Alan T. Tryth
Regular Writer
From United States;
Born 26th Feb 1981;
Some College;
Joined Aug 12, 2015
I am Alan T. Tryth, Chronicler of the Elsewhere Incorporate. My page, loyal friend, and occasional human puppet's name is Michael James Wilbur. As staunch supporters of the Elsewhere Incorporate and its goals, we work to make this Universe a better place in the only way we know how; by writing stories both short and novel-length that leave readers smiling.
I am Alan T. Tryth, Chronicler of the Elsewhere Incorporate. My page, loyal friend, and occasional human puppet's name is Michael James Wilbur. As staunch supporters of the Elsewhere Incorporate and its goals, we work to make this Universe a better place in the only way we know how; by writing stories both short and novel-length that leave readers smiling.