Touch starved | Penana
Touch starved
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Touch starved
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He should be here soon! Any second! I'll just count to ten and he'll probably walk through the door!

1... 2... 3... 4....

Fuck it- I can't wait! Come on Karl- hurry up!! 

I  was pacing back and forth in front of the door, waiting for Karl to get here, while Luke sat on the couch.

"Come on, Nick; you're being clingy! Come cuddle with me while we wait," Luke said. I sighed and began walking over, but just as I got close to the cough, the doorbell rang. Luke jumped up from the couch and we both ran over to the door. As we opened the door in a rush, we saw a tired Karl staring down at his phone. Before he got the chance to look up, we both pulled him into a tight hug. He chuckled.

"Well hello to the both of you as well," He said as he hugged us back. It was good to have Karl back home.

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Total Reading Time: 42 minutes
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