They moved to the small storage room in the back, mostly full of boxes with extra fabrics or clothes, chests of supplies, and Charlotte keeps watch over Clem as she tried on different clothes. While it was wonderful for Clem to finally wear clothes that weren't the rags from her old world, it's still a bit of a pain. The first dress they try doesn't fit, the skirts being too long for Clem to properly walk in, but Clem refuses to take it off, attached to the first outfit that's an upgrade.
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She pouts when Charlotte tugs the dress off, sitting on the floor with crossed arms, upset that her soft fabric was taken away. She did however perk up when Charlotte raised up another option.
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Charlotte has to coax her with gold coins to be patient, and she tells Clem about clothes having to actually fit her properly, not just be soft, and while she gets a frown and puffed out cheeks in response, Clem listens. She still gets upset each time Charlotte swaps out a new dress, so Charlotte tries to keep the options short.
Aki eyed Clem the entire time they tried outfits on, as if expecting the tiny toddler to snap and murder her and Charlotte. She walks over with a pair of shoes, places them next to Charlotte, before practically running away, eyes wary, still staring.
418Please respect copyright.PENANApj7OQadj5C
Clem doesn't seem to care, too entranced with with the next dress Charlotte tugged on for her, and there's a gold coin gripped in her hand. Enjoying the change of fabric, she looks up at Charlotte expectantly, silently asking if this one sufficed. It didn't, it was much too tight around the bodice. Clem hits her head against Charlotte arm when she goes to pull it off the toddler again, only earning a laugh from her guardian.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAET7FbAJv9K
They settle on a dark purple dress with long sleeves, the sleeves loosening about half-way and being tied around the waist by a golden colored string. Clem doesn't let Charlotte help with the string, whacking her hands away lightly to try doing it herself. It took a few moments, but she gets it, and Charlotte gives a smile and claps her hands lightly in praise when Clem looks up for a reaction. The demigod smiles happily that she gets to keep the dress.
418Please respect copyright.PENANARZKlMup2QJ
After that, they get some soft black stockings, which Clem absolutely adored, even kicking Charlotte in the chest a few times to get her to notice. As if Charlotte wasn't the one to put them on for her.
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The shoes... that was when it got hard.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAeBSfigtDOX
Charlotte sat Clem down on a small wooden bench pushed against the wall, grabbing a pair of boots that Aki brought over. Kneeling in front of the demigod, she decided to ignore how Clem stares at the shoes with a look of pure disgust, feeling relieved to find they fit perfectly, tugging them onto Clem's feet.
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Clem hates it.
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"Clem, darling, you have to wear shoes–" Charlotte tries explaining, holding Clem in her arms as the toddler kicks her feet wildly, attempting to get the boots off after quickly jumping off the bench to try getting them off. She doesn't actually resist in Charlotte's hold, keeping her body still, she just hates the boots.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAaNadxyKFyV
Aki lingered in the doorway of the back room, watching with curious eyes as Clem gives a tantrum, just without the screaming and crying. She just keeps kicking.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAGSV4WmizIP
"Please darling, what if the ground is too cold for you? Or too hot? Shoes can actually–"Charlotte tries says, one arm still around Clem as she reached down to the child's leg to tug at one of the boots, looking dangerously close to being kicked off.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAbbZzhTlmlm
"No!" Clem says, voice coming out in sweet yet sinister whisper, something which makes something curl into Charlotte's chest as her mind tugged in a way that made her want to listen. Oh, her sweet little Clem could do mind control with her voice! Charlotte didn't have that sort of power herself, but she had friends with that power. How they had trouble controlling their voice so they don't accidentally mind control people, making them slaves unintentionally. It took plenty of practice to control, and using it too much was terrible for their vocal chords. While in these thoughts, Clem kicked a boot off, sending it flying into the air and hitting the wall, landing on the ground with a light thump.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA2m9sB6zRTB
"No?" Charlotte repeats, grinning down at Clem who had her mouth firmly shut down, a guilty look on her little face despite's the fact she still tried kicking off the other boot.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAOeNVVY8rJa
Clem nodded her head in response, nearly kicking the other boot off, but Charlotte pulls it off for her and put it to the side. This calmed Clem down a bit, the young girl leaning against Charlotte and nuzzling in her chest, still kicking her legs, but absentmindedly rather than aggressively like earlier.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA94k46dgOwN
"Come now, Clementine." Charlotte says fondly, tugging lightly on the end of one of Clem's braids, Clem whining. "Why no shoes?"
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She waits for a response, Clem staring at her before nuzzling affectionately into Charlotte's shoulder, as if that would make them move on from this little issue.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAxt2jAgOElM
"Clementine." Charlotte giggles, pushing her Clem to sit back up. "Why not? Are they too small?"
418Please respect copyright.PENANAE74mtSitX3
Charlotte wonders if maybe Clem doesn't like shoes because she wasn't used to them, having gone barefoot for what might have been her whole life. Even so, Charlotte can't let Clem go without any shoes, because they'll be traveling a lot, and Clem needs to walk by herself. Especially since who knows how many sharp objects are on the floor.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAva5ATBVVjH
Clem tries to hug Charlotte again, and Charlotte can't help but laugh at the look the demigod gave her when she stopped it. As if she committed treason and done the unthinkable.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAtrApv33mPI
"Darling, frowning will not get you out of wearing shoes." Charlotte told, Clem frowning even more. "Why do you not like shoes?"
418Please respect copyright.PENANAXdAGgRBJSa
"D-Don't want 'em." Clem shook her head, sentence coming out mumbled and echoey. Charlotte rose an eyebrow curiously, wondering if Clem was intentionally trying to mind control or she just didn't know how to stop. Charlotte grinned in amusement, pushing back the command out of her mind.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAcDeROHe9j9
"You don't want boots, or shoes in general?" Charlotte asks patiently, reaching over and grabbing the boot she put aside. The other shoe is still across the room, from when Clem kicked it off.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAsoCaXq5srX
Clem made a face, glaring at the boot in Charlotte's hand.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAw281eZgIvm
"You need to wear shoes, Clem."
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418Please respect copyright.PENANAGAZUBoqjIm
"I can't carry you everywhere, you're a big girl."
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Clem gasps at that, a look of betrayal on her face.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAu1Uknlvpap
Charlotte laughs quietly, smile wide as Clem stares at her face thoughtfully. She goes still as a bell rings out, Charlotte doing the same as her eyes go wide. There's footsteps in the front of the shop, the bell ringing again as the door opens.
418Please respect copyright.PENANANbzvyV2ijm
Aki is still by the doorway, the woman glancing at Charlotte, who wraps her arms and wings around Clem protectively, eyes wide, pleading with the human to be merciful.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAvdXsS52ODK
The human walks out to the counter, Charlotte holding her breathe in with Clem silent under her.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA3X38trms9o
"Hello! Is this the clothing shop?"
418Please respect copyright.PENANA7R7cRzcrtg
"Yes, I–" Aki pauses, Charlotte looking around for exits, but there isn't any back door. If she wanted to run away with Clem, she would have to go through whoever just walked in. Things could go right or wrong depending entirely if Aki screamed for help or not, Charlotte slowly and quietly got to her feet, Clem holding onto her neck. Charlotte keeps one hand on the dagger at her hip, staring at the doorway with wide eyes. "The shop is closed though. You have to return tomorrow morning."
418Please respect copyright.PENANAvQ2KD1sClC
Charlotte feels relief in her chest but doesn't dare relax, still waiting for the worst scenario. She was willing to spare people if she could, but that doesn't mean she'll hesitate to kill.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAaj7YPf5ftH
"The door was left unlocked..?" The traveler asks, voice trailing off and Charlotte could hear the underlying suspicion in his tone.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAdex39q6bIG
"It was?" Aki says, voice full of false confusion. "I must have forgotten to lock up, my memory isn't as good as it was back in the day. But, as you can see, I did close the curtains. I was just checking the storage in the back."
418Please respect copyright.PENANA7sISzu5WP9
Charlotte allows a small smile to form, thankful she's being covered. She mentally notes to leave a good tip for Aki's mercy.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAvXkaf1Snbz
"I'll be quick." The traveler offers, Aki laughing in response.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA9OH6R3UokH
"Come back in the morning, bright and early. I'll sell you some deals then. I do need to head home now, but I really do need you to leave."
418Please respect copyright.PENANAXGUd1R1hQk
"Eh, was worth a shot. Thank you ma'am, and have a safe night."
418Please respect copyright.PENANAPAmQ8UKz5D
"You two." There's the sound of footsteps leaving, the bell of the door ringing as the traveler left.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAm4GIEFMWbm
Charlotte waits quietly, footsteps coming along and Aki appears at the doorway. She looks conflicted as she sees Charlotte standing in the middle of the small room, clenching onto Clem to her chest and her feathers fluffed up in preparation for an attack.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA6AifbUwXsw
She folds her wings back carefully, letting out a soft chirp at Clem to try reassure her things were fine.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAD8X7qr9j0d
"Thank you so much." Charlotte whispers, Aki sighing softly in response.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAgRgRo9LAXp
"I don't know why I didn't tell him about you both." Aki admits, her body leaning against the doorframe.
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"Either way, I'm thankful you didn’t." Charlotte says, placing Clem back down.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA5pmbx0uwSx
They move on from that moment, Charlotte coaxing Clem to put on her boots, compromising that Clem can stay in socks, but she would put on the boots just before they left. Clem was now enjoying that freedom, going through a pile of warm coats and letting out siren-like giggles.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAO8bl6DHtyh
Charlotte stand to the side, eyes gentle as Aki stands besides her, the two staring at Clem. The little girl was running her fingers all along the different types of coats laid out, making faces in annoyance at the ones she found too rough while letting out happy smiles and giggles at the ones made of soft and expensive material.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAYNnlasbTPI
"She's going to be dangerous one day. She'll grow up soon enough." Aki says, voice quiet as she tries warning Charlotte what's to come. The middle aged woman only sees the potential of danger and chaos, even when watching Clem fussing with fabrics and letting out soft noises.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAXtrHOnjIqZ
Charlotte saw differently. "I know, my poor heart won't be able to take it. I'll be thinking back on this, wishing she was small again." Imagining Clem growing up and getting taller than Charlotte, a feat that was easy to accomplish since the demonic woman was only four foot ten. That thought made her purr softly, throat vibrating.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAvFFGj4AbkZ
Aki turns to stare at Clem again, arms crossed. Clem is struggles to pull a jacket on, although once she has it on, she wears it for approximately five seconds before deciding she doesn't like it. She pulls it off before throwing it to the ground, sticking her tongue out at the jacket. "...She's almost like a child." Aki mumurs quietly, a bit of conflict in her eyes.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAck8NHK39GI
"She is a child. Inside and out." Charlotte mods, smiling brightly at Clem when the demigod looks up at her, pointing at the jacket on the floor and then kicking it lightly to the side. Charlotte nods her head her in understanding, Clem moving on to find another to try.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAYzTU2iPO0O
"She's a predestined monster. You have to know that, but you've signed yourself up for more than you can think of." Aki turns back to Charlotte, who only looks at Clem with a soft look.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA3xSuIuzrf1
"I signed myself up to raise her. To give her all the love and protection she needs." Charlotte responds, voice calm and filled with affection.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAZhxpB2DzEg
"She's a threat to everything that lives!" Aki whispers harshly, eyes glancing at Clem for a split second.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA9rm7Sgo8l7
Charlotte sighs before turning her head to the older looking woman, face hardened into a glare. "She's a little girl who's been burdened by a bullshit prophecy, being hunted down like a dangerous beast just for existing. She's done nothing wrong."
418Please respect copyright.PENANAMecRZp0Q4P
"What if you're wrong? She finally snaps and goes against you? How will you defend her when she's killed and driven people into mad slaves? Her father is that insane Greek God of Wine after all, everyone knows how he is."
418Please respect copyright.PENANA1igEpOEa4o
Charlotte winced at this. She understands how fickle and cruel Gods could be, demigods all earning bad reputations because of it. Even without a prophecy in place, Clem would've been hunted down just for her parentage, many demigods ending up causing great destruction in their paths. Charlotte prays the other children wouldn't be demigods, although would love and protect them all the same.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAWzmS9S01oT
"I don't believe you understand, love." Charlotte starts, watching as Clem feels along a red cloak with fur lining, eyes curious. "It won't matter what she does. Anything that will happen, either tomorrow or years from now, I'm still going to watch over her. She's always going to be my little girl."
418Please respect copyright.PENANACcHGFlZ5eD
"'ve got something wrong with your head." Aki says in response.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAMxjFfGs25g
"Most definitely." Charlotte admits, watching fondly as Clem played with the cloak mentioned earlier, feeling the fur on the shoulders and lining, an ecstatic look on her innocent face. "But she doesn't deserve to be killed just because she exists. I'll raise her well so she won't ever become what the prophecy claims, even if that means I'll die."
418Please respect copyright.PENANASjoe1Ml9Vv
"Will you regret it then? After she's killed you?" Aki asks, sounding bitter.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAul7v6wIoif
"Nope." Charlotte smiles, Clem turning to her with eager sparkling eyes, a new coat on and the hood covering her red curls. "I won't regret any of this at all."
418Please respect copyright.PENANAUSd0ujjb2g
They don't stay in the shop for much longer, new clothes and boots already paid for and Aki was given a handsome tip for her help for hiding them. Aki gave them a half wave and some words before they left.
418Please respect copyright.PENANANLuLxYvFVW
"I can't keep quiet about this, I'll have to tell in the morning. I didn't sell you out because, I just..." She tries explaining, although went silent as she tried finding a reason for keeping silent. The night sky provided light from the stars over their heads.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAs1H3403F9m
"It's no big deal, we'll be long on our way by then." Charlotte says, Clem in her arms and scowling at the black boots she agreed to wear. She's happy with the cloak she's picked out, and even gives Aki a sweet wave after Charlotte's says her goodbyes, Charlotte flying off into the sky.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAtFWJm0RIdP
Charlotte is set to fly as far as possible from the village, from where she found Clem. It would take awhile before the rumors about Clem's reputation would simmer down, but people would eventually give up on finding her within a few months or a few years. She knows she'll be included in tales also, stories passed along from person to person. A winged traveler (who is usually confused to be Avian since most people other than Monster hunters haven't heard of demons, at least accurate ones) taking the child meant to destroy everyone, taking it in as a daughter.
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She doesn't mind it. Finds it funny actually, especially since she knows the prophecy that her own children had when they were born centuries ago.
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So she flies into the night, off to another village, hoping to make it there and rest up, pass the time by traveling and exploring until rumors of the location of the next children can be found out.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAJEIvTdlJfY
The next few months pass quickly for Charlotte. They land in a village, stay in an inn for a night while keeping Clem's face and hair hidden away underneath her hood and in Charlotte's chest. They spend the night in a proper bed, Clem always stealing the blankets and pillows.
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They stay in this particular village for awhile, meant only for a few days. Charlotte talks with Clem, walking her through town and letting her explore and learn.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA8H81ZOBP5Q
Charlotte had experience teaching children, figuring the way children should learn was by hearing instructions, watching someone else do it, and then doing it themselves with someone to correct them if they mess up. Clem had a bit of trouble learning to read and write, but there was a library near the inn, and Clem runs small hands curiously over the books, flipping through pages despite's not having a clue what they say.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAMAZ4Q2z3dm
Charlotte reads to her. Reading different stories every night, and Clem listens with rapid attention, never sleeping until Charlotte finished speaking, sometimes requests (softly, her words come more often, but she's always soft-spoken to adults it seems) for another. Charlotte complies occasionally, even reading til dawn and she wakes up to Clem running fingers through the pages, trying to make sense of the letters herself, since Charlotte won't do it for her.
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She goes to the librarian after that, who's thankfully a kind and sweet old lady. She had observed Charlotte's wings with a sad type of fascination, holding onto her arm gently as if Charlotte's gone through too much. Charlotte's been through plenty, but she tries not to be too upset over it.
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She agrees to help Clem learn, but Clem is wary. She refused to sit next to the elderly woman, only by Charlotte, and they have to work it out the next few weeks. They work through it despite's the librarian having to sit across the table, Charlotte next to Clem as they work through letters.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAfpW3mioYMk
Clem is a fast learner, seeming determined to copy the librarian's neat handwriting the exact same way. Clem practices stubbornly, until she has that fancy type handwriting down. Letters curved and neat, looking beautiful to look at.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA1K2oWcwTLX
Charlotte smiles and watches in silence for those weeks. How Clem starts to slowly trust the librarian enough that she eventually sits next to the woman, how Clem practices her writing at the inn, papers covered completely in messy handwriting that evolves to that beautiful penmanship.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAegYb6JhDjV
They don't take long before doing reading, sounding letters out, something Clem does struggle with a bit. She stumbles and stutters over words, sometimes getting frustrated and bursting into tears. It makes her heart ache, but Charlotte is patient, whispering soft words of encouragement to keep trying, because she's her smart little darling who could do anything if she worked hard for it.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAxidQMVTPJ5
They meant to stay in town for only a year, but it turns to five years too quickly, too fast for Charlotte to notice, watching Clem grow and learn, eventually getting out of her shell. She's still wary of people, that seeming to just be her personality. Other than Charlotte, she stays wary of strangers or careful of people she does know, like the librarian or the kind baker who Charlotte always buys treats from.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAun2dJwArfp
To most, she's very quiet and shy, but she loves to ramble to Charlotte late at night, always asking and asking questions while still playing with Charlotte's hair. She attempts braids onto the black locks now, tries copying the way Charlotte always does Clem's curls, always in two braids cascading over her shoulders.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAP1ET7XL2og
Charlotte had plenty of practice with hairstyles, what with coming from a large family before having children of her own long ago, so Clem always has her hair nice. Clementine insists on learning young, and Charlotte lets her, guiding her through it.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAfOW5GY7NTc
They stay in that town for a long time, marking a place in Charlotte's heart with memories all around it. She didn't mean to stay in this single location for so long, wants to keep moving and be wary. This town is far though, so isolated in the forest that they don't have a priest or a person with magic to speak of the tales and prophecies. The tale of the Crazed Wine God's Offspring is known, of course, the tale has been spread too long and far for it not to be known. Clem is just that sweet little girl who always clings close to Charlotte's legs whenever they linger in shops however. They're none the wiser.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAMkGak7b4pK
Clem needs stability to properly grow up and learn, so Charlotte decides to live in the town for about five years. Clem grows and learns excessively fast, and Charlotte has to remind herself constantly this is a temporary living space. They'll have to move on one day, for the next child. Even Clementine knows that, having heard it from Charlotte before, how she's not the only child Charlotte needs to find and raise as her own.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAof5kkeEz93
But for those five years, Clementine is just a content little girl.
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Until she gets magic and visions.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAyN7Xq1OVyC
It's small at first, Clem having to stop touching walls and such due to leaving a trails of vines and vegetation behind. Then it becomes dangerous, unsettled sleep with Clem screaming awake and gripping onto Charlotte, rambling on about men turning to dolphins or driven to insanity.
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Clem gets jumpy and more quiet after that, Charlotte asking over and over, for Clem to tell her what's wrong, but Clem just stays silent. The most Charlotte is able to do was hold her child close as she sobbed and whimpered in despair.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAjaEKnAUG2O
It's a whole six months, growing progressively worse. Clem clings to Charlotte, eyes hazy and she stares off into space. Charlotte tries her best, hugging her at night, singing quietly to try and lull the demigod to sleep. She has a soothing and gentle voice, and Clem enjoys it, helping at least a little bit.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAvnvUF0Us0c
Clementine throws herself into reading, her eyes never tearing away from the words and she's stays even more secluded from the townsfolk. Charlotte allows it, knowing it helped calm her down a bit, made her less unhappy.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAGmbw0oMnHu
It's ruined by the hunters, who come just six months after the magic does, when Clem was just eight.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAUNSeL5TkeF
Charlotte was in the bakery and talking with the people at the counter, debating on whether she should get a small cake for Clem since she thought she would appreciate the treat reserved for birthdays and holidays. Clem was sitting outside with a book in hand, eyes narrowed as she focused on the letters. The bakery was a bit loud, people shuffling and ovens burning, so she doesn't notice right away. She notices too late.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA74uCG8m2Uk
Clementine reads on the grass, unaware of the small flowers growing underneath her bare feet or of the two new people walking into town. They notice her. They're friendly, kind, one of them even kneeling down to strike up conversation with Clem, grinning brightly.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAFOAj1DLWXk
He pulls Clem's book down with a friendly smile, but sees Clem's wine purple eyes, wide and confused on who dared interrupt her reading.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAzMRupRNRcF
A knife gets pulled, she gets lifted up by the neck, and Clementine hears one of them mutter 'Demigod'.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAdPG6togrN3
Her pupils swirl, glowing a bright inhuman color, wanting to scream as she hears chanting in her head, of a frightening familiar male voice screaming to make these mortals pay, and–
418Please respect copyright.PENANAlHXEqY5KmJ
Charlotte jolts as she hears screams, her heart dropping as she quickly made her way outside, grabbing her dagger as soon as she sees Clem's book discarded on the ground. She pauses, lingering in front of the bakery as screams sound out around her, the townspeople in shock.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA95DE7qdZ8e
"Oh." She breathes out, putting her dagger away and feeling her heart ache. "Oh, no."
418Please respect copyright.PENANAXbDabnj8jB
Clem was screaming and sobbing on the dirt road, body shaking and she buried her face into her hands, realizing what she's done. The two bodies are twisted, large vines having broken bones and splattered the ground in red.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAicNWw7WxgC
Clem turns to Charlotte and her sobs grow worse, cheeks flushed and she isn't breathing properly.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAFixtdoRGvl
"Mama, Mama, I didn't– I didn't mean to—I–" Clem stammers, Charlotte not waiting a second longer and rushing over to her, kneeling down and pulling the blood covered girl in her arms. "–he wanted to make them pay, he wanted blood, I didn't wanna, mama, but he was so loud–"
418Please respect copyright.PENANAoCPzEa5wfa
Charlotte's heart aches at the 'mama' stuttered out, and she looks at the damage around. The travelers looks to have been killed harshly, dark bruises on their bodies where the vines held tightly before they were twisted furiously, able to see the white of bones that broke through skin. They didn't expect Clem to defend herself. That ended in their demise, starting a fight with something they underestimated due to its small size.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA7xXtay6Feq
"Who asked for them to pay?" Charlotte asks quietly, pulling back but holding onto Clem's shoulders gently. The townspeople are circling around, realizing what happened, becoming a threat. But Charlotte needs to know.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAQiwaD2PxQf
“–I wanted to stop, but he just—" Clem sobs, Charlotte shushing her and laying a hand to the child’s cheek.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA8qOKIBmDIE
"Who?" She asks again, having a feeling already she knew.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAkI6liG3fkW
"I was– there–" Clem takes a shuddering breath, hands gripping into Charlotte's hair, smearing blood to the black strands. "A voice, in my head. He wouldn't be quiet, he knew I was gonna get hurt, so he just, I don't know, they wanted to hurt me, and he got so loud–"
418Please respect copyright.PENANA05Fa1Ixjsa
"It's okay." Charlotte reassures, getting to her feet and picking Clem up off the ground. "It's okay, now."
418Please respect copyright.PENANAcI1IwS3vgo
It isn't, because there's two corpses twisted unnaturally and cruelly, the people around them are starting to realize who the 'Demigod' was.
418Please respect copyright.PENANABCK0HHYB3E
"Charlotte." Someone says, reaching a hand out to touch her shoulder. "Look, your daughter, she's not–"
418Please respect copyright.PENANAsnmPKofT34
"Stay back." She whispers, taking a step away, her little Clementine crying quietly into her neck, bloody fingers in her hair. "I know exactly who she is."
418Please respect copyright.PENANAJN8WyIgaA4
"You knew this was going to happen?!" Someone screams, anger and fear in their voice.
418Please respect copyright.PENANADc7WDYjjnb
"I didn't think–" that this would happen, Clem thinks, but she doesn't say it outloud. She can't stop this. This would spread, cause more fear of Clem, going to make life hell.
418Please respect copyright.PENANATnbz3FZ4ZQ
She can work with this, Charlotte decides, even with the added effort, a male voice only Clem could hear and unstable powers, she'll find a way to quell him.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAVi21QAAZlS
The others won't care for that. Nobody cares for that. They make steps towards Charlotte, carefully, caring, as if Charlotte didn't know her daughter would turn out like this. Charlotte knew all along. She's not any less loving of this child in her arms, nor any less protective.
418Please respect copyright.PENANAH65Hu14Za4
"Charlotte, please." They say, Charlotte's feathers ruffling out in rage at the demeaning tone they were using with her. "You have to hand it over. We can do this quick if you don't resist."
418Please respect copyright.PENANAasVZ1TNiem
"Not a step closer." Charlotte warns, pulling her dagger out in front of her while holding Clem close. "Stay back, now! You'll be dead like those assholes if you touch her!"
418Please respect copyright.PENANAX7WkKw6i5I
There's glances to the dead bodies held up in the air, and Charlotte feels remorse for their deaths which passes a second later. These mortals went after a child, a little girl who was reading a book. They pulled a knife on her. Charlotte feels what they got wasn't fast enough. It's fucked up, she knows, but she doesn't care.
418Please respect copyright.PENANA7OICY7monY
"Think it over, Charlotte." The baker says behind her, and Charlotte turns around. She lets out a blood curling shriek when someone grabs at her arm, reaching for Clem, and instincts made her swing the dagger down, stabbing straight into someone's arm.
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"Don't fucking touch her!" Charlotte steps back, eyes wild and glowing, hating how these humans wished to hurt her baby. A member of her flock. "Leave her alone! You'll be sorry, otherwise!"
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Her wings raise out, not waiting before she flies into the air before anyone could make another grab for her daughter. She flies away from the disaster, holding onto Clem, gritting her teeth as the child lays silent in her arms.
They land hours later, Clem quiet still as they land in a field, no one around for miles.
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Clem spaces off and Charlotte brushes her hair back, carefully putting her onto the grass. The blood has long since dried, and it hurts Charlotte to see it on her child.
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"Do you still hear him, Clem?" Charlotte asks, kneeling down and waiting as Clem takes a moment to respond, eyes dazed in an unnatural way.
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"...not enough." Clem murmurs, looking near to tears. "He wants more blood. The whole town's now, Mama–"
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"It's okay darling." Charlotte says, reaching for her dagger and pulling it out, attempting to give it to Clem. Clem jolts back like she was just burnt.
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"NO!" Clem screams, falling back and scrambling back as Charlotte walks towards her. "No, no, I can't! I'm not–"
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"You won't hurt me, Clem." Charlotte reassures, and she knows that. "I'm not gonna make you hurt me."
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Clem goes still, so Charlotte reaches a hand out and pulls her back onto her feet. That doesn't stop when Clem flinches when the knife is put in her hands.
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Charlotte turns the child around, positioning Clem's hands so the knife was pointed up, as if Clem would fight against the wind. Her arms were around Clem, hands against hers as Clem nervously glanced back at her.
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"You have a voice, right? In your head." Charlotte says quietly, by Clem's shoulder. Clem hesitates although nodded after a moment.
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"He's very loud." Clem admits, voice so miserable that it makes Charlotte want to fly to Olympus where she knew the 'voice' was and cut his tongue out.
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"Then quiet him."
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"He wants blood." Clem says in disgust, little face in a grimace.
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"You want to give him that satisfaction?"
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Clem shakes her head furiously, bottom lip quivering.
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Charlotte raises the knife in Clem's hand, points it up at an invisible assailant.
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"Your head, your mind." Charlotte says, voice calm. "Quiet the Voice." She said before letting go, Clem taking a deep breath in.
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Then Clem lunges, stabbing and swinging the knife as if she's about to be killed, fighting against nothing but the wind and air. She fights in a way that Charlotte frowned at, as if she was a wild creature desperate to live.
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It goes on for a while, Clem screaming, sometimes, nearly crying.
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She finally stops as the sun went down the horizon, breathing heavily and collapsing onto the grass. Charlotte lays besides her child and wraps her arms around Clem, chittering and chirping softly to comfort her crying daughter.
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The Voice doesn't come back, at least for now.