Series: Before The Thunder | Penana
Series: Before The Thunder
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Series: Before The Thunder
Kirishima Aoi
Judging: Creator's Pick
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The sound of thunder ceased, and rain quickly poured soon after, soaking the streets, buildings, everything. Traffic started to worsen, and yelling started to fill the atmosphere.

However, that is a whole different story.

Although the rain was still pouring and the noises continued, he didn't move the slightest. Remained standing on the sidewalk, he soaked in rain while ignoring the gazes of some people who started to bore because of the traffic. It was as if he was a statue.

However, that silence didn't last long. As though something crossed his mind, he looked up to the sky and chuckled. Tears started to drop and lurk among the dropplets of rain, and his chuckle slowly stopped and turned into a slightly awkward laugh as he tried not to cry, but it was pointless. He realized that guilt had already blighted him. He didn't admit it, but he realizes this fact - that he wants a second chance.

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Total Reading Time: 3 minutes
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