When You Are Near | Penana
When You Are Near
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When You Are Near
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Our story is not one-of-a-kind. We started off as a friends (like most do), we hang out a lot together (like most do), I liked you (like most women do with their boy friends), and you didn't like me back or maybe you do - sometimes, when it's funny, when we pretend to like each other more than friends and threatened to be so serious you asked your mom to add me on Facebook. You said I wasn't serious but I was and I told yu about it.

But it is over now. 8 months later after you rejected me, Carlos, when you are around, when you are near me, I always think to myself: we could be holding hands, making life big decisions and talking about work and how annoying free-loaders are.

It's not the same and it will never be the same. 

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