"Well this is a surprise."
That voice.
One that has haunted her nightmares for weeks since her father unleashed that infernal creature from that blasted egg. A voice belonging to one of the oldest beings to ever exist.
"Why have you come?"
The blonde-haired beauty held her head high, trying not to let the fear show. "I've come to ask for passage to another time, another place. I'm asking you to save my life."
"Oh?" The deep voice asked before the body it belonged to came into view. "Do tell."
The woman's eyes widened.
The creature was massive. It was so large, she could only focus on its head. Thick tentacles covered in tendrils of black fluid made up its face. It was clear to the woman that she was gazing upon an octopus. But what the rest of it's body looked like she could only speculate. The creature's head was quite literally all she could see. The rest of it's body was completely outside of her range of sight.
To her utter horror, the being began to move. She could only stare as the rest of it came into view. An anthropoid body, scaled wings of a dragon, claws and talons.
She almost screamed as it lifted a mighty foot as if to crush her before coming stand suddenly before her, a miniature version of itself.
While it's physical size did decrease, the overwhelming presence did not. She could feel the power radiating off of the being. She knelt down to her knees, the weight of the being's aura nearly crushing her.
It took her a moment, but she realized who exactly she was dealing with. Such knowledge had her internally wishing for her lover to be by her side, to take comfort in his strength and wisdom. Alas, they were no longer together because of her own anger. Anger that was, of course, misplaced.
"To achieve what you desire," the creature began. "You must sacrifice that which you do not know you possess. Do that, and your wish to live will be granted."
"Yes, yes, take whatever it is that you require." The woman nodded her head vehemently. She had nothing to give at this moment and figured that whatever she could earn in the future would just be money or magical power. "I agree to your terms."
"So let it be written, so let it be done."
The creature's eyes began to glow an angry red and before the woman knew it, she was back in the girls' dorm room at the Academy of Unseen Arts.
It was as if she had just awoken from a very strange dream.
She looked around.
Everything seemed to be normal. Well... as normal as it could be, what with the world falling apart around her. The reality of her situation was dire. Her own father's obsession with power led him unleash forces unknown onto the world. That and she still has to deal with a teenaged witch whose actions have yet again put the realms at risk. Now the entire coven was paying the price.
Slowly, she got up from her bed. Unfortunately, she didn't make it very far.
The sensation right beneath her chin gave away the notion before bile climbed its way up her throat. She spilled her guts onto the floor beside her bed. She tried to get up but vomiting weakened her.
She tried to run to the bathrooms but only made it to the corridor outside of the sleeping quarters, she just kept throwing up.
"What is the meaning of this?!" She whisper-yelled to the empty hallway.
All of a sudden, a cramp ripped through her groin. Looking down, she saw her stomach had grown. She appeared to be a few months pregnant. Just as the thought crossed her mind, she vomited once again.
"What is this madness?"
Laughter rang out in her mind. It sounded sinister in nature, it sounded like the ancient being she just made a deal with.
"Oh no," she said as her distended belly continued to grow. "No, no no!"
The laughter continued to mock her and the realization of what was happening to her sank in.
She was indeed pregnant and whatever magic this was caused her baby to grow quicker than should be possible. A baby that she didn't know she had, a baby that she would have to give away.
She knew she would need help but the academy was seemingly empty.
There was only one person who could be of any real support to her now.
The father of her child.
Crossing her arms over her still-growing belly and creating the appropriate symbol with her hands, she said the words that would teleport her to the one place where that man could be.
"Len way magicay!"