Gemini | Penana
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Olivia Fellows, is just a girl.
A Gemini.
Living in 2037. Planet earth has been shred apart and places that used to be countries are now destroyed and parts of them are islands. There is only one place where you can find mankind. Zodica. Zodica is a society made up of Zodiac signs. Zodica has four states. Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Those four states consist of cities in them that represent the zodiac signs. Everyone in the cities have to act like their sign, wear the colors of their sign, and live in a city that only consists of their sign. There might be four states but there is also a capital. A place where all the signs can meet with each other. A place which has schools and shops and markets and roads and liveliness. A place that the signs can't live in. All houses are in the four states. Zodica is ruled by the first signs after the Great Evolution in 2023. The first signs that survived the Great Evolution and first created the zodiacs. They were called the Zeepers. A word short for the Zodiac Keepers.

Olivia though, suspects that something is wrong. Because mankind isn't only found in Zodica. There is another place on Earth. A place that hasn't been discovered yet by Zodicans. And Olivia is determined to find it and figure out why the people in her world are so separated from each other. How can they all be expected to be different and the same at the same time?

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