A Nagi, Not A Demon | Penana
A Nagi, Not A Demon
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A Nagi, Not A Demon
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.I remember all too well the feeling of what the world is like, the true meaning of pain. This world is no better than the people on it. Nothing more than many people with dreams and ambitions that are harshly crushed from beneath their feet. Leaving them to fall down, and for what? To get back up again and repeat the same pattern over again. Only the few lucky ones succeed in their dreams, but they all fall back eventually.

My story is nothing better than how awful the world can be. Well, you can either be pulled into my awful story. Or, you can close the book now and save yourself, but always wonder what it is like. Either way, your doomed whatever you choose. I am a nagi, don’t ask me how i know ,i just do. To know what i’m talking about, first you need to learn of my story

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