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"That'll teach those bitches to start something knowing they won't be able to finish it. I hope their president suffers," Envie exclaims as they collectively glide down a deserted road, to hopefully distance themselves from the Golden Empriss. But their efforts are futile as they hear a pang that pops Envie's tire.
"Fuck!" Envie yells getting irritated, as her motorcycle begins to swerve uncontrollably.
"Hop on!" Rouge calls out to Envie steering close to the unpredictable, swerving vehicle. Envie quickly transitions onto Rouge's motorcycle.
"Alright, let's lose these bastards! Go!" Envie yells signaling for the two Mermaiden's to go faster, to which they comply.
Rogue winces as the large tree ink planted on her back begins to give off a stinging sensation. "I sense death!" Rouge yells to her fellow teammates, as her tree starts to get warmer with each passing second.
"Let 'em have it!" Envie yells to the two before quickly, but carefully switching positions on the motorcycle so she was facing their backside.
"Wynter!" Envie yells. On cue, Wynter begins to hijack the motorcycles that the security detail rides while following their trail.
"Alright, go ahead!" Wynter replies.
Envie cockily giggles and reaches her hand for Rogue's sidearm, before she cocks the gun and begins to drill bullets into the remaining guards one by one. She misses one guard by a hair, so he takes the small chance and fires back. The bullet grazes Envie's arm, drawing blood.
"You bitch!" Envie grumbles as she activates her super strength and launches the gun toward the guard knocking them off their vehicle.
Envie begins cackling in victory but soon her laughter dies down as three more guards speed up in her view.
Envie rolls her eyes in annoyance, "Stop fucking coming! You're going to die!"
Behind Envie, Rogue winces as the outline on her back glows bright, gold. Wynter glances at her teammate noticing her back and yells to Envie, "We gotta wrap this up!"
"Wynter, again!" Envie yells.
Wynter complies and draws more power and commands the motorcycles to swerve into each other. The last motorcycle starts jerking around as Wynter's nose begins to bleed, but she ignores it. Soon Wynter begins to lose control of her power and starts to lose control over the guard's motorcycle and starts to swerve knocking the guard off of it.
"Wynter that's enough!" Envie shouts, knowing it will cause her some problems. Wynter struggles to let her authority over the motorcycle go. As more blood draws from her nose, she severs her control of the vehicle. She wipes the rose-colored blood that is dripping down her face with her arm and quickly yells to the others, "To the secret base!"
As they follow Wynter's lead, they soon arrive at a run-down shop.
They take a small detour to park in an alley across the street and briskly walk toward the small building.
"This is the secret base?" Envie asks skeptically as she eyes the dreary place down, "Look I know we're not all-out fancy, but we wouldn't be caught dead with this."
Wynter rolls her eyes and proceeds to open the door walking to the back of the shop. Stepping to the side, she halts in front of a mirror and brings her hands up to shift it to the side to find the keypad. Wynter quickly punches in the correct digits for entry.
The scratched-up-looking storage door that is located a couple of inches away lets out an alerting beep and unlocks itself.
Wynter approaches the door and pushes it door open, letting a staircase come into the group's view. They quickly descend down the stairs as the door automatically closes behind them.
"Well welcome to the base," Wynter quickly murmurs gesturing to the room.
It consists of two small couches and a small kitchen. Also, it has a hidden weapons table, an undersized bathroom, a medical kit, and one phone. The phone is there in case of emergency if someone finds the base and backup is needed.
"So you've been here right?" Envie asks settling herself on the couch.
Wynter nods, "One of my missions went wrong and I needed a place to deal with my wounds."
Rouge walks to the small, grey refrigerator and grabs a cold water bottle then proceeds to walk across the room to grab the medical kit to help address Envie's wound.
"Hey watch it that stings," Envie hisses as alcohol is being applied to the area. Rouge rolls her eyes and ignores her quietly mocking her. Finally finishing up, Rouge wraps it up in ointment, quickly getting up and plopping on the couch next to Envie.
"So, let's talk," Envie looks at the two women around her, "Seeing as I'm new, we don't speak."
"And?" Rouge asks.
Envie continues ignoring Rouge, "We don't know a whole lot about each other, like about the fact that Rouge was with a boy earlier."
Rouge immediately rolls her eyes, "None of your concern is what it is."
Envie turns to her other teammate in the room, "And what's with you having a maid, you rich or something?"
Wynter turns her head in the other direction, "Why the hell are you so talkative?"
"Growing up with a sister will sorta do that to you, I talked to her a lot," Envie answers looking down solemnly.
"Talked," Rouge repeats, "What did she disappear or something?"
Envie slightly chuckles, "Nah, Empriss got her."
Rouge responds with a quiet, "Oh."
"So, the boy?" Envie asks directing the conversation back to Rouge.
"Just someone I know," Rouge vaguely responds.
Envie doesn't question her any further and turns to Wynter once again, "So rich bitch huh?"
Wynter cocks her head at the girl and bluntly responds, "Maybe."
As time passes Rouge and Envie succumb to the alluring feeling of slumber, whilst Wynter is just walking around. Envie being nosey, gets her thinking about her past, her family, her everything. As more of her thoughts stir in her mind, she can't help but think of them.
"C'mon, you got to take it easy," he cooed.
Wynter rolled her eyes and patted her stomach, "I know, but they can't find us, you know what will happen if they do, goddammit."
"Hey no negativity around my baby," he responded with a pout. She laughed at his silly antics and leaned in for a quick peck. He responded happily and kissed his precious, pregnant wife, "We'll be okay I promise."
She shakes her head at the silly promise she knows he couldn't keep as the salty liquid runs down her face she mumbles, "I miss you both."