The Obsessed Stalker of Crest Military Academy | Penana
The Obsessed Stalker of Crest Military Academy
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The Obsessed Stalker of Crest Military Academy
Krystal Rose
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Rose Blake has always been at odds with Reveret Pryo thanks to the existence of the Victorian Ribbon of Excellence, the award that makes its receiver an exceptional candidate to be promoted to a One Diamond General, the first rank among the Officer Corp of Shadolea's military. But what would seem to be the perfect path towards such honor and authority for Ms.Blake, turns dark and crooked once a mysterious stalker begins their hunt towards stealing her affections; by murdering anyone who defies the rising star. Even worse, the criminal seems to always leave a love letter, talking of the beautiful life the two will live once Rose has made it to the top, and always mentioning that she may hate them for the time being, but she will learn to love their undying love and support for her.

As if the murders aren't enough of a big pill to swallow, these acts could have several culprits, as there are literally hundreds that adore Rose throughout the school and city, it would be impossible to find the party responsible. But if there's anything that Rose will learn throughout the investigation its that, appearances are extremely deceiving. 

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Total Reading Time: 4 minutes
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