Decca: The Battle of Cards | Penana
Decca: The Battle of Cards
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Decca: The Battle of Cards
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The Decca League Tournament has started up again and Cassandra has high hopes in winner this year. Being one of the top Decca fighters puts a lot of pressure on her but with her incredible skill she should be able to get through it with no problems. Decca fighters from all around the world gather and compete with cards full of intense power. The powerful Decca cards materialize elemental abilities and much more so that fighters can utilize the incredible powers against their opponents. Although Cassandra prepared way in advance for this years tournament she definitely didn't go in with a clear and focused mind. Her older sister Cassidy who was her close friend and mentor, when it came to Decca battles, had gone missing 2 years ago without a trace. Now for the very first time Cassandra will have to fight in the tournament alone without her support as she also deals with the void in her heart.

 Will Cassandra ever see her sister again?

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Total Reading Time: 1 hour 24 minutes
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