Just Mae
Regular Writer
From Australia;
Born 2nd Jun;
Joined Mar 17, 2023
I’m that one chip you drop and don’t know where it went.
I'm a 5'4" gremlin of chaos, need something burned down? i have just the lighter for you.
Someone bothering you? I have a shovel and a backyard.
A teacher gave you a bad grade? Me too bruv.
(Litterly everything i write on here is outdated and bad, not even close to my best work!)
I’m that one chip you drop and don’t know where it went.
I'm a 5'4" gremlin of chaos, need something burned down? i have just the lighter for you.
Someone bothering you? I have a shovel and a backyard.
A teacher gave you a bad grade? Me too bruv.
(Litterly everything i write on here is outdated and bad, not even close to my best work!)