Katrina and I scurried down a cramped avenue in a part of the city I'd never visited before. For the record, I haven't seen much of Ikigai II outside Patch's workshop. This is all so new to me, it's kind of overwhelming. This neighborhood appeared to be mainly populated by cyborgs. They stared at me and murmured amongst themselves.
299Please respect copyright.PENANATaFL34DHlJ
"Is that a human?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANA3MeOliau3u
"What's a human doing in this part of the city?
299Please respect copyright.PENANAgnzYvDeiuD
"Is she lost?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAMUyfr4FfA2
"Who's that with her? Isn't she in a band or something?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAppzpuCqOqz
The weight of their gaze bore into me, and a growing sense of panic blossomed inside me. My heart palpated, so violently my chest ached, and I broke out into a cold sweat. "Where are we going?" I asked as Katrina pulled me in a new direction.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAwL1W02smCS
"We need to catch up with the boys fast, so we're going to need a ride."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAzJcafVOFUl
We stopped outside a large shipping container. Katrina pulled a crowbar out of her purse.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAWG1bGVKXcv
I gawked at her. "Why do you carry around a crowbar?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANA0zNOkFNnmc
She raised her shoulders in a half shrug. "Lots of reasons, opening crates, self-defense, and taking my stupid ex's car for a joyride."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAp64kQb1YF3
"Excuse me, what?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAGchZg9C0SX
She shoved her crowbar underneath the shipping container door and attempted to force it open.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAciCYR2EiZP
"Are you crazy? You can't break into someone else's shipping container, with all these people watching. You shouldn't be breaking in at all!"
299Please respect copyright.PENANARCzhzUKJBH
She scanned the surrounding area, then waved her hand dismissively. "It's fine, everyone here knows better than to snitch on me." Katrina let out a triumphant laugh as she finally pried open the door. She lifted the door, revealing a red, well-kept, vintage, car. It looked as if it cost more than Patch made in a year.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA9tQijkhKnS
"I thought you were joking about the car theft!"
299Please respect copyright.PENANA6aLVjMWWAF
"I never joke about stealing my ex's car."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAzcycRX7GHZ
"Katrina!" I scolded.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAPYOz9UblRJ
"Relax, I do it all the time."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAHmdKYBoH3p
"How is even possible? I didn't think there were any cars on Ikigai II." I said.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAvMlr3wWQC0
"There's not supposed to be, but my stupid ex, Marc, loved breaking rules. So, he smuggled one onto the island."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAZbJG4n3e9G
I crossed my arms sourly. "I can't believe we're doing this."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAe6A3qQqXZs
"Believe it, sister!" Katrina said, as she used a long hook to slide down the window through the window seal. She shimmied her arm into the newly created opening, then pulled open the lock from the inside.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAM0aoXDzGYz
"How are we supposed to turn it on?" Didn't know much about cars, but I do know you need a key to start the ignition.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAUEVVJFh3S8
"Don't worry, Stupid Marc always leaves a spare key in the glove box." Katrina reached across the seat and pulled out the key.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAbBi57THplM
I rolled my eyes. "Of course he does." I was hoping there was a way I could get out of this.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAxkwJNJ2aDD
"Well, we don't call him Stupid Marc for nothing."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAHR4qspPRrT
Katrina hopped into the driver's seat and motioned for me to sit in the passenger seat.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA6Mx8qjW4K0
I let out a reluctant sigh and climbed into the car. "Alrighty then, let's get out of here."
299Please respect copyright.PENANApRFNrETTgW
"You have nothing to worry about, I'm an excellent driver. " Katrina reassured me, as she backed into two trash cans. "Whoops." She did a three-point turn and knocked over three more trash cans. She stomped on the gas pedal and sent us speeding down the cramped street, most likely knocking over several more trash cans in the process. She took a sharp left turn, causing my entire body to slam against the car door.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAVOWbOauKaa
"What the hell, Katrina?" I asked in annoyance.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA9JuuVmerBR
She turned to me. "Sorry about that. Are you okay?" While she focused on me, she drove directly into a fruit cart, causing fruit to splatter across the windshield.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAf12K0LrZbK
A vendor shouted at her, as she zoomed away from the scene.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAqzugYw74Wc
"You're a menace," I said.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAWMdUO4YKdL
"Hey, my driving instructor said the same thing."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAhovMlk0Oc7
I regret leaving home. Why didn't I stay home where I was safe? Then I remembered, the apartment wasn't safe anymore. Just thinking about the break-in made me shiver. Even though I hated it, I'm probably safer with Katrina than I am at home.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAr8Hnv6MiJF
After five turbulent minutes on the road, we reached the boardwalk. As soon as we stopped, I flung open the door and climbed out on wobbly legs. I clutched my stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2KgFG810A
"That was fun! We should do that again sometime!" Katrina said.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAojs9WumZLU
"No, thanks." I don't think I'm ever getting in a car again. I think I just unlocked a new phobia.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAs5kbmEaPT4
"Come on, where's your sense of adventure?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAFyjHjM4Oqz
"I was born without one of those," I confessed. "I need some fresh air," I said as I ducked behind a series of tents. I stopped when I reached the boardwalk's edge. My gaze drifted to the crashing waves beneath us, and I took a deep inhale of the salty sea air. I leaned over the railing, but I wasn't afraid to fall. There was a force field preventing anyone from falling off the boardwalk's edge. I wish there were force fields everywhere, then everything would be much safer. I wonder if I'd feel less anxious if that were the case.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAI2jcGWL9q8
"Are you okay?" Katrina asked.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAivVrOEfS1c
I haven't been okay once in the past six years. "I'm fine." I lied.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA0mHo5xo8AQ
That answer seemed to satisfy her, and she didn't ask any more questions.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAWKCPoZg2Q3
I heard the loud sound of footsteps approaching and turned around to see who was coming. Several people dressed in Bionic Corp uniforms marched toward us.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAN4FwAhmGIh
Now my stomach churned so violently, it made audible sounds. They'll probably just walk right past us. I tried to console myself.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAyh2FIeScvK
My last shred of hope flew out the window when the group of Bionic Corp employees halted right in front of us.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAvznmg8TaNO
One of them stepped forward. "Hello there, my name is Quentin Holgate, and I'm an ambassador of the Bionic Corporation. I'd like to have a private chat with Miss Contreras."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAs2NEzJTw6i
Katrina clenched her fists. "I'm not leaving her alone with you, creep!"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAyg2swfaSr5
Quentin stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Please escort Miss Madden away from here."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAJD6p8akyGG
The other Bionic Corp employees grabbed a hold of Katrina and dragged her away.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAEr5Cp9P6LZ
"Unhand me, miscreants! My lawyers will hear about this!" Katrina yelled at the staff, but they remained unfazed.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAKTNob39W55
Now Quentin and I were alone. I clenched my hands into fists. This interaction could take a turn for the worst, and I don't have any weapons. I never should've left the house.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA1DGitOdXSk
"I'm here to ask you some questions about your uncle." Quentin opened up the notes' section on his Holowatch and began typing.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAg6o8hWPNv0
I wrapped my arms around myself. "What about him?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANA0oU5dehips
"Do have any idea where he is right now?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAn5vaaQMUxg
"No," I said, truthfully.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAbGBZ7b5X2j
"When was the last time you saw him?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANA7O4kWkP9iE
"I'm sorry, are you a cop?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAhtm50NR2me
"I beg your pardon."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAEicUYCxnfY
"Because if you're not, you have no right to interrogate me!"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAe9VXuzwkDl
He pursed his lips into a thin line. "I'm questioning you for the safety of all of Ikigai II."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAoyBT9ZENCg
I raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "Please tell me how all of Ikigai II is in danger because of my uncle's actions.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAXZ9y5ahtaF
"He's an army deserter and a fugitive of the law. Who knows what he's capable of."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAXZ0wxJST16
"Patch doesn't want to hurt anyone. He just wants to be left alone."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAK1QVa8AUSz
Quentin shot me a challenging glare. "Are you sure about that?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAoP82hv4I13
"Yeah...I'm sure." I stammered. Patch wouldn't hurt anyone, would he? I didn't want to believe Patch would willfully harm someone, but after hearing what the man in the skull told me about Atlas, I don't know anymore. There's so much I don't know about my own family. I have no idea what they're capable of.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAqrf4izFlvz
"You don't sound very certain, Miss Contreras."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAuh1S5bAOTW
"Shut up!" I snapped. I don't usually yell at strangers like this, but I don't have any patience left today, especially not for Bionic Corp. "I don't know where Patch is, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you!"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAfpgpH3a2FS
"Watch your temper, Miss Contreras, we don't want things to get messy."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAcYue3V0uzr
"No, you made things messy when you sent Oblivion to threaten me in my own home!"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAkKGehiq92U
A brief look of guilt spread across his face, but he quickly wiped it off. "I have no idea what you're talking about. You must be mistaken. We are a highly reputable corporation, we would never do such a thing."
299Please respect copyright.PENANA4Jd0DuHXpc
I gritted my teeth. He's such a liar. It makes me sick.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAmFTQd3Vdl4
He cleared his throat. "As I was saying, your uncle has evaded the law for almost twenty years, and I think it's time he's held accountable for his actions. Don't you?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANA3Fm2MJayq7
I didn't dignify him with a response.
299Please respect copyright.PENANArAWMvMRazK
"You know, Miss Contreras, if you know where your uncle is hiding, and you don't tell us you could be charged with obstruction of justice, and land yourself in prison for up to three years. You don't want that do you?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAYLLma4Z5be
"I thought we established that you aren't a cop and don't have that type of authority. You're just trying to scare me. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told you before, I don't know where Patch is, but even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."
299Please respect copyright.PENANACll7RTn2UD
He grimaced. "I'm disappointed to hear you say that. I was hoping you'd be more cooperative." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. "Contact us if you change your mind." He forced the card into my hands. Then stomped away, muttering something foul under his breath.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAByL4ja0ao8
As soon as he was out of eye shot, I chucked his business card into the sea. I'd rather saw off my arm than betray Patch. He made so many sacrifices to take care of us. The least I can do is try to protect him now, wherever he is. If Bionic Corp is still searching for him, that means he's safe for now, but he can't avoid them forever. Oh, Patch, where are you? I glanced around the pier for Katrina, but she'd seemingly disappeared. The entire boardwalk had gone eerily quiet. I peered through the fog, searching for any sign of life, but there were none. A shiver traveled down my spine. Something wasn't right here.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAIXlRx5MWTq
I took a deep breath and trekked in the direction Katrina was dragged off to. I wrapped my arms around myself as I strolled along the abandoned dock. Where the hell is everyone?
299Please respect copyright.PENANAIvc26woy9p
An army of cleaning droids sped towards a tent at the end of the pier, as they made frantic beeping sounds.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAPsI86l5SGl
They sure seem to be in a hurry. Maybe I should follow them and see what's gotten them so worked up.
299Please respect copyright.PENANABT69PC7zQH
I crept up behind the cleaning droids and stalked them to their destination. All the tiny droids zoomed in and out of one specific tent. I noticed a gooey dark red substance leaking through the tent's fabric. As I tiptoed closer, a caught a whiff of something metallic, it was reminiscent of the smell of rusty pennies. It was blood! The realization hit me like a tidal wave. I was going definitely going to hurl this time. Even from the outside, I could tell the entirety of the tent was soaked with blood. I gasped for air and my fingers trembled. Someone died here! Someone was killed right in front of me! Someone died! Someone died! Someone died! The words played over and over in my head like a broken record. Someone died! Someone died! Someone died! This wasn't the first time I'd witnessed gore like this, but I'd hoped I'd never have to see it again. Someone died! Someone died! Someone died! It's official, I'm never going outside again.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA9uqPP3YX7C
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see who was touching me. Behind me stood two men drenched in blood. Are they the murderers? Am I their next victim? I reached for the butter knife I'd stuffed into my pocket for self-defense. It was all I could find on short notice. One of the guys was pretty short and skinny, I could probably take him in a fight. The other guy was taller and had a more athletic build. I was much less sure about taking him on, but I had to defend myself from these assailants. I clenched my fist around the butter knife and aimed for the eye.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAiGlAsRm9Kf
Before I could strike, Katrina jumped between us and wrenched the knife out of my hand at lightning speed. I had no idea she was that fast. "What are you doing?" She shouted.
299Please respect copyright.PENANARbAHXuTGVc
"I—" I stammered. What was I doing? Did I misread the situation somehow?
299Please respect copyright.PENANArluZTpOzq3
Katrina gently released her grip. "Calm down, killer."
299Please respect copyright.PENANA57meMWjpal
One of the bloody men spoke up. " I'll be honest, that was kind of scary." I recognized that voice. It was Chase!
299Please respect copyright.PENANAkkdPMG8z40
I stared at the other blood-soaked man and with a starting realization, I recognized him as Atlas.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAyzK82d8kFf
I let out a relieved sigh. This wasn't a murder attempt. "What the hell happened to you guys?" I asked.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAwVqht9mckc
"Don't worry, this isn't our blood," Chase said, gazing down at his blood-soaked clothes.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAl7e9Wd0X2Q
Atlas refused to make eye contact. "Someone used The Code." He signed. He looked so distraught, it broke my heart. It took all my willpower to stop myself from pulling him into a warm embrace. I resisted because he was covered in blood, and I was still mad at him for being an idiot.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAJQw8yIa1dq
I glanced him up and down, checking for injuries.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAa5RtxJw6Gi
"I'm fine, Marisa. You can stop worrying about me." He signed.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAlrhw6jaTDB
My lips tightened into a firm line. "I'm never going to stop worrying about you, Atlas. Especially, if you keep putting your life in danger. Why can't you just live a safe, normal life?
299Please respect copyright.PENANAn8eSSGIh0j
Atlas gave me a sorrowful look but didn't answer.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAniJmCACE1Y
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Why does he have to be like this? Why can he give up this life? It's clear that this life is tearing him apart. Trouble is a drug he refuses to quit, just like those damn cigarettes.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAmTthUFa6pg
Once the silence became uncomfortable, Katrina chimed in. "So did you guys get the third piece of the map?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANADy7DucWatV
Chase reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device. When he pushed a button on the side of the device, the third piece of the map projected itself onto the air in front of us.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAcD95IiTGkq
Atlas projected the other two-quarters of the map on top of Chase's projection. When they were pieced together, the map was almost complete.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAql8DyYtgW4
Katrina reached out to touch it.
299Please respect copyright.PENANARgpMSOHjml
"Be careful, it might self-destruct or do something else evil."
299Please respect copyright.PENANA48feBUWto8
I hid behind Katrina. "What do you mean, it might self-destruct?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAPmQCOHeFwy
"It was a gift from our old buddy Oblivion," Chase said.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAPeJYlBWTj3
I raised an eyebrow. "Oblivion let you get away with the map."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAMiXBpcz1dU
"Yeah, pretty much."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAReyz9dNDec
"That seems out of character." I thought back to being strangled by Oblivion in my kitchen and shivered. There's no way that monster just let them go.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAHlt86Pvit2
"It was strange. Oblivion wanted us to have it. They insisted on us taking it." Atlas signed.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAJh4qTeH8hB
"I don't trust it," I said.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAYRS5WLAoo1
Katrina scrutinized the map, examining it from all angles. "As the resident map expert, I have to say, it appears genuine."
299Please respect copyright.PENANABxQcaROLYS
Atlas merged the three separate pieces of the map. It was coming together now. I could finally make out the shape of the island and parts of the pathway the map wanted us to follow. It wasn't enough to fully discern what the map lead to, but we were getting close. Only one-quarter of the map is still missing. "This still seems sketchy to me."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAyx36Bz5uOw
Chase rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we know. You worry about everything. If Oblivion wanted to kill us right now, we'd already be dead. For whatever reason, Oblivion decided to give us the map, and I say, why bite the hand that feeds?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAcWN5YAyN1H
"Instead of telling me to worry less, maybe you guys should worry a little more!" I snapped. I look to Atlas, hoping he'd jump to my defense, but he remained silent. You know he's really starting to get on my nerves!
299Please respect copyright.PENANAWy49Qlpmk2
"I did a thorough inspection of the map, and it doesn't appear to be tampered with. Atlas signed. "I think we should focus on finding the final piece of the map."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAjdZvnQlPsB
I'd already managed to track the location of the fourth piece of the map, but I was hesitant to share it with the boys because I knew they'd do something stupid. "Retrieving this last piece is going dangerous."
299Please respect copyright.PENANA7GGb3Fywui
Chase cracked his cybernetic knuckles. "Not to brag or anything, but since yesterday, I've become an expert on surviving dangerous situations."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAY8BBvjNViO
"No, this one is much riskier than anything you've done before. I don't want to tell you where it's hidden because it's a death trap."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAvkFdYEoO3R
"Why don't we take a vote," Katrina suggested. "If the majority wins we go, if not, we all go home."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAuGZNrsl9LP
I glanced around the circle. "You all agree to go home if the majority votes against it?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANACOPC6ZN5PU
Everyone nodded.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA16h5bB5dvB
Fine," I grumbled. "It's in the home of Marjorie Spoketon, Bionic Corp's CEO.
299Please respect copyright.PENANANEgQRodAmI
"Not Marjorie! Please anyone but her! She's the worst!" Chase whined.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAbUeZXlFTVk
"Do you know her?" Atlas shot him a quizzical look.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAPUJQ5EKCZs
"Yeah, she's my great aunt," Chase confessed.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAA66OHC2e9m
Atlas shot him an accusatory glare. "Why didn't you tell me you were related to Bionic Corp's CEO?"
299Please respect copyright.PENANAMXyDbpUIdl
Chase threw his arms up in the air. "Do you really expect me to remember which company she worked for? I can't even remember my social security number. Plus, I thought Bionic Corp was just a boring old toaster company until yesterday."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAeUTd67zBjF
Atlas scowled. "We'll discuss this later. Right now, we need to vote."
299Please respect copyright.PENANApvogK37wb4
"I vote against it!" I chimed in."This is a stupid and reckless plan, and we're in way over our heads. Let's all go home."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAGUhsUPfgY5
Chase scoffed. "Wow, what a surprise! Marisa wants to quit, I'm shocked."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAjFOcvusEmp
"Hey! You don't have to be an asshole about it!" I had no patience for his sarcastic remarks right now. I turned to Atlas, hoping this time he'd stand up for me.
299Please respect copyright.PENANASY8Mnud42C
Atlas shot Chase a disapproving stare, but he didn't defend me.
299Please respect copyright.PENANATsg7ay88pU
A pang of disappointment tugged at my heartstrings. It hurt, knowing my brother wouldn't defend me against someone he'd only known for a day. I thought we were closer than that, but I guess I was wrong.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA8uZ9TFad7V
"I vote yes to the plan I hate Aunt Marjorie because she's always super passive-aggressive at family reunions. I look forward to robbing her." Chase said.
299Please respect copyright.PENANANUebJoCUiU
"I also vote in favor of the plan." Atlas signed.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAUHcRpN2X5n
I rolled my eyes. Of course, he did. Atlas can never quit.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAq0o9KUetXF
We all turned to Katrina. It was up to her now.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAlZvSb9J6TB
The corners of her lips turned downward in contemplation. "You guys keep talking about the plan, but we don't have one."
299Please respect copyright.PENANANF6802dGii
"Is that a no?" I asked, hopefully.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAlreaFKOfgn
"Not necessarily." She replied.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAWwFiVzTyWJ
My heart sank.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAiUMqRxgUdv
"I just want to know exactly what we're doing before I commit." She said.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAlO86erng8F
"The map is secured in her safe within her Sydney vacation home," I explained. "The security is top-notch. There's no way we can get anywhere near the place without getting caught."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAhMqzdqH5l6
"What if we didn't have to sneak in?" Chase suggested.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAHCl1CsXxTS
"There's no way she'll willingly invite us in." Atlas signed.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAfDGBQPHin1
Chase let out a sheepish chuckle. "Actually, she did." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold crested slip of paper. He unfolded it and displayed it for all of us to see.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAYTOBb9trrj
It read; Marjorie Spoketon requests your presence to celebrate of the arrival her 72nd year on this earth. Join us May 6th at 7:00 pm at 101 Stoneleigh Place, Sydney, Australia. This invitation welcomes Chase Huxley and one guest to the celebration.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAcUu48JDTHA
Chase rolled his eyes. "Have you ever read something so supercilious in your life? God, she's so pretentious."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAapD1zEAJ1c
"Have you been carrying that around the whole time?" Atlas looked surprised.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAZz2OfkAESc
I was more surprised Chase knew what the word supercilious meant.
299Please respect copyright.PENANASNzPZZZiQG
"Of course, I've been carrying it around. I never say no to the chance to party, even if I can't stand the host." Chase said.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAo265b2taUv
"Hey! I got an invitation just like the one! We could take you guys as our dates!" Katrina bounced up and down.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA8Fw04cUtsS
I guess she was voting yes. "How long until Ikigai II docks in Australia?" I asked.
299Please respect copyright.PENANA0BSmrOEaCa
Atlas squinted and peered over the horizon. "Roughly two days."
299Please respect copyright.PENANAL1FNMo6VLc
"Oh well, too bad, we won't make it in time for the party." I said, feigning disappointment.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAKoVtK556ci
Atlas smirked. "Not if we steal a boat."