Chapter 2
As I felt reality slipping away everything went black.
"Reconsider", I heard a deep voice say through the darkness. Suddenly my entire vision was engulfed in a heavenly bright yellow light. After a few seconds, I looked in front of me and the light shimmered and moved. I saw before me a body - my body - on top of a taxi cab. It was surrounded by police and yellow tape. It was then that I realized that I could move the vision as I would my head. I saw a police officer writing a report about what had happened. I moved to see what he was writing, only he wasn't... he was un-writing it. By this I mean he was moving the pen over the area where there already was ink, and the ink was disappearing. At this point I was thoroughly confused, as no such technology existed. I then saw the police pack up the tape they had positioned around me and drive away... but backward? Now I was even more confused. I then saw my body elevate off the taxi cab and fly back up to the top of the building. My vision zoomed in on my face constantly and quickly until I was seeing through my own eyes again. I realized I could feel my body again. I moved my arm around to check that I had control over my body. My heartbeat suddenly felt very odd considering I had been dead.
"Reconsider", the voice said again,"for I offer you a deal". I looked across the river and was amazed by what I saw. The three ringed structure had an incredible blue aura around it that I had never seen before. I realized that the voice was waiting for my answer. I regained my usual serious composure before answering.
"What deal could you offer a dead man?", I asked.
"Dead? Who's dead? After all, can't you feel your own heartbeat?", The voice chuckled.
"It doesn't matter if I'm not dead now, after all, I was put back at the top of this building, so I could just jump again at any time. I'm no better than a dead man.", I stated.
"If you are just going to jump anyway, then you might as well listen to my deal. After all, it's not as though you have anywhere to be."
I waited a few minutes before answering.
"Fine, state your deal."