of music and, sambuca cookies
I play the flute, piccolo, guitar, piano, and saxophone. I'm addicted to music and video games.
I'm seventeen years old and a Junior at A&M Consolidated High School and a marcher and musician in the Tiger Band.
Add me on Snapchat I would love to meet and talk to my faithful readers:pla2nbj
Follow me on Instagram: over_dramatic_opera_singer