Dragon | Penana
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A horrible scream echoed around the hall.

Ayah ripped her head back, only to see Evalyn being dragged by long, spidly filthy hands. Pairs of them grabbed her ankles and she let out a high pitched screech. 

"No, no, no, NO!!" Ayah sobbed, wretching out of Nozomi's firm grip. Dirt and grim burdened her face, as she ran to her friend, only to be pulled back by Akira. He slung her on his broad shoulders and kept running. Ayah scratched at his back, but tears refused to go, and soon she was unable to struggle. She covered her face, and sobbed, adding to the headache making din.

"THIS WAY!!!" Suraja bellowed, and everyone soon began to run faster. 

Another scream filled the hall, and Ayah cried out; " I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU EVALYN!!! "


Thin, long bony hands wrapped around Ayah's neck, and she could feel the sharp nails of his-her-it's hands digging into her throat. She was drowning, and pressure added onto her shoulder's adding to the pressure on her throat. She was leaving the world. No more  life or death, pressure or beeing judged, good or bad. Just nothing. Ayah sank into the black void, letting the softness surround her, taking her away...

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