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Mimi Bordeaux
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May I borrow something take the pencil of poetry and cross it out adding ‘prose’ to the parchment sitting uncomfortably in a chair not designed for long hauls= sing a song tunesmiths everywhere hit head again no not this once more shall propose short story character over inside and out write this time with feeling no that’s music funny tags don’t mean life is great= death I found was close to harmony I ever felt like a dream fantasy in the dark eyes closed head slumped down a Heroin overload turning purple now Mary is saying ‘Mimi’ somewhere out there I get splashed liquid onto face I open my eyes to a room ‘where have I been?’ I ask Mary. ‘You died’. ‘Oh’.Different species eat frogs and things the Great Eagle hovers above diving elegantly= trees shake their leaves into the water lake river runs through it here I belong forest of delights frayed forlorn fighting spirit alive a-running into a trap set for wild animals I pick up my scarred leg a-hopping to the river bank’s edge.

Back on land someone was here just now I can feel them close by looking with short sightedness blurry vision no no not once more espy the intruder inner hell turns jelly stomach to heal why not the peasants somewhere living shanty style uplifts no one around I wait pause very long pause off I go

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