Leisure Writer
From United States;
Born 5th Jul 2001;
Middle School;
Joined Jan 30, 2017
Hello internet peeps,
… more
Hello internet peeps,
I'm not too good at this kind of thing but here goes nothing,
Some things you should know about me...
1. I am an amateur writer who strives to be better all the time
2. I am a proud member of the LGBT+
3. I am no longer planning to go to Japan. At least not right now.
4. There is no fourth number, forget you ever saw this.
5. If I like your work, I will tell you, likewise if I don't.
6. I read anything people suggest to me, no exceptions.
7. If I don't get to talk to you immediately, its not 'cause I don't want to talk, I just haven't gotten to it yet.
8. You are all family to me, don't stop getting better, and remember 'If today was perfect, there would be no need for tomorrow'
9. I have a huge procrastinating problem, but I'll work on it later
I recently (not recent anymore, but still relevant) saw a story about a girl who killed herself because of bullying, so if you are being bullied, or just need someone to talk to, please PM me. You matter, don't let anyone tell you different.
And that concludes all you need to know about me... for now
Keep moving forward,