Misty Quick peered over to where Djago had been laying down. She cursed, as her eyes searched the area. Djago had escaped from them.
Phoenix looked across the street, he stared at a white cube shaped building, with a pale-white, flat exterior of what had once been a bar, but was now left abandoned. And spotted the fleeing figure of Djago crawling in through a shattered window.
Still unable to move, Phoenix had to lie and watch as Misty Quick and the man with a cane crossed the street. They followed Djago into the abandoned store, and Phoenix could hear a burst of wild gunfire, shattering glass and the grunts and screams of a brawl happening from inside.
He tried to move once again, starting with something small and simple, like his right index finger. He put all his effort into it. Watching, as he tried to wiggle it. But to no avail, his fingers were glued to the pavement, along with his face, body and legs.
That was until something picked him up, it was large and wielded a tight grip on his waist. It raised him high above its head, and Phoenix stared down at it, with fear in his eyes.
It was the Krygur that held him. Its face was dripping in black paint. 'Did you do this, human?' It bellowed.
Phoenix tried moving his jaw, tried moving his tongue to speak, but couldn't. Instead, he could only stare at the giant of a man's face screw up. 'Human, did you do this to me?' It repeated.
When Phoenix didn't reply once more, the Krygur groaned and gritted its teeth. 'Don't speak? Then it was you.' It roared.
It's grip on Phoenix's waist tightened. It felt like all of his organs were being crushed within the giant's grasp. Then it raised its hand behind its head, before exploding forward, and released its grip on him.
Phoenix flew through the air, at what felt like a million miles an hour. And before he knew it, he was hurtling through the window of the store across the street. If he could scream, he would have, if only allow time for the three inside to move out the way.
But because he couldn't, they didn't know he was there soon enough, and he crashed into them, like a bowling ball taking down pins.
Even after landing, the pain didn't end for Phoenix. He rolled across the floor, passing a cafe worth of tables and chairs until his back slammed into a cupboard full of glassware. They came toppling onto him. What, felt like a hundred transparent, brittle cups. Covering him in a thin layer of glass.
'What was that?' Misty Quick said, as she rose to her feet.
'Was it one of those bastard drones?' Djago asked.
'No, it was just him.' The man with a cane answered, as he pointed to Phoenix.
Djago, and Misty looked at him. There was a smirk on both of their faces, that he wished he could tear off.
'Serves him right.' Djago said.
'Shut up.' Misty replied, before thumping him across the cheek with her fist.
Djago grunted. And spat out a chunk of blood. 'You bitch.' He muttered.
'Djago.' Someone roared from outside. Then came the wide figure of the Krygur bursting through a segment of the buildings wall.
It didn't take long after it had broken in, for the giant of a man to charge at the bounty. It grabbed hold of the dwarf, gripping him tightly.
'Let him go.' The man with a cane said, as he leapt at the Krygur.
'He's mine.' Misty Quick shouted, before she too leapt onto the giant.
Suddenly, it occurred to Phoenix. That they were like a ravenous pack of dogs, all trying to catch their prey, while fighting off the other hounds.
Feeling was returning to Phoenix's body. And he wasn't sure if he liked it. While the other's fought over the bounty, Phoenix became consumed by a general feeling of agony across his entire figure.
And then he could wiggle his fingers. Kick with his feet. Open his mouth. He could move again. He slowly swiveled on the floor, until his back was resting up against the now empty cabinet.
The three other bounty hunters still fought over Djago. The man with the cane fired lasers from his cane, that did little to the giant much to Phoenix's surprise. While Misty Quick stabbed the Krygur with her bladed boots.
'I'm not too late, am I?'
Phoenix looked next to him, and saw a woman standing over him. She had long curled red hair, reddening freckled cheeks, and wore a tight, blue flight suit, that showed off all of her curves and feminine charm.
'Well, unless you can put down the giant, you've missed your chance.' He responded.
The woman smiled. It was a familiar smile, in fact she as a whole felt strangely familiar. Yet he couldn't place where he had seen her before.
She stepped past him, slowly, with her back to him. 'Have you given up?' She asked.
Phoenix looked at his body, his crimson-red combat pants had been coated in a layer of dust. His black singlet had been shredded by the glass. His jacket looked like it had seen better days and his head, felt like it had taken one too many traumas for the day. 'No, I haven't given up. I'm just taking a break.' He responded.
'Sure.' She replied, the way she said it made him feel as if she was doubtful of his ability to return to the chase.
'I'll be there in two.'
'You won't have one.' She said before charging at the giant.
She moved quickly, like a leopard. She pulled something out of her back pocket. It was a cannister, that once she threw, exploded.
The whole room suddenly became, as white as the snow on Everdeen. Phoenix had to shield his eyes from it. It gave him an even bigger migraine than the one he already had. And when the light dispersed. Djago was gone, and the three bounty hunters; Misty Quick, the Krygur and the man with the cane were all lying motionless of the floor.
Where had the red-haired woman gone? He wondered. And why did she seem so familiar?
Phoenix heard the sound of a motor booting up come from the alleyway beside the bar. He rose to his feet as quickly as he could. Which wasn't all that fast, but was the quickest he'd moved since feeling had returned to him.
The world suddenly became all wonky and wrong, as blood rushed. He held on to a chair, and pushed it across the floor like a walker, until he could see out the window pointing to the alley.
The red-haired woman was out there. Attaching Djago to the rear of her outrider. With it's wide wheels, thick armor plating, and loud, obnoxious running motor. But although it looked like a slow-moving bike. Phoenix knew better. Hidden just above the exhaust, were two thrusters capable of propelling the bike at top speeds like a rocket.
The woman looked back at him before leaving, she smiled at him with a few strands of her hair covering her right eyes, and winked. Before taking off down the road at a speed even he couldn't believe.
Who was she? He needed to know. He ran through a catalogue of Hunters in his head. Trying to pull a name out of them.
Someone groaned behind him, and another coughed. He looked to the cannister lying down on the ground beside the three Hunters. And that's when it clicked. Noelle Cassidy, the number three Hunter on the planet.
His eyes widened, as he was taken aback. He stumbled across the room, pushing his body, that really shouldn't have been capable of moving at all. Until he reached the window he's flown through.
He hadn't given up on the bounty. Not now, not after finding out who was chasing it. Phoenix pressed a button on the dorsal of his hand and a blue holographic projection appeared before his eyes across his arm.
He pushed a series of buttons on the projection with his other hand, and not long after a bike shot into the alley. It was smaller than Noelle Cassidy's but was just as quick, with its own twin thrusters over the exhaust.
He may have been injured; he may have been quite a while away from the bounty target. But as he hopped on his bike and started the motor. All of the pain, and distance went away. As his mind hardened and prepared for yet another chase.
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