School of War | Penana
School of War
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School of War
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In a storm of neon lightning our world ended.

From the ruins of our society, a new world is born. Gone is the power of electricity, and with its passing war, famine, and pestilence descended on the world. Death stalked the survivors.

But humanity survived.

Nearly wiped out, small pockets of civilization stabilized and grew, aided by a new power: Magic. Two-hundred and fifty years after the cataclysm the human race is now slowly returning to dominance.

In this world five young adults step out to make their own place in the world, attending an academy to become the next generation of soldiers. Each has their own reasons for this path. For one it is honor, another is redemption, and a third it is a sense of obligation. There is also the optimist trying to do what is right, and finally the sadist who simply enjoys killing.

As squads go, theirs is more on the dysfunctional side than most.

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Total Reading Time: 3 hours 43 minutes
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