The Third Minddrinker (Sample) | Penana
The Third Minddrinker (Sample)
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The Third Minddrinker (Sample)
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Book One of the Voyager Agency series by S. Topaz Wolf.

"Do you want mercy?"

Ambrose Hoverdan. A girl living her teenage years in the later 22nd century. This involves waking up, eating breakfast, chilling with her friends, and torturing the minds of any bully that rears his ugly face to her. Whether it’s scoping through their memories, twisting their feelings, or inserting a thought, there’s no one who can challenge her skills... Right?

Kathryn Janeway. The recognized leader of the Voyager Agency who can read every sliver of any mind, including Ambrose's, among other skills. Together with her friends, Kai and Jason, they’ve been fighting a battle and need an extra mind for an extra edge.

They think they have found it with Ambrose, but have high school bullies prepared her to take on other superhumans, ones who prefer to take her head over her pride or lunch money?

Buy the full book NOW on Amazon! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07383KJDB

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Total Reading Time: 22 minutes
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