The Water Screams in Protest | Penana
The Water Screams in Protest
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The Water Screams in Protest
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So i had a dream. Two young men, one escaping terrible exploitation and one escaping terrible luxury, meet. They set of on their individual journeys to change their lives. On the way they meet angels and monsters and mermaids and demon horses and perfectly normal people with universes locked inside their tears. And they meet themselves. It was all a dream I had one night, literally a dream with the unbelievable qualities dreams have. It  was a bit weird. It was a bit disjointed. It was a bit fantastical. It was definitely emotional. It was a bit ridiculous at times, but it was inspiring at times. And I woke up in a daze, a literal daze. I decided to share the content of this dream with whoever comes across this story and decides to read it. Honoured guests, I humbly welcome you, to the story I spent days caudifying when I was supposed to be doing my homework.

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Total Reading Time: 41 minutes
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