Rainbow Hearts | Penana
Rainbow Hearts
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Rainbow Hearts
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Keith has been going through many troubles in his life but has finally found confidence in who he is as a person and how he identifies and is proud for his gender identity and sexuality. 

Meanwhile Keith's good friend and classmate is struggling with his own sexual identity as he tries to come across straight and force himself into those thoughts he realized how he stares at the men shirtless, enjoys watching the football games just to see the cute guys, and doesn't mind sitting next to a cute guy and being able to calmly examine the boy's features and see how unique he is and things you wouldn't notice from a slight glance. This friend is Dexter. 

As Dexter is finding himself pushing deeper and deeper into the closet Keith is being proud and maybe even falling in love. But for who...? When Dexter finds this out everything seems to change.

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