Professional Writer
From United Kingdom;
Born 24th Sep 1978;
Some College;
Joined May 13, 2015
Hello, I am the author of the unconventional fantasy series Master Shǒuwèi. I have been a writer for 24 years and self-published for 22 years. I am a Dyslexic author who writes stories for people with Dyslexia and English is not their first language.
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Hello, I am the author of the unconventional fantasy series Master Shǒuwèi. I have been a writer for 24 years and self-published for 22 years. I am a Dyslexic author who writes stories for people with Dyslexia and English is not their first language.
Here I will be posting stories which might be based on characters that appear or are mentioned in the series, or I might post an alternative fantasy story.
I would say my influence for my unusual writing style comes from reading Elric, Forgotten Realms, Dungeon & Dragons and Vampire Hunter D novels.