A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I entered my little apartment. It's been a long day, not to mention a Monday. I don't like Monday's because it's the beginning of the week and lots of work have piled up during the weekend but today took the biscuit from the moment I got out of bed, big mistake. Everything went wrong instead smooth, but that's life, and at times, I do see it as the spice of it, optimistic me-
I halted in the midst of my tracks as the hairs on my neck stood, and a cool shiver shot through me. Soon I felt a glance and turned. In my bedroom, which is also a part of the living room, I saw a young woman sitting in the armchair with her arms resting and crossed legs. Her expression was stern and eyed at me intensely, showing no hint of fear. I sensed from her blue-green eyes hatred but what shocked me to remain longer speechless was her appearance. She was the spitting image of me, only a lot slimmer than me and without the glasses.544Please respect copyright.PENANA2kMhFs5PS0
She slowly stood up and crossed her arms. "That act is compelling, but I wasn't born yesterday." She spoke calmly, but her words had a sharp effect.
I blinked. "Excuse me, who are you, and what are you doing here?" I scanned her from head to foot. She wore strange dark clothes; they were body-hugging, revealing her curves and was covered in it from her neck to her elbows and ankles. I didn't realize how appealing I could look if I were slimmer. She loosened her arms and noticed then her gloves, they were black too, but the fingertips were free.
"You're leaving me no other choice, so don't make it more difficult than it already is." She responded, but before I could ask further questions, I dodged in perfect time as she drew out her shiny dagger, aiming for me. Within a blink, she and I switched positions. She stood now in the kitchen while I was in the bedroom. My heart pounded wildly in my chest, and I kept my arms up as a gesture that I have no intention of harming her. So much for Monday going bad, I should have stayed in bed today and listened to my gut, but this is what I get for not listening.
"You're talking as if I should know what's it all about. Please drop the dagger and talk to me. What is going on? Why do you want to harm me? Who are you?" I spoke as calm as I could and looked into her eyes, hoping she will sense my honesty and confusion. "My name is Moira; what's your's?" I forced a smile to show her I have no ill intentions.544Please respect copyright.PENANA3uVBvK25OI
Soon she began to breathe heavy and shook her head. "Your charm and friendly act won't fool me as you've done to others." The dagger in her hand began to tremble, and tears streamed over her rosy cheeks. I sensed pain and sorrow from her. Whoever she has me mistaken for must have caused something truly terrible. This woman thinks all I do and say is a trick. How can I prove that this is genuine? I soon bit my lower lip as an idea came; there are many risks to account for, but running away is not the best option. Slowly I went down on my knees.
"What are you doing? Get up!" She hissed but then blinked at me, amazed.
"How else can I prove my honesty to you?" I looked her in the eye, knowing this is a gamble as an easy target with her dagger. After all, I've always been terrible at making decisions in such situations in D'n'D games. My characters always died to what I thought was right and sound and never won once in chess against my father. Well, here it goes; I guess Monday can't go any worse than that. If I die, my only regret will be for not having finished writing a novel sooner.
The woman walked up to me and placed the dagger under my chin. "You stand up; now!" She hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the sharp tip of the dagger slightly piercing from her trembling hand. She tries to appear strong, but her hands falter. That could be my advantage by knocking it away, but it will give the wrong impression yet. On the other hand, I can't talk sense to her, nor does she answer my questions.
Suddenly the chiming bell of a passing tram made the woman look towards the window. Rapidly I grabbed her dagger and threw it to a far corner of the room, far away from each other to reach it. I was amazed at how easy it was and, at the same time, relieved it is now out of sight. I hope she has no further weapon, especially a gun. I don't want to bring in the police, yet I know I should because it would be beyond me. Shit! My smartphone is in the kitchen, and I have no other phone near me. "Can you and I please just talk for a moment?" I asked as I turned to her. "Who are you, and why are you doing this?"544Please respect copyright.PENANAdti8gOdLbj
Her large eyes squinted at me. "Fine. The name's Darah, and I'm here to kill you for what you've done to my home, my people and me."
I blinked at her in disbelief, nearly deceiving my ears.
She snorted at my speechlessness. "I come from a different world called Fennistre that a single tyrant rules, but he originates from this world, and you inspired him for his methods of ruling. All the people suffer under his ruling hand, and a few have decided to act on it. I am a member of the rebel group called "The Fist", together we fight against the tyrant Konrad and represent the people and aid them however we can."
Fuzz-bucket! Is she really from the madhouse?
"I see you as a mad person, what characters you were able to conjure up in stories that inspired Konrad to rule as it is."
"Hey, I'm not a Machiavellian if that's what you think. Secondly, stories are just stories. They are not to be taken seriously and what inspires a person is beyond me. I wrote these stories for no malintent but to leave a mark in this world before my time is over and let people know how one can see the world from many different perspectives instead of one."
"Lies!" Darah cried as more tears streamed and pulled a pistol, cocked and loaded, aiming steadily at my chest.
Without thinking, I grabbed the gun with both hands and pushed her arms up in case she shoots; she would aim at the ceiling. Before I knew what I did, I held the pistol steadily in my hands and pointed it at her. My heart pounded in my chest, and I started to breathe heavy. I know how to use a gun from a course I partook in many years ago. The safety pin was off, the magazine was full, and the bullet is cocked as Darah pulled the upper blade back before. All that is missing is to aim, hold your breath and squeeze the trigger. So simple and yet terrifying. I barely know her as she does me, and I dislike violence. What am I doing? This is no way of showing what I said before? What about self-defence? Fuck that! I turned on the safety pin and lowered the gun. I glared into her eyes, hoping Darah will come around with some sense. I know I am not what I appear at first glance, and as an old saying goes, 'there's more than what meets the eye'. I took a deep breath to remain calm however I could. "If I am lying, why haven't I harmed or worse killed you?"544Please respect copyright.PENANA76qs5OEsDK
Darah stared at me in bewilderment.544Please respect copyright.PENANAjd7wsu9Hij
Suddenly the bell chimed louder than usual from the passing tram, and a car honking got me distracted and looked to the window behind me. The moment I turned, I realized that it was a fatal mistake of mine to turn away and saw from the corner of my eye how she sprints at me, aiming to grab the pistol. Instinctively I elbowed sharply into her stomach and pushed her making her fall to the floor. She hugged her stomach while gasping for breath. Apparently, I knocked her quite a punch.
It is now or never to run. She's giving me no other choice; talking with her brings her and me nowhere. Rapidly I sprinted out, grabbing along the way my backpack, and coat and stuffed the gun into my backpack. Nearly in front of me was the tram station, and I saw a tram just arriving. I picked up my pace and caught it at the last second. The door closed behind me, and the tram started to move. Immediately I put on my coat, folded up my hood and took a seat near me. I kept a sharp eye out the window and in the tram if Darah managed to catch it, but there was no sign of her. I have now nowhere to go, and turning to the police won't help much because they will think of me crazy when they hear my story. It seems I must do this on my own, as a caution of shaking her off to win some time and think all this thoroughly. I got off within the city centre and went into a large supermarket. I pretended to shop by holding a basket and walking through various aisles. I have my word cut out. I have no contacts here because I've only relocated here since a few months and am still learning the lay of the land and city. Of course! I can learn through maps and the beggars on the streets. They'll talk if you buy them a cup of tea and something warm to eat. That will be an advantage against her, knowing Dublin city as the back of my hand. Soon I bought some packed food and drink and handed it to the poor in exchange for info about the city. Soon the sun was setting on the horizon, and I haven't found a place to stay. Returning back home won't be an option as I'm sure Darah will be there waiting-544Please respect copyright.PENANAkHpaE1CWZK
"Hey, lass! Don't you have a place to stay?" Called one of the beggars across the street. I shook my head to their question. A middle-aged lady walked up to me and handed me a card. It was bright pink with a golden flower and cursive lettering 'Wonderland'. "It's a brothel, but they let in at times some folks like us with a free warm meal and bed. Say I sent you, Aisling's me name and show them the card." I stared at the card in my hand. "I know this all looks strange, but I can assure ya it's not." She assured me with a smile, I must be looking that perplexed.544Please respect copyright.PENANAeM5Q5wCiY7
I thanked her and set off to the address written on the card. This could be a good hide-out because this would never cross my mind to hide, and I'm sure nor will Darah. As I reached the address, my eyes wandered between the card in my hand and the illuminated entrance in front of me. It presented nothing of a brothel as one can think but rather a club to dance, drink and offering catering service. Neon lights flashed wild from the windows and on the red carpet while music with a deep bass sound boomed out the open door in front of me. At the door stood two massive built guards with earplugs and wearing dark clothes with a belt holding an electric teaser for those clients that don't behave accordingly. I took a deep breath to muster my courage and walked up to one of them, showing the card in my hand. "Aisling sent me here," I spoke coolly, trying my best not to show any fear.544Please respect copyright.PENANAh5UmIWG1Fs
"Come with me," gruffed the guard with a deep voice and walked ahead to lead the way. I followed him close and held tight to the card in my hand. The hallway was large, decorated modern but with a generous flair of Victorian style, which suited the building well. Dark blue and green lights enabled me to see where I was going. On my right, I heard the clutter of a lively kitchen preparing fresh meals behind closed doors that were marked as 'staff only'. A cloud of spices penetrated my nostrils and made my stomach rumble. I bit my lower lip nervously as I looked up at the guard and realizing how hungry I was. He gave no reaction and continued to lead me down the hallway. On my left poured out the booming music that I heard outside and further colourful lights flashing wildly. Many people were dancing, laughing and drinking to their delight without a care in the world but enjoying the very moment. A front is holding it up, and business is running well, so I see. No pun intended, but curiouser and curiouser.
Soon the guard halted in front of a large wooden desk, which I think is the reception. A middle-aged woman with shoulder long straw blonde hair with red-rimmed glasses stood there. She was writing something down as I approached closer.
The guard cleared his throat and announced, "miss Hearts, this young woman has been sent by Aisling."
She halted immediately and looked up, looking directly into my eyes. Her ice-blue eyes could have pierced, but after what I've experienced, they had now no effect on me. I held up the card for her to show my reason here. "Has she? For what reason exactly? Pardon me for noting so, but you don't look like the homeless type."
"Well, I am now. I shared some food and drink with the others, and among them was Aisling."
"I see, then you are here for a bed to rest?" She wondered cautiously and rested her hands upon the table while facing me. Suddenly my stomach rumbled. "And a warm meal, so I see." She corrected, and a slight curve of a smile trickled at one corner of her red painted lips. "You are welcome to spend the night here, but only one night." She turned to the guard, "thank you, Sean, I'll take it from here." Sean walked off without another word. Miss Hearts walked around the table with a key at hand. "Please follow me, I'll show you to your room, and a meal will be served shortly. Did Aisling tell you the true nature of this location?" She walked ahead to a door that was marked 'VIP only', same music from the club poured from the door as she opened, but there was only bluish light barely enabling me to see where I was heading with miss Hearts.
"Yes, she did," I answered. The narrow hallway was covered in mirrors, and slowly the music began to soften, meaning distancing from the club. Soon appeared doors with numbers on thick milky glass, I looked away, but with mirrors all around me, I can't really look away. At one door, I spotted a person's back pressing against the door. Rapidly I looked down at my feet. I know sex is a pleasure and part of nature, but I don't want to pry and let them have their privacy. Maybe, all in all, I am bashful. I felt my ears and cheeks grow warm to the thought. After a walk that felt long, miss Hearts halted at one certain door and unlocked it with her key at hand. She swung the door open and gestured with an arm for me to enter. "I hope you'll be comfortable here. A meal will be on its way, is there anything you wish to have?"
"Erm, something with fish, would that be possible?" I asked politely and started to look at my new surrounding. The air was mingled with disinfectant and some herbs or perfume I can't put my finger on.
"Will be arranged." She stepped out.
"Miss Hearts," I called before she could close the door.
She entered the room and closed the door behind her before facing me.
"I may be homeless, but I have still some cash and require work. Do you have a position available in the kitchen, club or at your reception by chance?"
She lifted her head a bit higher and took a deep breath while repositioning her glasses. "I would like to hear your story before I offer anything."
Two days ago, I met Darah for the first time with the incident in the apartment. Miss Hearts has taken me in and trusts me bit by bit with helping her at the reception. She trusts me because I told her the whole story and assured her that I am not going mad. After a long moment looking at me, shocked by my story, she recollected herself and says there is a vacant position open for a receptionist. She needs a second if she has to check on something, run an errand, or worse will turn sick in bed. From what I've gathered, miss Hearts makes everything run shipshape for a brothel as well as club and catering, which is impressive and hectic as hell. What miss Hearts has relied on me from the beginning is answering the phone and emails and calling myself with a different name since miss Hearts isn't her real name. She named me miss Blanche Lapin since I know French that means 'white rabbit'. I hope I won't land in the brothel, so I kept a sharp eye and ear around me while learning more of the city and searching for Darah. Apparently, she is hiding well from me as I am. I wonder how she is coping and what's her next step? What I still can't properly wrap around my head is taking me for a villain. Why? What did I do? What have my stories to do with all this-
Suddenly the phone rang; I winced but quickly picked it up. "Wonderland club, this is madame Lapin speaking," I announced calmly.
"Blanche, it's Hearts. Can you please come down to the basement? There's something you need to see."
"I'm on my way," and hung up the phone. My mind ran with all sorts of possibilities why I should be in the basement and what miss Hearts wants to show me. There was no bad feeling in my gut but a great sense of caution. I bought yesterday a butterfly knife to hide in my shoe and some extra magazine for the pistole I hide under my bed. I hope I won't have to use them ever. As I dismounted the last steps and walking slowly to miss Hearts, I was surprised to see how well lit the basement was and its purpose was for storage. All the stock and documents were neatly stored as I've never seen before. Miss Hearts must be that thorough and perhaps passionate in her profession. She wasn't alone. Next to her stood a young man with short brown hair to the ears. From his looks, I was guessing he was at the end of his teens. Most of his hair covered his eyes, wearing a dark large t-shirt and loose jeans with worn old sneakers.
"Blanche, this young man's name is Knave. I would like you to show him how it is done here since you're doing such an excellent job on this. His main help will be in the kitchens for the first few months, and then we shall see from there." Miss Hearts introduced me to him and talked as if I've been employed here for more than a month. I blinked and hesitantly nodded. "Of course, when will he start?" I wondered.
"Immediately," miss Hearts walked up to me. "Show him everything but the brothel part." She whispered into my ear and paced off.
I blinked as I recollected what I just heard and sighed before looking at Knave. I forced a smile and extended my hand to greet him. "You may call me Blanche, which isn't my real name and I believe accounts the same with Knave?"
He shyly shook my hand and nodded.
"If you have any questions or aren't sure about something, you can always ask me," I assured him as I sensed his insecurity and showed him the way to the kitchens. He was received warmly by the cooks there and showed how things are done. I returned to my work at the reception, but my mind kept wandering to Knave. Although giving the impression of a shy young man, I had the feeling he is smarter than he looks and is more capable of things than he knows. Hopefully, he will find it soon at his own pace. I shook my head to rid of the thought and refocus on my work. Since working here, the working hours are nearly nocturnal compared to my previous profession, and I haven't gotten quite used to it. I use every waking hour to search for Darah and figure out what is her next move. Those are the only leads I have that I can research. Unfortunately, any info about her world is non-existent on the internet or in books. Her pistole is a model available in this world with the same sort of bullets, which strikes me as odd.
Weeks after weeks, miss Hearts relies more on me with her work, and I have kept an eye on Knave whenever I got the time. Sometimes asking how he is doing and asking the cooks how he is doing. Everyone was happy with him, and I was relieved to see him growing confident and happy at work. One day late afternoon, as I was just starting my work by checking the emails, a young man with shortcut brown hair walked up to the reception desk. He leaned his elbows on the wood and grinned at me. "Hello, how may I help you?" I asked politely and forced a smile.
A pair of steel-grey eyes met mine. Something in him made me petrify for a moment. I blinked. He sniggered, "don't you recognize me?"
As he spoke, I instantly knew it was him, "Knave. I didn't recognize you with the new haircut. It suits you very well."
"Thanks. I thought it would be best if I want to stick longer in the kitchen; wearing a hairnet just sucks." He ran a hand through his short hair.
I smiled, "perhaps allowing yourself to start a new chapter in life at the same time with that haircut?"
He stared at me.
"Sorry." I clasped a hand over my mouth. "I didn't mean to pry or judge. It's just I sense you've grown stronger and confident compared to when we first met."
"Oh. No, I didn't take it that way." He smiled. "But thanks. If I may ask, what is your real name?" Asked Knave. I bit my lower lip as I hesitated and searched for words. "Well, mine is-" Rapidly, I shushed him and placed a finger to his lips. "No offence, but it's best we go with the pseudonyms here. I have a feeling this place holds its name more serious than one can account for." I whispered.544Please respect copyright.PENANAmg8CI3lZVj
"What? That it has a brothel aside from the club and kitchen?" I blinked at his notation. "Yeah, I've known of it since day one. It actually all started by working here to pay off one of the ladies." He sighed. "I know it was stupid and regret to have done that."
I smirked, "then you have a funny way of showing it when enjoying working in the kitchen."
He chuckled softly, "that is the other side that I don't regret from it. Why are you here, if I may ask? I doubt it because of wandering behind that door." He pointed with his head to the 'VIP only' door.
I swallowed. "No, for a different reason. Nothing to do with money-" Before I could tell him that it's something private, miss Hearts entered the hallway.
Quickly, Knave bid me a good day and paced off while I returned to my work. Miss Hearts has that effect on everyone here, like the classical boss. Everyone needs to look busy, or she will give you additional work to attend to or worse, cut one's salary, so I've heard from a few workers around her. "Good afternoon, Blanche. May I have a word with you in five minutes in the conference room?" Bid miss Hearts as she hung up her coat.
"Of course," I assured. The establishment has a conference room available for guests to use for various occasions. Within five minutes, I found myself there waiting for her. The room was decorated in the Victorian style, long table with tall chairs. Still, the upholstery was dressed in whimsical textiles and colours, giving the impression of the mad hatter's tea party as in the novel. The crystal chandelier was hanging slightly tipsy from the ceiling. The walls were covered with a marine blue wallpaper with black floral patterns vertical, which gave a dark soothing impression in the large room.
"Blanche, I have received some news that may be of interest to you. It's regarding the person you seek." Miss Hearts walked up to me and spoke softly as if walls had ears. "I've taken the liberty of hiring a few people to help in your search since you've been working hard and taken good care of your tasks and Knave." I blinked in shock and nearly held my breath. "She's hiding near the port, so I've heard. I've only ordered them to spy on her from a distance. Should I arrange to bring her here?" Hearts whispered into my ear.
I stepped back and shook my head while clasping both hands over my nose and mouth. "Please no. I appreciate your help, miss Hearts, but this is my problem, and I want to settle this on my own." I swallowed and spoke calmly as I could after recollecting myself in what position I stood. "Please tell your people to stand down and only keep an eye on her from a distance. No interference or violence at any cost. She is mine to handle, just between her and me."
Miss Hearts remained composed and showed no hint of emotion. "Very well. I thought you would be delighted after what she did to you. Let me know if you need anything regarding that matter, my dear Blanche." She walked out.
As soon she was out, my knees felt like jelly, and I stumbled to the table for support. Out of the blue, miss Hearts gave me the opportunity to have Darah in my hands and can crush her like an insect with a single word. So this is the sort of power other certain people hunger or yearn for? It's terrifying. Not to mention carrying now a butterfly knife in my shoe or hiding a pistol under my bed is not better either. A shuddered gasp escaped my lips, and my knees buckled that I fell to the carpeted floor. Tears welled in my eyes of fear and a weight on my chest that made it not easy to breathe. What am I becoming? What am I doing?544Please respect copyright.PENANAAbKTR3LVjw
"Blanche? Are you alright? Did something happen?" I heard Knave's voice nearby and soon realized he was crouching down in front of me, looking concerned at me.
I couldn't find any words while my hands and breath trembled, and more tears streamed from my eyes. I couldn't compose myself at this point.
He quickly paced to a chest of drawers and returned with a handful of tissues. He gently folded some and dabbed gently at my cheek.
After a few deep breaths and a sob, I found the words and my voice to speak. "Thank you," I whispered as he handed me the rest of the tissues.
"If I may ask, what happened?" Asked Knave softly that it was nearly a whisper.
"I-I appreciate your concern, but I can't tell you right now."
"I understand. If you need help with anything, you know where to find me." He smiled, stood up and offered his hand to help me up.
I took his hand and got up to my feet. I nodded to his offer. "Thank you." I forced a smile and paced out of the room.544Please respect copyright.PENANAphogXfNQ9M
After having cleaned myself up and returned to work, all went in a blur from thereon. My mind was wandering on the thoughts I had before and what will I do next. Not to mention miss Hearts intentions and nature have justified that the brothel, club and catering service is just a front to a more shady business. I'm standing right smack on the threshold between the world many people know and the other dark world of the black market, drug dealings and other shady businesses. Who am I becoming? The villain or the victim? Is it all leading me to voluntary terms, or am I forced by Darah? By the end of the shift, I found myself staring in the mirror. Trying to figure out all these questions and recall what has happened to me since the apartment incident.544Please respect copyright.PENANAT5Z8WNka3e
With a heavy sigh, I dressed warmly to venture out for Darah while the city sleeps. Knowing all too well, I won't sleep for the next few hours and confirm my last hopes to talk sense with her. From what miss Hearts told me, I paced towards Dublin port. The streets and alleys were deserted. It nearly looked as if time had stood still if it weren't for the icy wind from the sea. I swallowed as I neared the port and had a feeling that Darah sense of my approach. Is she watching me? Does she have as intel as I do? The thought of it made me nervous, and I began to look over my shoulder as I paced deeper into the port district.544Please respect copyright.PENANAJxcTRFBueX
"Not another step or yer dead!" Barked a man's voice with a thick Irish accent and heard a clicking sound of a weapon cocking. Damn it! Did Darah pull further innocent people into this? From a nearby street, Darah stepped out into view, glaring at me. Soon I spotted the man aiming a rifle at me. He breathed calmly through his mouth. A sniper or just nervous?544Please respect copyright.PENANATxieeFjLRQ
"I've come to talk. I am unarmed." I raised my hands and showed I have no weapon at hand while secretly regretting not having brought with me the gun.
Darah scoffed, nearly disgusted. "What is there to talk about?"
"I would say a great deal. Why do you think otherwise? If you think there is nothing to talk about, why am I here unarmed?"544Please respect copyright.PENANAklVw96eDjj
"Why does it cross my mind that you may try to manipulate me with wise talk, which is nothing but empty words and foul play?" Spatt Darah.
"Why do you regard me as the villain when I have done nothing terrible to you? If I have, please tell me, and I'll make my amends however I can."
Tears were welling in Darah's eyes, and her lips trembled. "Can you bring back the dead?"
That look and question made me realize what false hopes I've had and what a big mistake being here. She is blaming me for inspiring a dark figure to cause heinous deeds in her world. I can do what I want; her mind is made up. I will always be the villain in her eyes, standing on the same side as that tyrant by the name Konrad-
Suddenly there was a clatter of glass and tin cans from a different nearby street. The sniper gasped and turned to where he heard it. Darah and I started at each other, trying to read each other's minds. Due to her reaction, it wasn't one of her members, then who is it?
Before I knew what was happening, I found myself flinging to the ground for cover as bullets were whizzing through the air in various directions. The sniper held his ground and pushed Darah to the ground before shooting at someone from a different street. I followed his glance and couldn't believe what I saw. Knave ran from barrier to barrier to keep cover and shot on occasions as he ran closer to me. I knew shouting won't help since the weapons were louder than my voice. I shook my head in protest, and an icy shudder ran through my spine as I noticed the gun in his hand was mine. His hand on my shoulder nearly felt like the blazing sun compared to my icy shudder. "Come on!" He shouted and pulled me to the nearest barrier.
Suddenly a piercing burning pain shot at my right shoulder. I gasped at its suddenness but continued to follow Knave. Once retreated, I rested my back against it and held a hand over my shoulder. It felt moist and burning. Blood, a bullet brazed it. Knave was about to lift my hand. I knocked his hand away, "never mind that! It's just a flesh wound!" I hissed. "Why are you here? How did you find me?"544Please respect copyright.PENANAEiyQmCbdEE
"How could I forget after what happened this afternoon? Miss Hearts told me you would be here. Who are these people? What's your beef with them?"
"It's rather the other way around."
"I'll explain later-" Soon, I heard in the distance nearing in the sirens of the police. "We have to go, now!" I crouched, ready to stand up and run. "See that alley over there?" I pointed, and Knave followed my glance. "From there, it will lead directly to the river Liffey and can shake them off from there. With luck, the police will stop them but not us."
Knave squinted his eyes and soon looked over his shoulder and the barrier. "It's a risk willing to take for this. You think you can manage?" He asked me, concerned.
"What choice do I have?" I looked him in the eye. Soon I focused on the shooters behind me and the alley across the broad street that is a few meters away leading to safety. Now or never. I closed my eyes while drawing in a breath and sprinted off.
"Hey!" Called Knave surprised but soon fired as he started to follow after me.
I felt another burning pain in my left triceps as I sprinted for the alley but didn't let that stop me. I ran on and as fast as my legs could carry me. No matter if Knave was at my heel or not. I ran as tears streamed from my eyes, knowing what I am becoming. I first started to notice my surrounding as I crossed the Samuel Beckett bridge and came to a halt. Sweat dripped from my brow and some over my wounds which made them burn more than before. Both were luckily only flesh wounds, but they still took their toll on me.
"Blanche! Are you ok?" Panted Knave and quickly stuffed the pistol behind his back into the trouser.
"I-I think I am." I panted.
"Can you walk?" He asked softly and offered his hand.
I nodded with a sob and took his hand. Letting him lead me back to the establishment. The sun just started to rise on the horizon as we returned; everything was dark and empty. Knave led me to the abandoned kitchen and brought forth the first aid kit. Without thinking, I removed my coat and jacket, but the wounds' burns didn't make it easy; Knave helped me out of them.
My mind was fogged by what happened at the port, but the pain always brought me back to reality. I gasped and winced as I felt it.
"Sorry." He nearly whispered. He held a small piece of cotton in his right hand, and a strong smell of disinfectant penetrated my nostrils.
I took a deep breath to calm myself and mustered my strength to hold still while he is attending to my wounds. As he dabbed, it burned like hell, but I clenched my teeth. After a while, he was done and started to wrap my upper arm with a bandage to cover the wound. "Thank you," I thanked him.
He smiled briefly. "I'm sure you would have done the same." He took a deep breath before he looked me in the eye. "Could you tell me what it was all about back at the port?"
I sighed, "I hoped I could keep you out of this forever but unfortunately not. You must think I'm going crazy if I told you, but it's the truth. I don't know if you noticed, but among the people, there was one woman who had a spitting image of me."
"Yes, there was." He blinked.
"I am an only child and have no twin, but for some reason, I sense a connection to her, and she sees me as evil. Since the first time she and I met, it went off like this, and I tried to reason her, but her hatred blinded her as she still is now." I paused. "I went out to meet her for one last time to reason. I had a small speck of hope left in me that I might be able to open her eyes, but-" I shook my head and held back the tears. "You know the rest."
Knave stared at me in awe, but he quickly recollected himself to avoid staring at me. "But, why? Why does that other woman see you as evil?"
"Let me show you. It's in my room." I wanted to slide off the table, but he took my hand and helped me. We both fell into a deep silence as we headed to my room, but it wasn't awkward. As soon we were in my room, I showed him the stories that I write and sketch my characters, objects and locations on my small desk and pinboard. "I am a leisure writer. I create worlds, characters, plots and stories. Among some of the stuff, I also do my research since I have a keen sense to find the truth. This woman sees me through the characters I've created the protagonists, antagonists and villains of sorts." I paused to let him absorb the information while he paged through carefully some of my stories. "She thinks I am the root of the evil in her world because apparently, I've inspired a sinister and tyrannical figure to rule heinously in her world. She originates from a different world called Fennistre, but the tyrant is of this world. That's what she told me."
After a while, Knave started to shake his head, and his dark brows were knitted. "I don't see a reason why she is doing this. Either she escaped from a loony bin or needs to be placed there. And I must note from what I read this is really good stuff. May I read it as soon you're done with it?"
I couldn't help myself smiling at his words and sensing his understanding. "Please tell no one else of this. Not even to miss Hearts although she knows my problem."
"Did she threaten you or something that afternoon?" Knave walked up to me with a concerned look in his eyes.
"No, she meant it well, but I feared the chances I had at my disposal. What I could do, such terrible things after she gave the location of the woman's whereabouts. She offered if I wanted her brought in-"544Please respect copyright.PENANAyFzPlqx94G
"Why didn't you?" Wondered Knave.
I walked over to my desk to find my notebook. "I thought of the consequences, what the woman said and what I said to her." I found the notebook and handed it to him. "Read this, and then you'll see what goes in my mind and how I perceive all this. I despise violence in any form, and guns are one of the worst. How did you find my pistol?" I asked as I recalled him stuffing it into his trouser behind his back. I reached for it and took it.
He sighed. "Miss Hearts and I saw you leave last night, and I became concerned. She told me of your gun that you hid under the bed and gave me the location you were heading to. I'm sure miss Hearts meant it well."
Tears welled in my eyes, and I threw the gun to the farthest corner of my room. "She surely had good intentions but terrible consequences! She pulled you into this and placed a gun into your innocent hands. I don't want anyone's hands tainted with blood for no matter what reason!" I sobbed. "I appreciate your concern, but I want you to have a good future with a job you like and secure income to take care of yourself. This establishment is not what it seems. Stay in the kitchens or move to a restaurant-"544Please respect copyright.PENANASid303Qh0R
Suddenly Knave threw his arms around me, embracing me. "I want to help you, Blanche." I sensed from that single sentence that he is determined to help me no matter what I say or do to him. More tears quelled from my eyes, and I threw my arms around him as I sobbed away.
I started to see things with a different eye from that day and knew what I am becoming. Knave remained close to me ever since he could when he wasn't working in the kitchens. Miss Hearts kept me up to date on Darah's location and what her next step will be. Darah is forcing me into this, and hence I have no other choice but to do this. I have been focused lately on how she got here to this world if her's does exist as she says. A portal is one of many possibilities, but all will remain a mystery for now without facts. I started to train myself with pistol aims and physically making myself stronger for my next encounter with her. I started to wear contact lenses since the glasses will only be in the way. One early afternoon while I was training in the gym and took a break, Knave walked up to me with an angered glare that could have pierced my skull. "Knave?" I wondered cautiously.544Please respect copyright.PENANAgP91GLTzrI
His look softened as I spoke. "Sorry, I nearly had you mistaken for the other mad woman you're up against. Here." He pulled forth the notebook I gave him the other day. "I read it. Since it's incomplete, I would like to know the ending of it." He handed it to me with a warming smile.
I smiled. "What do you think of it the story? Which is your favourite character and why?"
"To be honest, I'm not much into fantasy, but this is a real page-turner for me. I like Snatch because I see some similarities between him and me."
"Ah, the thief that steals not only gold and coins but blonde women's hearts with his charms," I smirked.
Knave laughed, "maybe, but it was rather the position that he stood during the story. Having the inner conflict on which side to choose, either to join with his childhood friends that have turned into cruel bounty hunters or the tainted wizard who wants to remove the dark magic to be free." He paused and looked into my eyes. "It reminded me of you, and I was amazed to see how you see things with such details and how we all behave in various situations. You see people more than others do. You know what sort of darkness can lead them hence the villain Shadow is scary."
"You're not the first to say that about Shadow, and to be honest, he scares me as well, yet I enjoy writing his part. Allowed to write terrible things that actually aren't allowed in reality. I hope it will stay there, and that woman won't force me to such drastic measures."
"I hope so too," concurred Knave and placed a hand over mine. He soon cleared his throat, "you know I never told you my real name-"
I shushed him by placing a finger on his lips. "I appreciate your trust, help and concern, dear Knave, but it's best to remain this way with the names. I'm not worthy to carry my real name anymore. I'm not the woman I once was before all this happened."
"Who were you before?" He asked, looking deeply into my eyes.
"A woman working as a freight forwarder in the logistics department and a leisure writer in her free time. I went by the name Moira." I whispered. "And you?"544Please respect copyright.PENANAlT5I7xS0rP
"Just got out of college and back then didn't know what to do with my life until I stumbled here with some financial problems. And then I met you. You looked at me without judging me from my looks and clothes. You treated me with respect and kindness and showed me a new world. A new world I am willing to discover and learn. You- you gave me the strength to hold up my head, see things differently and do things I would have never done, such as cutting my hair short and starting to eat three meals a day."544Please respect copyright.PENANAaMLPIc7E0Y
"All for your own purpose, I hope." I smiled and patted his hand, and soon his fingers interlocked with mine. I gasped and looked at him.
He stepped closer and felt his breath brush against my skin. "You are one of them." He whispered and kissed me on the cheek.
I have sensed his devotions were connected to his affections for me but still, I am speechless of all this. All I could do was look him in the eyes, searching that what he says is the truth. It is genuine, his love for me-
"Blanche! Are you ready? I have a special task for you today to take care of!" Called miss Hearts from a distance.
Her voice cut our moment sharp like any blade that we both winced. He cleared his throat while I tried to gather my words. "Well, erm, I must get going." I squeezed his hand as a gesture that I wasn't ignoring his words. "We'll talk later." After a quick shower and dressed up, I found miss Hearts at the reception as always.544Please respect copyright.PENANAdLe458ioWx
"I see you and Knave are getting along very well." She noted distantly while noting a date in the agenda for the conference room. "I'll take care today of all the tasks here at the reception. Therefore I would appreciate your help with arranging this conference that will take place tonight. The top boss will be one of many guests visiting tonight. Please make sure everything is in perfect condition, and during their conference, there should be no interference at any cost. They will arrive around 7.30 tonight through the front entrance." Instructed miss Hearts sternly.
I nodded. "How many are attending, and does the club need to be closed for security reasons?"
"Everything else should run as the usual, no need to close the club plus we would only lose money, and that won't make a good impression on the boss. There will be 15 of them tonight."
I paced off to the kitchens to arrange finger food for 15 people tonight and prepared the drinks at the bar in the conference room. Check if there are sufficient napkins and cutlery, and chairs. I aired the room while hoovering the carpet to make everything look clean and perfect. The hours went past like minutes, and soon I spotted Knave bringing in the cold served finger food. I bid him to place them at the bar. He smiled at me but remained focused on his work. I started to turn on the beer tab and did some tests to check if it flows well with the foam and at the right temperature. Although everything was perfect and ready at 7 pm, I had a bad feeling in my gut about this conference. Miss Hearts was content with my effort and bid me dress for the occasion to serve at the bar the drinks. In the basement, I grabbed a black t-shirt with the establishment's name stitched in yellow and an apron. Switched to long dark trousers and added some makeup before entering the conference room shortly after quarter past.544Please respect copyright.PENANABw4OmidAqg
Soon the first few men arrived in their dark suits, and I prepared the drinks they ordered. Many ignored my presence, but one noted seeing me here for the first time and asked if I were an employee at the club. I answered politely that I was miss Hearts' helping hand at the reception and otherwise help elsewhere. He then recalled hearing me as Blanche. He and I had a nice chat about work until the top boss came in. He had a similar effect as miss Hearts does. All the other men ran to the long table, standing quietly and waiting for him to take his seat. I blinked, amazed as I saw the resemblance between miss Hearts and him; they are siblings. Once he and miss Hearts were seated, so did everyone else, and I stood quietly behind the bar, cleaning up and preparing.
"Thank you all for coming on such short notice, but it is dire, and I want you all to be alerted." Spoke the man with a calm, composed tone. "A new group of rebels have been spotted in the port district, and as you have read in the news, they are armed and well hidden. I want you all to keep your eyes and ears ready and avoid them however possible. We don't want the police snooping here and jumping to conclusions with this. I doubt they have drugs, but it is still to be accounted for as there are no clear facts to support that. Do you have any suggestions or opinions on what to do next?" He asked and gestured with a hand to everyone at the table.
The man I chatted to before stood up and straightened his jacket before he spoke. "I would suggest ending this threat before it grows beyond us. Why wait and see before the police will come knocking at our doors, no matter what reason?"
"I agree with Mad-Hatter," stood up another slender, built man with curly red hair and a red beard. "This rebel group is a threat to everyone in the city. They fired like madmen on the streets and hit a few police officers. It came close to a massacre like the Easter Rising, which I am sure no one wants to relive again. No matter the reason I see no profit for our business, they must be expunged from the face of the earth once and for all before they get the chance to recover."544Please respect copyright.PENANAudioRb9GWB
The boss sighed and folded his hand together. "All plausible points Mad-Hatter and March-Hare, we'll put it to a vote." He stood up. "Raise your hands if you are for expunging the rebels." He announced.
I gasped in shock as I saw everyone at the table raise their hand to vote. Suddenly miss Hearts stood beside me and led me to the table. "We have a special intel regarding the rebels. Miss Blanche Lapin has encountered their leader more than once." She announced.544Please respect copyright.PENANAGIPV2vAoFV
All eyes were focused on me and what gave me the urge to sink to the floor or run away. The forced-choice I foresaw crushed my heart. I swallowed as I swallowed the painful tears and mustered my courage. "Yes, I have met their leader in more than one encounter, face to face. It's a woman who looks like me, but there are no physical relations between her and me. Her name is Darah, and she wants me dead. I've done nothing to her and tried to reason her more than once, but her mind is made up. They have guns and men within the port district. She knows how to lead a group of rebels." I paused. "I don't know how much weakened they are now from the police, but they are still aware of any danger. What we will have when attacking is the element of surprise. I suggest we attack tonight if possible and from every direction."
The boss blinked at me, amazed but soon pulled forth a large map of the city and rolled it out on the table. "What will be your strategies?" He asked calmly but threw a brief glance to miss Hearts.
I suggested my strategies and ideas with what I know of the city. As I came to an end, I excused myself, and before I could reach the reception desk, I fell to the floor. The weight in my heart is crushing me. Tears welled in my eyes. "Blanche!" Called Knave, and soon he knelt beside me.
"Pl-please help me," I whispered. "I must warn the others of their doom."
Knave knitted his eyebrows and shook his head. "After what they did to you? Why warn them?"
I placed a hand on his cheek. "Have you forgotten? I despise violence in any form."
He held my hand and pressed his lips after he sighed. "Come on." He stood up and helped me. As we were out, he led me to the motorcycle and give me a helmet. He mounted and ignited the engine. Without hesitation, I put on the helmet, sat behind him and wrapped my arms around his stomach. He sped off towards the port.
As we reached the nearby neighbourhood of the incident last night, Knave slowed down a bit. Suddenly a gunshot came out of nowhere, and Knave lost control of the motorcycle. We fell to the side. As a shock, I stood up and turned to see Knave. He was alright. I removed the helmet and saw one of the wheels of the motorcycle had a bullet hole.
"Hold it right there!" Boomed a man's voice from above. I recognized it was the sniper.
"I've come to warn you!" I called out. "A large group of men with weapons will come to end you all tonight. You must flee while you still can!"
Suddenly I heard a gun cocking near me, and I turned to see behind me. There was Darah with a pistol at hand, aiming at me. Knave cocked his pistol at her. Rapidly I pulled his arms down and looked him in the eye. "No," I whispered and placed a hand on his cheek and rested my forehead against his. "Please, no."
"So, you've dared to pull in more people to fight against me? To spill more innocent blood?" Shouted Darah bewildered.
"You're the one to talk with all your gunmen and snipers around!" I stepped up to her.
"What choice are you giving me?"
"I can ask you the same! You're giving me no other choice when your mind is made up for this! How else can I be when your mind is made up?" Tears welled in my eyes.
"Don't you dare!" Hissed Darah and stepped closer. Her eyes were welling with tears as well. I felt her pain. Does she feel mine? I sensed that I am surrounded by gunmen and snipers, there is no escape for me, but for Knave, there was. She only wants me dead and no one else. "Please, let him go," I begged.
"What? No! I'm staying here with you!" Protested Knave and walked up to me. His hand interlocked with mine. Without thinking, I turned to him and kissed him. "I love you," I whispered. Soon I turned to Darah while holding Knave's hand, "will you let him go?"
Before she could respond, a rain of bullets came flying at Darah and her members.
"No!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs while Knave pulled me to safety. Knowing these bullets are from the men from the establishment. Now I am marked forever as the villain.
"This is your doing, Moira!" Shouted Darah, and soon I felt a piercing burning pain in my heart. As I looked down, I saw blood pouring from my chest.544Please respect copyright.PENANAR74gFJ7ZmN
"No!" Roared Knave. The pain in my chest made everything from that moment on blurry, and all I could see was Knave. I suddenly felt his warm tears upon my face. My head was resting on his lap. He whispered to me and sobbed while stroking my face. I felt paralyzed, but I heard what he said. "Please don't leave me. Everything is going to be alright. You'll be just fine. Please, hang in there. I need you! I love you!"
Slowly I reached with a heavy hand to his face. He blinked and held my hand gently. "Knave, please promise me that you will live." My voice was weak and slowly failing. "I love you."
"I love you too." Knave swallowed and sobbed.
I smiled. "I never got your name?"
"My real name is Konrad."