Leisure Writer
From United States;
Born 16th Jun 2000;
High School;
Joined Jun 23, 2014
Hey all! I'm Imaginessence, but I'd much prefer to go by Zeta or Madge. Much shorter and snappier, don'tcha think?
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Hey all! I'm Imaginessence, but I'd much prefer to go by Zeta or Madge. Much shorter and snappier, don'tcha think?
Anyway, my motivation is terrible when it comes to finishing long stories, so I'll probably just be writing one-shots or collections of short pieces. I have a soft spot for personifications and science fiction, so you can expect stories along that vein from me. I also write poetry from time to time, and although I think it's not half as solid as my prose, I'll probably end up posting some of it anyway. When I'm not writing, I'm probably singing, eating, sleeping, browsing other fiction or fanfiction, and/or chatting on Facebook.
Welp, that's about it. Toodles, folks!