Deeeep.io, The Novel (Season 1) | Penana
Deeeep.io, The Novel (Season 1)
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Deeeep.io, The Novel (Season 1)
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"Perhaps programming codes and languages are the best invention by humanity of all. It's simple, just plain 1s and 0s, but it can also be complicated. For people who master it, there's nothing it can't do..."

Programming languages are keys to make apps we are using right now, makes sure that a machine functions like how it is intended or creating games we enjoy after a whole day of school or work. However, there is this place called Io Games Space in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that used codes for a different reason: they use it to create their home and empire. 

Deeeep.io is one of the many realms in Io Games Space. It acts well as a port, prepares the best seafood, and most importantly, it has a wide range of biodiversity, making it a natural zoo. This book is written by one of the realm's loyal citizens, B, who stood at Deeeep.io's side no matter what challenge it encounters. It records every major event occurred while he is living in this vast, underwater city. Open this book, at let's witness all the wonderful things programming languages can do.

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