This book is PG for fantasy themes, supernatural violence, adult themes
Chapter One: The Beginning of the Magic
The boy was living in the Cupboard Under the Stairs. He was there because of certain magical forces had caused his parents, Lily and James Potter, to die at the hands of Lord Voldemort, the most dangerous Sorcerer in London, and Scotland. The boy, Harry Potter, waited for the morning sun to shine. Then, suddenly, there was a noise on the steps; a banging noise from shoes hitting the steps, and causing an eruption of bad behavior from Dudley Dursley, Harry's cousin. Dudley was the same age as Harry, and ate enough food for many people. He wasn't nice at all. And neither were his mother and father, Aunt Petunia, and Uncle Vernon. Harry was eleven. He was thinly built, and had a scar on his forehead; he had it since Lord Voldemort almost killed him, as his Mother, Lily, saved her son from the threat of the Sorcerer. In short, there was something wrong for him to believe in anything. Yet, over time, he had magical things happen to him. Owls hooting outside; wizards and witches in colorful cloaks, and they said his name. Maybe it was the idea that fame was fleeting; that fame was for Muggles, (a term that he heard in passing), while he was grocery shopping on some occasions, but food was always for Dudley, and his Aunt and Uncle, and not Harry himself; Harry was thinking he would be fed some day. And then, on September the 1st, he got a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...and that's where the new story begins.
'Hurry up, Potter!'.
Harry was sure that his Uncle was going to yell again. He wasn't going to tell him about what he'd seen; he was glad to be out of the horrible Cupboard, where he had a small bed; a small table and chairs; and small windows that was boarded up by grilles, as if he was going to use magic on them. He imagined there was such a school to go to; he imagined it wasn't like the Muggle school Dudley went to called Smeltings Academy; he was thinking that Grunnings, the Drill Company, Uncle Vernon worked at, would cause more problems; he saw Aunt Petunia doing the house work, and gossiping to her husband what the neighbors were doing. That or watching TV, and seeing movies. But, then, Harry was smart enough for their games; Harry said: 'I want to go to this school, Uncle Vernon'. The big man stared at him, and said: 'No such place, boy, exists in the United Kingdom. You're going to St. Brutus's School for Hopeless Cases'. But Harry thought about that, and knew what it meant; that magic was off-limits to Muggles, and he wasn't a Muggle.
He was a wizard.
'I dreamed of a castle', Harry said.
'There's no castles in London', Uncle Vernon said.
'In Edinburgh, Scotland', Harry informed him.
'Rubbish, and no talk of magic'.
'Why not?', Harry asked him.
'No magic', Uncle Vernon answered.
And Harry was sure he was like one of the Muggles, and didn't believe in magic, or the supernatural, or anything that was unusual in Surrey.
Harry Potter had long, black hair, blue eyes, and average height. He was known never to cut his hair, unless it was cut too short. And he went to see the dentists. And had a home in Surrey; he never heard about his dead parents, Lily and James Potter. Unless there where whisperings, or "Dirty Laundry" that Aunt Petunia told to people; Harry wasn't sure about that. He saw a lot of strange people walking around London; he was sure they were celebrating something. He didn't know what; he was too concerned about school.
'It's a grand day, yes it is', Dedalus Diggle said. He wore a red colored hat on his head; he wore toffy clothes that lent him a regal look about him. His white colored scarf blew in the northerly wind; his blue eyes shone in the dusty London streets that were cobbled from the entrance to The Leaky Cauldron Pub. Some of the streets were known to Harry, but his dreams weren't made up, they had been real. Harry smiled at the old wizard, and he smiled. 'Welcome to London, Harry. Today we shall rejoice He Who Must Not Be Name's banishment'. Harry nodded, and he was sure, deep down, that the dark Sorcerer would leave him alone.
Harry was waiting.
'What's those uniform for?', he asked Aunt Petunia.
'You', she answered.
'Me. But I dreamed of another school'.
'St. Brutus...'.
'No', Harry yelled.
And the glasses shimmered on the table.
'Mum. He's not going...to that...school...is he', Dudley said.
'Yes he is', Aunt Petunia said.
'No', Harry said.
And then the there was a knock on the front door.
Someone was outside; someone huge, like a giant.
The giant stared at the Dursleys.
'Harry Potter', the giant yelled.
'This is our house, Sir...', Uncle Vernon yelled as well.
Yelling was part of the unexpected things that gripped the Dursleys. They didn't believe in magic; they believed in human things: school; work; gossip; TV shows; and movies. Human matters. Magic was not part of their minds; magic was not going to be part of the family; Harry dreamed of magic. 'Who are you?', Harry asked the giant; the giant smiled. 'Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of the Keys, and Groundskeeper at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And ex-student'.
'I was expelled in me third Year. Long story'.
'I see'.
'Yes, well, it seems the letters went astray'.
'Hogwarts letters, Harry'.
'I know. Some wizard, Dedalus Diggle met me once'.
'Oh, a lot o' them know you, Harry for you're famous'.
'I'm not that famous'.
And Hagrid smiled, then told him the truth.
'It is what you're doing now, Harry. A lot o' people, (Muggles), or Non-Magic Folk, don't believe in magic; some reject magic. The Dursleys aren't bad people, Harry; they're ignorant of our World; they're ignorant because of your birth. Came to see you as a baby, I did. And Professor Albus Dumbledore is the greatest Sorcerer in the United Kingdom'.
'Harry will be going to St. Brutus's School for Hopeless Cases', Uncle Vernon said. Hagrid waited to see down.
'He's coming with me, Dursley. Presents for Dudley. And cake. It is time for Harry to come to school. Follow me, Harry. You'll eat a lot of food and drink too. You're too skinny. What food are you feeding him, Petunia? Raw vegetables'.
'You know my name?', Aunt Petunia gasped.
'Yes, and you and Lily were close, until she got her own letter', Hagrid said. He looked at the front door; it was broken.
'Here', Hagrid cast a magic spell, and the door was good as new.
Then he, and Harry, left Number 4, Privet Drive, Surrey, with his luggage...and smiled for the first time in his short eleven years.
'I haven't been to London', Harry said.
'It's a nice place, Harry. We have to go to Gringott's Wizarding School'.
'There's a bank'.
'Of course. Let's go!'.
Once they went inside, Harry saw dozens and dozens of old goblins at their desks counting money.
When Harry waited, Hagrid said: 'I'd like to open an account for Harry Potter, please'. Griphook, the goblin, nodded.
'Vault 713', the goblin said.
And they headed downstairs to the vault.
Harry was amazed that his parents had left him so much money. Actually, in the wizarding community, money was called Sickles, and Knuts. And the darkness consumed those who talked to Harry Potter.
Harry said: 'I need a robe, a wand, and other items on the List', he said.
'Go to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions', Hagrid said.
'Okay', Harry said.
'I got to go Harry. And get you an animal', Hagrid said.
As he left him, Harry entered the shop.
'Hogwarts, dear', Madam Malkin, an old witch, said.
'Yes', Harry said.
A pale looking boy appeared. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and average height. 'That was Hagrid, right. I'm Draco Malfoy'.
'Harry Potter', Harry said.
'Are you really? Father says that Hagrid is a giant'.
'He is', Harry said.
'Father says that he lives in a hut in Edinburgh, Scotland, near Hogwarts'.
'Yes, he does', Harry said.
'Oh, right. See you at school, Potter. Good bye!'.
Harry thought no one was as terrible than Dudley was.
He was wrong.
Harry paid seven Sickles for the robe.
He walked to Ollivander's Wand Shop.
He saw an old man.
'It's been a long time since your parents got their wands, Harry Potter'.
'Hello. You knew my Mum and Dad'.
'Yes, and all of the wizards and witches have their wands', Garrick Ollivander said. He had grey hair, blue eyes, and average height; he was seventy years' old. He wore magical clothes, and was dressed formally in the wizard World. He had sideburns; he was looking around for the right wand for Harry. 'Well, tell me what you think. Give it a wave', he said.
And, as he did so, chaos happened.
By the third time, Harry got his wand.
He paid seven Sickles for it, and left the shop.
'Here's your owl', Hagrid said.
Everyone got an owl or toad or cat.
'Hedwig's her name', Hagrid said.
It was snowy-white colored.
'Thanks, Hagrid', Harry smiled.
'This is your ticket. Platform 9 3/4. The Hogwarts Express leaves Charing Cross Station at 11:00 AM on the dot'.
'Okay', Harry said.
Then Hagrid left, and attended to other duties.
Harry saw a girl nearby.
She had long brown colored hair, hazel eyes, and petite.
'I was so pleased to get my letter at Hogwarts. Mum and Dad are Muggles; they're dentists. And I am sure I got in. Because I can perform magic. You're Harry Potter. I'm Hermoine Granger'.
'Hello, Hermoine. I'm glad to meet some new friends. Let's get our bags, and get on the train'.
'You go through Platforms 9 and 10; you go through the brick wall'.
'Silly me. Of course!', Harry declared.
And Hermoine followed him, as they saw the shiny Hogwarts Express that took witches, and wizards, from London, England to Edinburgh, Scotland. It was several hours, and lunch was provided on the train. Harry saw an empty compartment, and they sat in comfort. The train lady arrived with a trolley. 'Any food?', she asked. 'Yes, we'll have some Cauldron Cakes, and English Wizard tea, please. Those sweets can cause stomach aches', Harry said. He paid four Sickles for the food and drinks, as another boy appeared.
'Is this compartment taken? I'm Ron Weasley'.
'Hermoine Granger. And my friend, Harry Potter', she smiled.
'Are you really? I mean...'.
'Yes, but it's okay. There's nothing to worry about is there', Harry said, '...Have some Cauldron Cake. It's nice'.
'No, I got some food before. All of my brothers are at Hogwarts, in Gryffindor'. Harry nodded.
'There's four houses, Harry: Gryffindor; Hufflepuff; Ravenclaw; and Slytherin. I read only dark witches, and dark wizards, are in that house', Hermoine said. Ron had red hair, blue eyes, and rather tall for his age.
'I met Draco Malfoy', Harry said.
'He lives at Malfoy Manor', Hermoine said.
'How do you know?', Ron asked her.
'Because I read about their family in The Daily Prophet. Look...'.
She gave them a newspaper.
'He looks like a dark wizard who supports Lord Voldemort', Hermoine said.
'Lord Voldemort killed my parents', Harry said.
'We're sorry about your loss, Harry'.
'I didn't know them. Just memories', Harry said.
And then he relaxed, as the train stopped.
And everyone got off, and headed towards the canoes, that led them towards the Scottish magic castle. It was dark now. They used their wands to illuminate the lake; they reached Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where their year of magic would start.
The Great Hall was full of people.
'Good afternoon, students. I'm Professor Minerva McGonagall. I'm the Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And Head of Gryffindor House. Over the Year students will win points, you'll lose points if you are getting detentions for bad behavior. In short, the Sorting Hat will sort you into your houses. Please, follow me'.
And they did so knowing that the school Year will be long.
'Bones, Susan'.
She moved to the Sorting Hat.
'Hufflepuff', it said.
'Granger, Hermoine'.
'Gryffindor', the Sorting Hat said.
'Longbottom, Neville'.
'Gryffindor', the Sorting Hat said.
And so it went on and on and on.
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'Crabbe, Vincent'.
'Goyle, Gregory'.
'Slytherin', the Sorting Hat said.
'Malfoy, Draco'.
'Slytherin', the Sorting Hat said.
'Padma Patil'.
'Patil, Parvati'.
'Potter, Harry'.
Everyone gasped.
He walked to the Sorting Hat.
It was a long time until the cheers ended.
Once the ceremony ended, Professor McGonagall took away the ancient parchment, and the Great Feast started.
Harry waited.
Percy Weasley, 17, said: 'Sherbert Lemon. All of the boys will follow me. The girls chamber room is to the right. You have to open the door'. Once Harry, and Ron, and the other wizards arrived, Harry got Hedwig, the owl.
And he slept on his bed near the window.
The early morning sun glared above the Scottish coast.
Madam Hooch looked at the wizards, and wizards.
She had grey colored hair, green eyes, and wore a black Hogwarts cloak. And black gloves on her hands. In her mouth was a silver whistle. 'Good morning class. Today we're going to practice broom skills. When I say: "UP", you do it. Okay...'. And Harry, Hermoine, and Ron Weasley, did as they were told. Only Harry and Draco made sure that their brooms went upward; the others failed. Neville Longbottom struggled. He wasn't good at flying; he was good at Herbology.
In the dark dungeons, Professor Severus Snape glanced at the students. He glanced at Harry; he had long, jet black hair, blue eyes, and wore the green colored robes of Slytherin House. It was something that irked him that he never got the coveted Defense Against the Dark Arts job; the Professor waited.
'It seems we are in the presence of Harry Potter'.
Harry ignored their smiles.
'It seems you are here with no books, Potter'.
'There's the books, Professor', Harry said.
'Read them before you come here, Potter'.
Harry frowned, and saw the look of contempt on Professor Snape's face.
'Potions are, for some people, are for protection against death. What does a bezoar do?', Professor Snape asked Harry.
'It's a stone from the stomach of a goat, Professor', Harry answered.
'Well, you did read your Potions book', Professor Snape said.
'Five points to Gryffindor. Write it down', he told the students.
And they did.492Please respect copyright.PENANAwh8TYTs3RM
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