A loud knocking at the door awakened the giant Princess, who'd only managed fits of restless sleep throughout the night. Nerves prevented any sort of valuable rest, producing cloudy visions of scenarios of what the day might bring. None of them were particularly positive. Groggy eyes blinked away the light that filtered in through the bedroom window now that morning had arrived. Why did it have to be so bright so early?
"Princess! We must begin getting you ready for the ceremony!" A female voice exclaimed from the hallway outside, knocking a few more times for good measure, as if her banging up to this point hadn't already roused Yuna from sleep. "There is no time to waste in bed!"
Right. The wedding day. Yuna had been hoping for a less startling beginning to the morning, but she supposed none of this was going as expected. Smoothing out the worst of her seafoam-green bedhead and pulling her sluggish limbs from underneath the covers, Yuna swung them out and stood on the soft carpet, walking over to the door and mentally preparing herself for whatever bombardment she was about to be subject to. Her experience with the seamstresses the night before left little doubt that a plethora of people were waiting in the wings to swoop in and overwhelm her with whatever they were here for.
To her shock, the door opened to welcome a lone woman-very short even by average standards and a set of extra arms below the first pair. The tiny blonde-haired woman looked up, holding oversized towels and several products for the bath with incredible ease. She gave a wide smile, holding up the items in her hands a bit. "Good morning, Princess! How did you sleep?"
"Truthfully, not very-"
"Well, a nice hot bath should wake you up!" The woman chirped with glee, stepping past Yuna to enter the bedroom with her things. "We mustn't take long, many preparations are underway for your wedding today. We don't want to be late!"
Yuna gave a tired sigh, both from exhaustion and the growing realization that 80% of her sentences so far had been interrupted before she could finish them. How frustrating. Not to mention, a bath would simply drain her energy further given her devil fruit ability. "Alright."
Following after the tiny attendant, who lead her into the guest room's connected bathroom, Yuna watched as she set the items on the counter and went to draw the shallow bath built into the floor. The water was hot and steaming even as it came out of the spout, the water rising much quicker than she would have expected.
The small woman began sectioning out the products she'd brought with her as she waited for the bath to fill, before looking up at the much taller woman curiously.
"You will need to...undress for the bath, Princess."
"Right." She muttered with a blink, realizing that she was supposed to actually be doing something instead of just standing there like a child. Her fingers went to fiddle with the edge of her nightgown sleeves. "I'm sorry, my mind is elsewhere."
"That is why I am here. To make sure we don't fall behind schedule." The woman said with a happy smile, clasping her two sets of hands together. Then, she looked up at Yuna seriously, taking her addled thoughts as nervousness. Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial tone. "And don't worry. The seamstresses already let us know about the bandages. We've been instructed not to ask or comment on them while we prepare you for the wedding. It isn't our intention to make you uncomfortable, so please don't be nervous about such a thing."
The Princess' face grew hot, fingers clenching. She stared down at the woman's face, seeing no trace of judgement or disgust. The seamstresses had broken one of the two promises they'd sworn to, but Yuna could see that it was done out of concern for her own comfort rather than in the sake of gossip. At least, she hoped that was their only reasoning for it.
"Who is 'we,' exactly?"
"Just those will be preparing you for the wedding. Your secret is safe with us!"
"Thank you." Yuna whispered, unsure what else to say. Her emotions were a mixed bag of being touched by the sentiment and mortified that so many unknown people were aware of what was hidden underneath her gown without her consent.
The tiny woman's smile returned in full, bright as a shining sun. "Of course!"
Yuna slowly lifted the nightgown over her head, depositing the garment in the basket beside the bath. By this time, the bath was filled. Her attendant quickly turned off the water and gestured to the products now lined along the bath's edge. "There are scented oils you may use to your liking, other lotions and such, but please don't take long. The hairdressers and make up artists will arrive in half an hour to start getting you ready."
"Would you like assistance with the bandages?" She offered, but Yuna shook her head.
"I'll manage by myself. And...could you please see about getting me fresh ones?"
Happy to be of service, she nodded. "Right away!" With a spring in her step, the woman turned in place and left the bathing room. Yuna swallowed back her nerves, knowing she didn't have a lot of time to dawdle, and began peeling away at the white cloth secured around her body.
With practiced ease, the yards of bandages fell away to the ground, some portions smudged with dried blood. Her skin grew chilled when exposed to the open air. The pile on the floor grew, until the last coil slipped from her wrist. She looked around for a trash can, and picked up her discarded rags. Pushing it as far down into the can as possible, she hoped that the cleaning staff wouldn't ask any uncomfortable questions later down the line.
Yuna eased into the prepared bath with a sigh. The heated water felt glorious on her skin. The accompanying fatigue from being submerged was nearly ignorable from how good the temperature felt. What's more, she didn't have to worry too much about drowning in the bath, as the shallow depth and smaller width prevented her from unintentionally slipping underneath the water.
It was a small time of respite from what was sure to be a hectic day. The calm before the storm. Yuna relished every second she could in peace and solitude. Once her attendants began getting her ready, she highly doubted there would be a moment of quiet until later that night. And at that point, she would be expected to accompany Katakuri to his home...wherever that may be. He was supposedly a minister of one of the islands, but did he live in the castle?
A sudden terrifying thought made her still as she worked the lid off of one of the scented oils. Did Totto Land expect consummation of marriage on the wedding night? Seiiki Kingdom did not practice such an archaic tradition, and Big Mom didn't seem like the type to care about such a thing. Totto Land as a whole was very eccentric and informal, generally. But one never knew.
She knew nothing of Katakuri, and based off of his behavior when they'd first met, she highly doubted he would be willing to spend much time bonding at any point during the ceremony today. She'd be sharing a bed with a complete stranger, and perhaps expected to engage in such an intimate activity with him. Such a thing would require her to remove her clothing and display the bandages. Or underneath even those...
Yuna shook the thought from her mind, telling herself that she could confront that terrifying situation if it came to be. But for now, she could do nothing but soak in the lovely bathwater and dread the events that were to come.
Her limbs felt heavy and all of the energy was drained from her body. If she wasn't careful, she would fall back asleep just soaking in the water, but the overhanging time limit kept her alert and awake enough to see the rest of her bath through. Her attendant returned not long after with a small first aid kit gripped in one of her four hands.
"I wasn't able to get this without a nurse seeing me, so if anyone asks, you accidentally got pricked by the seamstresses' needles!" She explained with a wink and a grin, setting the box on the bathroom counter further away. Yuna nodded her understanding. "There's only a few minutes left for you to bathe, I'm afraid. We don't want to run behind schedule."
"I understand."
"Would you like me to leave while you dry off and apply the bandages again?" The woman offered, and Yuna paused before responding with a long sigh.
"No need to make a complicated process out of this, I suppose. You already know about them. What difference would it make if you see underneath?" The Princess decided with reluctance, wondering if she would regret this decision later on. But in the essence of time and simplicity, she could bear this temporary discomfort. "Besides, we don't have much time as you said. Having help will get it done faster."
"As you wish."
Yuna realized that she hadn't even bothered to ask this woman's name, and felt incredibly rude for it. She had been so kind, and part of her thought that this whole thing would feel less uncomfortable if she actually knew who she was.
"What is your name?"
The blonde's brows shot up, not having expected the question. "Oh! I am Minette. I should have introduced myself earlier, but I wasn't sure it mattered."
She nodded, committing it to her memory. "Well, Minette. I'm sorry in advance for what you'll see."
With that, Yuna rose from the bath and grabbed one of the towels that lay waiting on the edge, wrapping herself with it as best she could. Her arms and legs were still left bare, and Yuna was impressed with Minette's ability to not stare in a way that made her cower in on herself. Her patient smile never slipped, and her eyes gave no indication that she was disturbed by the sight of her naked body.
It did a lot to ease her nervousness.
Yuna was dried, rewrapped in bandages, and sat in the chair before the vanity in record time. Minette had made the bandaging process much quicker given her extra sets of hands, but Yuna's nerves were on edge the entire time, unused to having someone help her do that part of her routine. So far, so good, though.
The two women in charge of doing her hair, and the two in charge of her make up all arrived at the same time minutes later, fretting about the guest room as they prepared to make her beautiful for the day. Minette was still present, waiting for instruction and smiling happily from a nearby chair as she watched the two hairdressers begin taming her seafoam-colored locks.
"What is Seiiki like?" The tiny woman suddenly questioned, her four arms settling on her lap as she sat in her own chair further away. "I've heard people call it a sanctuary."
"It is. We help escaped slaves lead a new life after their captivity." Yuna explained, wincing as one of the women pulled just a little too hard on the comb through her hair. "My father has always tried to make it as peaceful and prosperous a place as he possibly could."
"Well, any good leader tries to do that, darling." One of the hairdressers said with a chuckle. "That doesn't make it very unique, I'm afraid."
"Of course." Yuna conceded the point. "We simply keep our citizens pasts in mind, and try our best to make sure we are always considerate of that when passing policy and laws. He is no tyrant king, is what I mean to say.
"The people are kind and caring, and many seek artistry as a means of expression. Seiiki is filled with many talented artists and musicians, and we frequently have concerts or plays performed in the Royal Theatre. There are festivals when the trees turn a beautiful orange and red in autumn. It's lively and good fun."
"It sounds like a wonderful place." Minette chimed in, smile never fading. "A paradise just like Totto Land... I didn't know such a country existed."
Yuna tried to explain that Totto Land and Seiiki were entirely different places, but the two make-up artists sitting in wait for her hair to be finished both laughed between themselves before she could get a word out.
"No place is like Totto Land, silly Minette!"
"And even if there was, everyone knows better than to leave."
The women all laughed together, perhaps some hilarious joke that Yuna didn't know the context to. Yuna was forced to sit still, her hair being yanked in all sorts of directions as it was combed and treated with more hair products from their little bag. They certainly weren't gentle, but at the very least skilled.
Makeup was next once her hair had been teased into beautiful, wavy curls that framed her face. Yuna's face was attacked by their various creams and powders, brushes swiping across her skin with practiced ease. The Princess was more or less forced to keep her eyes closed during this portion of her makeover, not wanting to get anything in them. The scent of the powders nearly made her sneeze.
Their constant bickering didn't help dampen her nerves of coming out of this looking like a clown.
"A natural look is what we want."
"Natural? This is a wedding day! Bold and dazzling is what we want!"
"No, no...red is too harsh for her skin tone. And her hair! It sticks out to much."
"Well, we don't want her looking washed out! Everything is pastel this, and pastel that. We want some color, my darling."
"A darker brow will set this bring this whole look together."
"We want a roasted chestnut color, not a charcoal black! Step aside, I'll do her brows myself."
Yuna decided that butting in with her own preferences or opinion would do nothing but upset both artists, and elected to stay silent in her chair. With luck, their two drastic styles would meet somewhere in the middle and look alright. Surely Big Mom wouldn't allow her to look ridiculous walking down the aisle. Right?
Finally, after what felt like ages, her face was left alone and she felt the space occupied by the two make up artists in front of her become vacant. They'd stepped back, and one of them gave a quiet chuckle.
"Open your eyes, my dear."
Tentatively, Yuna cracked one eye open, then the other, and gazed upon her reflection in the vanity's mirror. She blinked, impressed with their skill and how everything had come together. Her brown eyes were accentuated with dark lashes and a swipe of green eyeshadow. Full lips were colored a subtle red, not too striking to draw attention from her face, but not too light as to blend in. It was a little more than Yuna typically applied on herself, though for a special occasion as mentioned, she supposed it made sense to do so.
"It looks wonderful." Yuna complimented, tilting her head back and forth to see her face from all angles.
"Well of course, it does. We aren't amateurs." The second artist gave an eye roll, as if such a suggestion was absurd.
"I'm sure Katakuri-sama won't be able to take his eyes off of you!" Minette chipped in from her own chair, a dreamy smile brightening her expression.
Yuna had her doubts, but felt it would be cruel to dampen the mood, if only for the other womens' sakes. She returned Minette's smile with a small one of her own. "You may be right."
Several harsh knocks once again banged on the door, and the familiar team of seamstresses burst through without waiting for entry.
"The bride must dress!" The head seamstress announced. "Please leave the rest to us."
With nods, the hairdressers and makeup artists packed up their things and left in a hurry, more than happy to allow the seamstresses to finish up getting the bride prepared. Yuna was ushered out of the chair and made to stand on the platform from the night before.
The room was abuzz with women once more, though four of them were already taking her finished gown off the mannequin and dragging it closer to her. Yuna's eyes didn't know where to settle, and so were constantly tracking different people, before settling on the head seamstress who approached her with a serious expression.
"Will the bandages remain?" She gestured to Yuna's body with curiosity.
Her fingers clenched. "Y-yes. They will."
"I see. Adjustments will be made." Was her only reply, before turning and helping the four women gather her gown together.
Yuna felt leagues better once the fabric covered her bandage-wrapped skin. Having her secret exposed for others to see was a never-ending anxiety in the back of her mind. It was necessary to get through the wedding process, but it didn't mean she had to like it.
The Princess stood straight as they laced the back of the gown up, all the way to the back of her neck. Custom fit to her body, the whole thing fit snugly and comfortably. The others fluffed out the dress so that it was on full display to make sure nothing had come apart from the night before. As if Yuna would have tampered with it in any way.
Her eyes closed, letting them do their work and taking a deep breath to steady her beating heart. With the full ensemble together, reality was catching up to her at a breakneck speed. This was her wedding. Her special day. Well, it was supposed to be. It didn't all that special at the moment.
An itch began to build just behind her nose, but she held back the desire to cry. So much work had been done on her appearance, she didn't want to ruin all of the work that had been put into it. And she had a feeling everyone would be able to tell that she'd been crying, no matter how hard she might try to hide the fact.
"You look so beautiful, Princess..." Minette's reassuring and quiet praise made Yuna open her eyes. The small attendant stood to the side in front of her, her hands clasped together with evident tears in her eyes. Her smile was dazzling. "I've never seen a bride so enchanting."
"How many weddings have you assisted with?" Yuna questioned, more so to distract herself than wanting to know an answer.
"Oh, maybe a dozen? Big Mom has many daughters!"
"Then surely I do not compare."
"Nonsense! You have the grace and serenity that I would expect of a Princess, and truthfully, most of the Charlotte daughters are...well, harsh, if I had to say." Minette gave a little laugh, stepping aside as one of the seamstresses ducked under Yuna's dress to make whatever adjustments they needed to the underside. "I respect them very much, but they make for very unorthodox brides."
"Hmm." Yuna responded, unsure what else to say.
"There. It is finished." The head seamstress concluded as she nestled the veil into her hair, and all of the women stepped back to see their handiwork.
Yuna caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, and had to admit that she did look like the picture of what a bride should. The white veil covering her face, coupled with the stunning white gown...she was wedding ready on the surface. All that was missing was a bouquet of flowers to hold.
In her chest her heart hammered a painful beat, aching for the absence of her father and brothers. Denji would have teased her for the primness of her appearance, followed by Genji's incredulous reply that there was no need to be rude. Her father would have gazed upon her with fondness, and told her that she reminded him of her mot-
"Our job is finished." The seamstress continued in a loud tone, gathering up their things and taking the now-empty mannequin with them. "Minette, please escort the Princess to the chapel. Mama would like her to wait there before the ceremony begins."
A sudden thought came to mind. "My retainer-"
"He will be sent to the chapel as well."
And with that, the team of women disappeared again, leaving her and Minette standing in the middle of the guest room in silence. Yuna forced herself to take a careful breath, fingers clenching the edges of her wedding gown's white sleeves. This was all too much...
"Breathe, Princess. It is almost time for the ceremony, and we don't want you passing out from shock." The attendant's hand placed itself against the fabric around her leg, noticing the strained expression and her tense shoulders. "Follow me. I'll bring you to the chapel, and you'll be able to sit down for a moment in some peace and quiet."
"Yes..." Yuna said, slightly out of breath. There was no excuse for losing her composure now. So close to securing protection for her country, the Princess of Seiiki would not break under the pressure. Every challenge that presented itself here forth, she would undertake and overcome. Her fortifying nod followed after. "Yes, ok."
The chapel was silent, as Minette had promised. Blissful peace.
Yuna sat upon one of the pews at the front of the room, elbows on her knees as she leaned forward. The bouquet that Minette had handed to her before letting her have a few moments of solitude sat on the seat next to her. She glanced at it, trying to appreciate the colorful arrangement of flowers someone else had picked out for the occasion, but couldn't bring herself to care too much.
"Your vows are on a piece of paper in the bouquet." Minette had instructed, giving her an encouraging smile and a squeeze of her finger. Her tiny hand couldn't wrap around anything bigger on the bride. "You'll do great, I know it. And congratulations, Princess!"
Her eyes wandered to the podium that took up the center of the raised platform at the head of the chapel, overlooking where the congregation would have sat. The whole place looked so plain in comparison to the rest of Totto Land. It hardly seemed used. What was the point of a chapel if the wedding ceremony wouldn't be conducted in it? None of the residents struck her as the religious type either. When your life rested in the hands of a Yonko, she supposed it left little room for belief of a higher power.
The sound of a door opening made her glance back, nerves tensing her shoulders. But they fell in relief when she spotted Daigon slipping inside. The naval captain froze upon seeing her, before approaching with a cautiousness she hadn't expected.
"Princess..." He muttered, coming to stand before her and look upon the bride. The man was dressed in his finest uniform, the colors of their kingdom shown off with a pin on his chest. His normally unkempt, salt-colored hair was combed and trimmed. And while he wore a cologne to present his best, she could still smell the underlying salty stench that would always remind her of him. One might find it offensive, but she felt only a sense of comforting familiarity in this strange land.
His face was an open book, so unlike what was typical. The guarded, cynical man could barely suppress his wonder at the sight of the young woman before him. A hand slicked back through his hair, blinking a few times. Did he expect her to disappear?
"You, uh..." He began again, clearing his throat a few times to get rid of the huskiness in his tone. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you." She replied, some of her nerves dampening with the warmth of his genuine compliment. Coming from him of all people, it meant more than she could describe. "I'm surprised you didn't come to my room this morning."
"I tried to, but...they wouldn't let me near your door. Said you were getting prepared and couldn't be disturbed." Daigon gave a shrug. "I figured causing a scene would have given you trouble, so I abided their terms."
"I appreciate it."
They both went silent after that, neither sure of what to say, until Daigon walked over and moved her bouquet to the side so he could sit on the seat beside her. His hand reached for hers, only managing to cradle half of her palm.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Not particularly."
"And how are you feeling?"
"Terrified. Yet, calm." The bride frowned a bit. "I don't know how to describe it."
Yuna took a deep breath, before letting it all out in a huff. Her head shook slowly. "I'm so nervous, it takes everything in me not to shake or scream or cry. But at the same time..." She looked down at her hands. "...I know this is what I need to do. Like I was destined for it. I'll do my best to make Father proud, and all of the people back home. That alone is what's kept me together so far."
Daigon nodded but was unable to mask the expression of pain entirely. It was replaced with a sudden determination, and his eyes met hers directly. "Ask me to whisk you away back to Seiiki, Princess, and I'd do it. No matter how impossible it may be, I'd find a way. This may be your last chance to decide."
"My crew, they too would fight until their last breath on your behalf. If it meant you could return home, they would risk everything, the Emperor of the Sea's wrath be damned. So just say the word, and we'll burst out that window right there back to the ship." He pointed towards the stained glass towards their left. "This could all be a bad dream, an experience you can forget and never look back on."
Yuna stared at the window for a long time, before smiling quietly back at him, enclosing his hand in her palm with her other one. "We both know I will not ask that of you or your men. Big Mom's forces would strike you down as soon as we stepped foot outside of the garden. Seeing you lose your lives for me is not something that would bring me happiness. The cost of that freedom is too high."
The naval captain scoffed, clearly disagreeing, eyes downturned to the floor in anger. No doubt he blamed himself for being unable to find a way out of her predicament.
"I've made up my mind. I will go through with this wedding and protect everyone we love back home. This is a joyous day for the kingdom of Seiiki, even if it doesn't seem like it right now. So please do not be angry." Her hand squeezed his slightly, drawing his gaze upwards. "It's my wedding day, after all."
His expression hardened, but beneath the cracks she could see the struggle to keep himself composed. For a moment, his eyes took on a glassy appearance. "As you wish, Princess." He muttered.
Someone cleared their throat from behind them. Despite only having heard him speak a few sentences at most, Yuna could tell who stood in the doorway by his presence alone. Daigon swung his head to take in the sight of her groom, glaring his blatant displeasure at being interrupted, but she merely closed her eyes in preparation.
The time had come.
"The ceremony is about to start." Katakuri's deep tone explained, and she heard the naval captain low growl.
"It can wait. The Princess needs a moment to-"
"It's alright." She interrupted, garnering her companions attention. She flashed him another smile, this one feeling much more enthusiastic than what her emotions reflected. For his sake. "I'll be alright, Daigon. Please, make sure Father knows that. Denji and Genji, too."
He merely looked at her. She leaned down to envelope him in a hug, thankful for his presence up to this point. There was a very minuscule chance that she would see him again after this, if her experiences so far were anything to go by. Pulling back after a moment, she retrieved her bouquet from beside her and stood to her full height, making sure the veil was in place over her face.
Turning, she gazed upon her groom for the second time. Dressed in much more formal a uniform-though still retaining his fluffy scarf to hide his face-he was just as intimidating, if not more so, than before. His large build stood out in the fitted dress shirt and black vest. This one was buttoned, she thought with mild amusement. Black dress pants and shoes completed the look. Other than the odd accessory and the short, fluffy hair that came across as untamable, he looked as much a groom as she did a bride. A match made in...ah, hmm. Well, it was a match at the very least.
The thumping in her chest grew more pronounced, to the point that she worried he would somehow know. Despite knowing nothing about him, she got the impression that he was extremely observant. Those piercing eyes, and the way he held himself. Confidence like that didn't come from ignorance, surely. But her own determination tramped down the fear and kept it in check. Her expression kept deceivingly unaffected as she approached the man who would be her husband.
Katakuri looked down at her with his intense red eyes, flicking back and forth over her person, no doubt taking in her appearance just as she had done moments earlier. Whatever he felt about the end result was hidden behind his own blank face, though only being able to see the upper portion of it didn't help in the slightest. It would have been nice to know if he was repulsed or attracted to her. Was that too much to ask?
"I understand your mother does not appreciate tardiness." She found the strength to say, fingers tightening on her bouquet. "Shall we?"
His only response was a small nod. To her surprise, he offered her his elbow to take. Such a gentlemanly act from someone so aloof and distant. Her hand lifted and curled into the crook of his arm, feeling the strength of his muscle even through the fabric of his shirt. Yuna swallowed, telling herself not to get flustered.
Such a strong man her husband-to-be was.
Out of the chapel and down the main hallway he lead her, the distant sounds of music falling into her audible range. Her eyes kept straight ahead on the door that lead to the garden, where the ceremony would be held. There truly was no going back now. Measured breaths and even steps. No need to show them how terrifying this all was.
"You mask your fear surprisingly well." Katakuri suddenly spoke, drawing her gaze upwards. His own eyes were trained on the doorway, rather than her. It was like he could read her thoughts. "Can you keep it up in front of a large gathering of people?"
The words were almost mocking, but his tone conveyed a sort of curiosity more than anything. She supposed expecting him to compliment her on how she looked before the ceremony was too much.
Yuna let out a small breath. "Naturally. I've had years of practice."
The conversation died away as the soon-to-be couple stepped out into the open garden together. Out of reflex, her fingers tightened their grip around his arm. If he noticed, which she was positive he did, he didn't react.
His description of a large gathering of people was a gross understatement. The main garden of Whole Cake Chateau was exorbitantly spacious, filled with smooth, orchestral music to celebrate the grand occasion. Round tables were placed to the left and right of the center carpet that Yuna and Katakuri would walk to reach the priest, and all of the seats were filled with the many guests that were in attendance. Hundreds of people. Thousands wasn't too far of a stretch, either.
Big Mom herself stood out starkly from the rest of the crowd, towering above and visible from anywhere in the venue. Her face was lit up with a blissful smile, watching the events unfold. Though, she kept glancing at the gigantic wedding cake set up not far from where she was seated. No doubt, that was the cause of her exceedingly good mood.
Not a single face was familiar. For someone used to diversity in a crowd, she wasn't prepared for the outlandish appearances of many of those closest to the aisle. The bride tried her best not to stare or let her gaze linger on any one person, unsure of who anyone was or their importance to Totto Land. Inadvertently angering someone who might make her life harder down the line was definitely not on her list of things to do.
She found it surprisingly easy to match pace with Katakuri. Even with 5 feet to his advantage, he kept their strides manageable for her shorter stature. So, he could be considerate, as well. A note she filed away for later.
Soon enough, they reached the dais where they were to be officially wed, Katakuri stopping them in place just before the round-bellied priest. He looked between the two of them with a small smile.
"With the arrival of the bride and groom...we may begin."
The music quieted on cue, and the priest began reading from the small book in his hand, voice loud enough for all to hear. Yuna's eyes never strayed from the book, trying her best to pay attention and not miss an important cue for when she would need to actively participate in the ceremony. But her mind was a swirling pot of nerves.
Katakuri's presence beside her was unmistakable. She knew he too faced forward without needing to look at him. If he even so much as glanced in her direction, Yuna would be able to feel it. As if the haki that he wielded with such ease was a physical extension of himself. What a sight the two of them must be, stone-faced and taciturn. What a dour pair.
Her bouquet felt heavy in her hands. A glance to her left confirmed that there were no bridesmaids to hand it over to. She didn't remember seeing any groomsmen to Katakuri's right, either. Her fingers twitched, nerves beginning to get the best of her.
Yuna closed her eyes for a brief moment, reminding herself that this was what she had decided, that she would make this all work, one way or another, and to live with her decision. No need to be so bitter. And if at all possible, Yuna swore to make things better for herself. And Katakuri. No need to be selfish in this marriage they would both be a part of. She opened them and schooled any cracks in her expression back into place, looking up at the priest.
"May we be presented with the rings?" The priest requested, turning and allowing Minette to step forward.
Yuna was pleasantly surprised to see her, and offered the tiny woman a brief smile. Minette returned it brightly, holding up a small box that contained hers and Katakuri's rings. They had to bend down to even get them, but it wasn't unmanageable. What's more, she reached for Yuna's bouquet, freeing her second hand to be able to go through the rest of the wedding unhindered.
Katakuri's ring was a simple silver design. It was unadorned, yet shiny, polished to perfection. Her own face reflected in the band of metal. As blank as the man she would slip it on to. How fitting.
"And now, the exchanging of vows." The priest announced, turning back to regard the couple, then gestured to Yuna. "If the bride will take the groom's hand..."
The couple turned to each other for the first time, forced to look at one another. Doing as instructed, she held Katakuri's much bigger hand in her own. Such a sensation was unfamiliar, but she didn't let the strange thoughts show on her face.
The vows they'd produced for her in the bouquet were so plain and generic, she'd already memorized them during her time in the chapel. Truthfully, they only served to irritate her, providing little sentiment and promising nothing of value to Katakuri as a person. How demeaning. Such hollow and empty vows felt disingenuous. It may be a marriage of political necessity, but that didn't mean she would allow it to be terrible. And any good marriage started with a good foundation. It would also show Katakuri that she would take this seriously, even if he did not.
Hoping her voice didn't come out as strained as she felt, Yuna lifted her eyes to look into his. They bored into her relentlessly. Hopefully, Big Mom wouldn't be angered if she went a little off script.
"I shall do my utmost to uphold your honor and my own, in danger and in safety." She saw his eyes narrow, realizing that her words did not match those he too had no doubt memorized for the ceremony. "Your burdens are my burdens. My victories are yours. I vow to further the prosperity of the Charlotte family, and my people of the Seiiki Kingdom, through this bond with you."
A low murmur went about some in the crowd, and even the priest gave a pause, unsure of what to do. Before anything could be done, Yuna slipped Katakuri's ring onto his finger, sealing her words in place and making it clear that she'd meant every one of them. He watched her silently, as if wondering why she felt the need to say such things, but his composure never slipped.
"And, uh...the groom." The priest continued, recovering from his surprise as gracefully as he could.
Yuna lifted her hand, allowing Katakuri to take it in his own. Her own silver ring was just as simple as his own, though topped with a pink gemstone. Her eyes tracked back up to his own, watching as he closed them for a brief moment, before meeting hers once again.
"Through this marriage, I vow to further the prosperity of Totto Land and the Charlotte Family." He recited without emotion, easing the ring onto her finger. His eyes seemed to dare her to challenge his lack of original vows, a testament to his opinion on this union. Well. She certainly hadn't been expecting him to be overjoyed to be married to her, but his blatant disregard for it all in general seemed...unnecessary.
Yuna and Katakuri's silent standoff through eye contact distracted them both enough to miss most of what words the priest had to say after the vow exchange, until he cleared his throat to get their attention.
"Do you, Onegama Yuna, take Charlotte Katakuri to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
"I do."
"And do you, Charlotte Katakuri, take Onegama Yuna-"
"I do." He stated with impatience, jilting the ceremony again as the priest was not expecting the interruption.
"Ah...yes. Very good. Then by the power vested in me by the paradise of Whole Cake Island, I now pronounce you husband and wife." He shut his book and gave them both a strained smile, though neither bothered to look his direction. "You may, uh..."
Premature cheers from the crowd interrupted the rest of the priest's declaration, and Yuna was taken off guard when Katakuri simply turned to face the way they had come. He hadn't even lifted her veil. Hadn't even leaned in as if to kiss her. Her composure slipped enough to display her confusion.
She had anticipated differences in ceremony, but...the absence of a kiss seemed extreme. He nudged her to follow his lead and she reached up to take his arm as he lead her off to the side towards an empty table that she assumed was reserved just for them. The guests began to talk and laugh as the music once again swelled to life, bringing the celebratory portion of the reception into full swing.
As she was guided to sit in the chair beside her now-husband, Yuna's curiosity got the better of her. "Is it not customary to-"
"It is." He confirmed, his eyes fading from the red glow she was becoming accustomed to. "I refuse to show my face to anyone."
Her questions regarding the scarf were more or less answered then, silence overtaking her as she was forced to accept his explanation. She assumed since most of the crowd was his family, they too knew a concluding kiss wouldn't be part of the ceremony. Hence the premature celebration.
"I see." Was all she managed to say.
His reasoning wasn't a direct jab at her, per se, but Yuna couldn't help but feel insulted. He sat, unperturbed by the events that had just transpired, arms crossed with indifference as the party around them grew more boisterous.
When the cake was served, Katakuri didn't have any for himself, and Yuna tasted nothing but the bitterness of disappointment.
Late into the night, the party finally came to something of a close. That close being when Big Mom finally fell into a deep sleep amidst the remains of the cake she'd been eating. Many guests had passed out from too much alcohol or too much sugar at their tables during the past few hours, everyone too afraid to leave early and anger the Yonko.
The reception had much less been about the newly married couple than Big Mom herself. Many guests had provided her with gifts and tributes, barely giving Katakuri and herself so much as a glance. Yuna truthfully didn't mind too much, considering she knew no one in attendance and her emotional stability wasn't at it's peak in the moment. Katakuri didn't seem to care either.
When it was clear that Big Mom was out for the night, Katakuri finally rose from his seat, looking down on her with his typical blank gaze. "It is late. Let us return home."
Too tired to protest or ask the million questions on her mind, because she was exhausted as well, Yuna rose from her seat and followed after Katakuri back towards the hall they had originally emerged from. They stepped past unconscious guests, sprawled out at various points in the way of their path, and the remains of the huge party that had come to a close.
The softness of the grass beneath their feet changed into the tile of the castle floors, and he brought them both over to a large mirror set against the wall. Yuna frowned, unsure what exactly they were doing here.
"Brulee." Katakuri called into the mirror, arms once again crossed. "Take us through the mirrors to Komugi Island."
Not a moment later, the vision of a lavendar-haired woman appeared in the glass, and Yuna blinked in surprise. She was very witch-like in appearance, a diagonal scar marking the center of her face, overshadowed only by her pointed and slightly darker-colored nose.
"Of course, Big Brother." She responded, gesturing with a hand behind her, as if inviting them through. Though, she still took the moment to send a nasty glare in Yuna's direction.
"Take my hand." Katakuri suddenly said to Yuna, who looked down at his hand hesitantly. Though, she had no reason to distrust him at this point. She did as told, and a moment later, he was stepping through the mirror and pulling her along with him.
"What-" She started to say, but her breath was taken away as she passed through what should have been the solid surface of the mirror. The cold sensation that had accompanied passing through the threshold disappeared after a moment, and she found herself standing in a fantastically strange red and black checkered...place. It was too big to be a room, but the lack of open air meant they weren't outside. Thousands of mirrors dotted the oddly round and smooth walls, comprised of all sorts of sizes and styles. She didn't know what to make of all of this.
"This is the mirror world." Katakuri explained, no doubt noticing her confusion. "Brulee's devil fruit allows her to move throughout them as she pleases."
"Incredible..." She muttered, too amazed by the usefulness of such an ability and the remarkable zone that she'd created with it. Her words made her now sister-in-law scoff, though she wasn't able to completely cover up the redness that rose on her cheeks.
"You think this is impressive? I can do so much more!" She claimed, crossing her skinny arms over her dress-clad body. "This is barely a scratch on the surface."
"Which mirror will take us to my home?" He asked, cutting off his sister's blustering with a clear impatience.
Her attitude shifted to something much more pleasant, pointing to her right. "Over here."
She lead them towards one of the walls, and Yuna was once again amazed. She knew where specific mirrors were located? Out of all of these? What skill and memory Brulee possessed.
"This one leads to your home's main study." Brulee said, stopping in front of a oval-shaped mirror. Yuna peered into the reflective surface, watching as it suddenly shifted to be the scene of a darkened study.
"Thank you." Katakuri said, once again grabbing Yuna's hand and leading her through the mirror. The Princess wasn't even given time to register that they were traveling through again before she was dragged in between realms.
The mirror world was replaced by the study she'd caught a glimpse of. The change in light made her blink, but Katakuri was already moving away from her.
"This way." He said without looking back, and she followed where he lead her through the darkened home.
It was large, as she would have predicted. Not just in height, but in overall structure. Yuna marveled at how she could walk upright through every doorway they crossed, something she never could have managed back home. In fact, it hadn't occurred to her how much access Yuna had to the castle she'd stayed in and the place that would now be her home. Crouching and huddling low to avoid hitting her head on stone arches was a thing of the past. Having so many tall residents gave her a mobile freedom she'd never experienced before.
While not as fancy as the castle on Whole Cake Island or Seiiki, she could appreciate it's minimalist style.
Katakuri stood before a doorway at the end of the hall, turned to regard her for once, then turned the knob and entered the room.
It was even more spacious than the guest room she'd stayed the night in on Whole Cake Island, the bed a grand affair with a plush comforter and the fluffiest pillows she'd ever seen. A large window took up most of the opposite wall, giving a clear view of the main city down below. Yuna's brows raised, realizing that Katakuri's home sat on the top of a hill, maintaining it's distance but still in sight of the citizens to bring them a sense of reassurance that their minister was nearby and able to assist with whatever they needed. A very astute design.
Her eyes shifted to the left, where a large standing closet lay waiting open. And on the right was the entrance to their room's attached bathroom, elegant and simple. It was a beautiful room, though a lack of personal effects made it clear that Katakuri preferred function over sentimentality.
This would be her room now, too.
Movement drew her eye away, and she noticed that he began unbuttoning his vest. Yuna's mind purged itself of everything except the fear that he would expect many intimate things of her. Consummation of marriage...was a terrifying thought. With someone as large and muscular as Katakuri, she feared injury on top of insult from having to bare all of herself to him.
She'd procrastinated thinking about it, but there was no more time to push the issue. This was happening now, if it was happening at all. Her hands gripped the ends of her sleeves, staring up at him with clear discomfort. She began working herself up to ask the embarrassing question, knowing that it was better to be communicative than to assume.
He seemed to notice, and stopped what he was doing. In the dim light, the sudden flare of red from his eyes was obvious, but he closed them before she got a particularly good look. "Such an antiquated tradition. We are sleeping. Nothing more."
All at once the anxiety melted off her shoulders and she nodded her understanding, before moving off towards the closet to change out of her clothes. The door closed with a shut behind her, and Yuna looked to see what sort of clothing she had at her disposal to sleep in. Having even a scant moment of privacy to herself was reassuring at that moment.
She was pleasantly surprised to see long sleeved shirts and long pajama pants sitting folded in a pile on one of the shelves. Perhaps the seamstresses had put them here, or maybe Minette had. Whoever it was would probably remain a mystery, but she appreciated them all the same.
Pulling at the strings that held her dress together from behind her neck, it took many minutes of loosening and adjusting the laces before she was able to get it off. The white gown fell into a pile on the floor. Part of her wondered if it was something she'd want to keep, but she simply shucked it further into the corner, deciding not to care at the moment. Her mental and physical exhaustion were too much.
Checking to make sure the bandages had remained intact and secured, she slipped on the provided pajamas and emerged from the closet.
Katakuri sat in a large plush chair on the opposite side of the room, legs crossed at the knees and now sporting a pair of comfortable-looking lounge pants and a simple white shirt. Ever-present was the scarf that she'd never seen him without. His eyes had been closed, but upon her entering the room, they opened again.
"Which side of the bed do you prefer?" She decided to ask, figuring there was no perfect ice-breaker to beginning a conversation with him. "I have no preference."
"I will be sleeping here." He indicated in his typical deep tone, and she frowned.
"On the chair?" Did he assume her modesty went so far as to be unable to lay beside her own husband? "There is no need to-"
"It has nothing to do with you." He explained, expression never wavering. "I do not lay on my back under any circumstance."
Yuna had no idea what to say, never having heard of such a thing. The thought of sleeping while sitting in a chair for one's entire life? Absurd. Preposterous. Why have a bed if you would never use it, she wanted to point out. But he had already closed his eyes again and she was growing increasingly more tired the longer she stood there.
Yuna let out a small sigh, wanting to fight the ridiculous notion that he sleep on a chair, but turned in place and made her way over to the inviting bed. It was much too late, and the bed was calling her name in enticing whispers. Turning her back to where her husband now sat-she'd have to grow used to thinking of him as such- she covered herself with the comforter and settled in.
Sleep would not come for hours, and even when it did, Yuna only speculated the sorts of challenges this marriage would bring in her dreams.550Please respect copyright.PENANA9dr6KbSdPd