Welcome To Reality | Penana
Welcome To Reality
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Welcome To Reality
Rosemary Dawson
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Well, I guess... Probably everyone wants to escape reality and go into the virtual world. Somethings are just too embarrassing to remember, and others is just unforgettable. Maybe your just the only one that hates yourself while being dissed by others? There's one girl that had the same with you, if your like her. 

Julie is a manga lover, her first and forever priority is 'All About That Manga'. That's her inspirational motto. And that NOT ONLY messes up her school's atmosphere, she even turns plainer day by day! 

One day, the school's most popular boy, Nathan finally notices her. And surprisingly, he tries to 'pretend' hitting on her and ended up telling her to not fall in love with him. But will he fall in love with Julie, instead? This thrilling comedy not only has romance, it also has a spark of cuteness in every single issue! <3

May the hearts of love wishes you till' the end of this amazing ride! 

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