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Professional Writer
Beta Reader
From United States;
Born 25th Sep 1967;
Joined Apr 5, 2023
Greetings Brethren,
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Greetings Brethren,
On the night Donald Trump was running for President he tried to expand his base by appealing to the black people. And he said, "What have you got to lose?"
I was writing my novel Two Inches at the time, but I stopped because I was watching him campaign.
Wait, wait, wait, I thought. You have all the money in the world and the best speechwriters that money can hire, and that's the best you can come up with?
What have you got to lose?
The election is what you have to lose. So I tweeted him, If you want to make your appeal universal you have to transcend skin color, and I said, "No matter our race or skin color... we all bleed red."
And he used it -without giving me credit.
The exact quote was "We all bleed red, and we all die broke."
What could be cooler than a rich, white, man telling you and me and everyone else on the planet that no matter your skin color, you can't cheat death? And no matter how much money you have, we all die broke. And you ain't taking it with you to Heaven or Hell.
Now that's Universal.
He never said, "We all die broke," but he did use "We all bleed red."
When I called him on it, he tried to change it to we all bleed the same red, white, and blue blood of the American patriots...
I don't even know what the hell that means.
People say Rath you were not the first to say "We all bleed red."
It's an old saying that has been said many times by many people all through history.
I never heard it before but as soon as I said it, everyone discredited my claim.
There was a movie called an Officer and a Gentleman and at the end, Lou Gosset, hit that punk bitch Richard Gere in the mouth, and after he did, he bled, and Louie Gosset as Sgt Foley said, "Your blood is as red as mine, ain't it (Mayo).
I think that's where the confusion comes from -that movie quote.
But If that quote was in a movie or book, before I tweeted Donald Trump, I never heard of it.
And I have many other original quotes that other people try to take credit for.
I also told Eisner when he was still CEO of Disney when Euro-Disney was failing to build a Disney Land in Hawaii.
Everybody would go to that.
Two weeks is too long for most vacations, After a week you're ready to come home, and Hawaii as beautiful as it is gets boring and very expensive.
A Disney in Hawaii would give the family another week to do something while they're there. And unlike Europe, everybody would go to a Disney in Hawaii.
It's rumored through the grapevine that there building one now, but I'm still waiting on my check.
Love Me Or Hate Me, I am ORIGINAL!!!
On the night Donald Trump was running for President he tried to expand his base by appealing to the black people. And he said, "What have you got to lose?"
I was writing my novel Two Inches at the time, but I stopped because I was watching him campaign.
Wait, wait, wait, I thought. You have all the money in the world and the best speechwriters that money can hire, and that's the best you can come up with?
What have you got to lose?
The election is what you have to lose. So I tweeted him, If you want to make your appeal universal you have to transcend skin color, and I said, "No matter our race or skin color... we all bleed red."
And he used it -without giving me credit.
The exact quote was "We all bleed red, and we all die broke."
What could be cooler than a rich, white, man telling you and me and everyone else on the planet that no matter your skin color, you can't cheat death? And no matter how much money you have, we all die broke. And you ain't taking it with you to Heaven or Hell.
Now that's Universal.
He never said, "We all die broke," but he did use "We all bleed red."
When I called him on it, he tried to change it to we all bleed the same red, white, and blue blood of the American patriots...
I don't even know what the hell that means.
People say Rath you were not the first to say "We all bleed red."
It's an old saying that has been said many times by many people all through history.
I never heard it before but as soon as I said it, everyone discredited my claim.
There was a movie called an Officer and a Gentleman and at the end, Lou Gosset, hit that punk bitch Richard Gere in the mouth, and after he did, he bled, and Louie Gosset as Sgt Foley said, "Your blood is as red as mine, ain't it (Mayo).
I think that's where the confusion comes from -that movie quote.
But If that quote was in a movie or book, before I tweeted Donald Trump, I never heard of it.
And I have many other original quotes that other people try to take credit for.
I also told Eisner when he was still CEO of Disney when Euro-Disney was failing to build a Disney Land in Hawaii.
Everybody would go to that.
Two weeks is too long for most vacations, After a week you're ready to come home, and Hawaii as beautiful as it is gets boring and very expensive.
A Disney in Hawaii would give the family another week to do something while they're there. And unlike Europe, everybody would go to a Disney in Hawaii.
It's rumored through the grapevine that there building one now, but I'm still waiting on my check.
Love Me Or Hate Me, I am ORIGINAL!!!
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