Sitting inside my bedroom listening to my mom and dad fight was not how I wanted to spend my morning. Even my dogs ran into my room so they wouldn't have to be out there with them. My father could be so stubborn sometimes, but in his mind he does nothing wrong. He thinks he is perfection.
That time they were fighting about dog pee. My dog, Clyde, had peed under our living room couch. He was fighting because no one had cleaned it up. I wondered why he didn't clean it himself. My parents never clean. It's always me doing the cleaning. Kitchen, bathroom, living room, etc. I never got a break.
My other dog, Bonnie, was laying down on my bed next me as I read a book. The book was called Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. It was pretty good. It was about this girl who was a horrible person in my opinion. She thought she was oh so great and nice and she got in a car crash the night she was going to lose her V card to her terrible boyfriend. He wasn't a great boyfriend but for the sake of popularity there this girl was dating him.
I looked over at the clock and saw it was six thirty so I decided to get ready for school. I put my black straight hair in a side braid and put on a floral head band. I then put on a black plain tank top and a floral print skirt. I admit it was quite short, but oh well. I put on minimal make up. Just concealer, mascara and lip gloss. I didn't need much to look good. I am confident but I can be a little much sometimes.
I grabbed my Gucci look-a-like purse and headed down stairs. My father had gone to work and my mother sat at the table drinking coffee and on her iPhone as always. I grabbed a fruit and nut bar as breakfast and headed out the door.
I waited at my front step for the bus. I'm a licensed driver but my parents need both cars for work. I am eighteen and its senior year. I couldn't wait for the year to be over so I could go to college and leave my quarreling parents behind, but now I miss my parents.
Sorry, getting a little ahead there. Anyways, when the bus finally stopped at my driveway, I got in it and greeted my bus driver, Grent. It's a weird name but he's a nice guy. He's pretty young for a bus driver though.
He's like twenty-four. I'm not gonna lie, he's an attractive fellow. I sat down in an empty seat and put my bag next to me so people would get the hint. I sat back and closed my eyes and then I heard "Excuse me, may I sit here?" It was a skinny little wide-eyed freshman. I sighed.
I looked around and saw plenty of empty seats. "Why?" I asked with plenty of attitude. His huge green eyes looked down. "My mom says I should try to make friends, and you look friendly enough" he replied. He was fidgeting with his long skinny fingers.
"Well, I'm a senior so I will be leaving pretty soon so it's best of you choose someone your age to sit next to," I told him. He looked disappointed and sad. I felt bad and was going to tell him that I was joking but Grent was getting agitated and said "Kid, get in a seat already!" The poor little freshman scrabbled to a seat and sat down.
At the next stop I got up and moved to sit next to the poor kid. He looked at me and smiled. "I didn't catch your name" I said with a friendly smile. He put a hand through his spiky black hair. I assume he was trying to look cool.
"It's Alfalfa" he replied with red cheeks. He looked down like he was bracing himself for a rude comment or a harsh laugh. I just smiled at him reassuringly. "Like the one from the movie?" I asked. He looked up with a big grin and nodded enthusiastically.
"Yeah, The Little Rascals!" he explained. I laughed and told him that I loved the movie and I loved the name. He replied by saying "See, I knew you'd be nice!"
Alfalfa and I talked for the rest of the bus ride to school. He had told me how kids didn't talk to him because they thought his name was funny and that he was nerdy. I reassured him that he didn't deserve that. He seemed like a good kid.
When we got to school I spent the thirty minutes before school with Alfalfa. I made sure that no one made fun of him and I introduced him to the nicest people I know. He seemed to really hit it off with Stacy Burnsbee. She's a shy little freshman with tan skin and brown curly hair.
When the bell rang, I scurried to my first class, which is Chemistry with Mr. O'Sans. He is pleasant enough, but also really tough. All the girls fawned over his flawless black curls and the "sexy" stubble on his face. He took very good care of his hair. That was his best feature after all.
I sat in the boring class almost asleep. All the other girls were perky and paid attention to his looks, not the lesson. They showed as much cleavage as possible and always stayed for extra help. I, being the outcast that I am, could care less about his looks. He is a teacher and I don't want any of that. This isn't Pretty Little Liars, its reality.
After the painfully boring class, I had study hall which was held in the library. It wasn't too bad. I just sat there and did work. I occasionally talked to Dulan Frest. He is a football player and he is beyond gorgeous.
I don't usually care about looks but he makes you forget you're even living. He looks like an angel sent from heaven above. His brown wavy hair, caramel skin, and vibrant blue eyes made him irresistible. He obviously would never think of me as irresistible, or would he?
I have a boyfriend so I probably shouldn't be thinking that way, but I was going to break up with him anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.
"Hey Han" he said with a goofy smile.
"Hey Dul" I laughed.
"You can't shorten my name! Only I can do that!" he exclaimed jokingly
I laughed, "Alright fine, what do you want anyway?"
He smiled sheepishly, "Um, well, prom is a month away, and I don't have a date..."
I couldn't believe it. Was my dream guy really asking me out?
"And?" I smiled.
"I was wondering if...you...knew anyone who's available."
I knew it was too good to be true.
"Um, do you have anyone in mind?" I asked disappointed.
"Um we'll not really, I just want a girl who is fun to talk to, pretty, and nice" he smiled.
"So me?" I joked.
"Actually, yeah" he said.
"Really?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah," he laughed, "I've been wanting to ask you, but I'm a shy guy."
"You? Shy?" I laughed, "You're Dulan Frest, every girls dream."
"I'm just glad I'm your dream"
I almost died when he said that. Sure it's cheesy, but what if it was your dream person saying it to you? Exactly. Anyway, after the surprisingly exciting study hall, I headed to Gym, then lunch, then a bunch of unimportant classes.
Then it was time to walk home.
Current time...
As I walked home from school, I listened to music on my iPhone. It was my usual short cut through the woods and my favorite song was playing and I couldn't help but put both ear buds in. Big mistake.
I was oblivious to the fact someone was stalking me. They started walking towards me but they were behind me. I couldn't see them. I couldn't hear them. Then they grabbed me from behind. I kicked and screamed but who would've heard me out there?
The person was too strong. I couldn't break away. They covered my mouth with a towel and everything went black. I'm guessing whatever was on that towel was chloroform.
Now I am here. The thing is I don't know where here is. I'm strapped to a bed in a tiny room. There are no windows, just a metal door. There is a bedside table with a lamp on it and that's it. The walls are cement and so is the floor.
I look down at myself and realize I'm not wearing my tank top and skirt. I'm wearing a nightgown. Who on earth changed my clothes? Suddenly the door opens and I come face to face with my kidnapper.
"Kyle?" I ask in disbelief. He seems a bit caught off guard, but he quickly collects his thoughts.
"Don't act so surprised" he says harshly.
"Why did you kidnap me? I'm your girlfriend" I say still in shock.
"It was a job" he replies
"A job?" I repeat.
He rolls his eyes and says "Yes Hannah, a job. They paid me ten thousand dollars just to drug you and drive you here."
"Why would they ask you to do that? And who is they?" I'm can't seem to process his words.
"I don't know and I don't care" he replies.
"Kyle, what if they kill me?" I ask with a quiver in my voice.
He rolls his eyes at this. "They promised me they wouldn't. I wouldn't drive you to your death.
"How do you know you can trust them?" I ask starting to panic. The reality of my situation is starting to set in.
"I just know" he replies confidently
Out of nowhere I start to scream. I just scream at the top of my lungs. This has to be a nightmare. Just a crazy nightmare. Kyle comes closer and covers my mouth with his hand.
"Hannah! Stop! Shut up!" he says.
I stop and he takes his hand off me. "How could you do this to me?" I ask him. Tears are starting to go down my face.
"I'm sorry, but I need the money. I need to go to college and they promised me you would be fine" he replies.
"But-" I'm cut off by his lips on mine. I can't resist because I'm tied to a bed. I squirm but he doesn't stop. His hand goes to my waist and I bite his lip.
"Ow!" he says.
"I hate you" I say to him.
He scowls at me. "Hate me all you want" he replies.
"Were you the one that changed my clothes" I ask suddenly remembering my change of clothes.
He smirks and I know the answer. I shoot him a look of disgust.
"Stop giving me that look Hannah you know I would've gotten to undressing you sooner or later" Kyle says as he winks.
"Ew." I say, "And you know I'm waiting for marriage so, no you wouldn't have."
"No one can resist me for too long sweetheart" he says smugly.
"I can and by the way, if it isn't obvious, we're over. I was going to break up with you anway."
I dodged a bullet with this guy. Maybe this kidnapping thing wasn't so bad. Yeah right, who am I trying to kid? I'm tied to a bed while my now ex-boyfriend is explaining to me why he did this and apparently I still don't know who my actual kidnapper is!
"You know Hannah, I'm at an advantage here" Kyle states with wicked grin.
"What do you mean?"
"You're unable to move, I'm free, and you're hot..."
"Don't you dare Kyle Nicholas Jameson!"
"I'm just messing with you. I don't need to forcefully get what I want. I can get it willingly from anyone I want"
"Not me" I spit.
"Yeah, I don't really care. I'm bored of this conversation. Good luck with whatever these people want you for. Thanks for everything babe" he says with a wink.
I shiver in disgust. What did I ever see in that pig? He exits through the metal door and as soon as he does, I hear yelling.
"What was that?" booms a male voice, I don't recognize.
"What? I didn't know she was gonna be awake" he whines.
"Why did you even go in there? Your work was done!"
"I...uh...um..." he tries to explain.
"You were going to violate her weren't you?" the unknown voice sighs.
"I...ugh. Yeah, but I changed my mind"
"And what made you do that? The fact that you just complicated this whole plan?" yells the voice.
"You know she can probably hear us right?" Kyle says, lowering his voice to a whisper.
I hear footsteps fading and then silence. I squirm my wrists to try to get out of the restraints but it's hopeless.
"Hello?" I yell, "Is anyone in this creepy place other than my nasty ex?"
The door opens and a tall man comes in. He has blonde hair and big green eyes. His eyes have a hint of familiarity, but I can't imagine why. He has big hands and a strong build.
"Hello Ms. Daren. There is indeed others in this facility besides Kyle, who has been escorted off the premises for your own safety" the man says with a sense of superiority.
"Safety?" I scoff, "if you wanted me safe I wouldn't be in this situation."
"I see where you might think that, but my dear there are things that you do not know of, but you will learn them in time."
"Why can't you just tell me what's going on?"
"In time my dear, in time. All I can offer you now is the knowledge that your parents, aren't your parents."
The man exits the room and leaves me to my thoughts. What does he mean by that? Well, now that I think about it, I don't look anything like my supposed parents.
I have black straight hair, white skin, and light brown eyes. My "parents" on the other hand, don't have any of those features. My "mother" has a caramel skin tone and brown curly hair and my supposed father has blonde hair, blue eyes, and is deathly pale.
How did I not ever wonder? Maybe there is a logical reason as to why they aren't my parents. They probably adopted me right? Maybe, they kidnapped me? I hope not. Ugh. Why did that man have to tell me that of all things he could tell me?
He could've told me why I'm here or how Kyle almost ruined his plan, but I guess that wouldn't torture me as much now would it. I'm going to find out why I'm here if it kills me. I will fight to be free from these people until my last breath because I am a fighter. I don't give up easily, plus I really want to go to prom with Dulan.
"Hey, go feed the captive!" yells the male voice once again.
"Yes sir" says a voice with an Irish accent.
The door opens and a short man comes in with a bowl of spaghetti. He has bright red hair, blue eyes, and a lot of reckless. He wears jeans, a t shirt, and He is really adorable.
"Um uh, I'm here to feed you" he says looking down timidly.
"Okay, what's your name?" I ask.
"Rudy" he says shyly.
"I like that name" I say with a smile.
He smiles back and sits down next to me and puts the bowl down on the little table with the lamp.
"You're very sweet miss" he blushes, "I'm not supposed to untie you, but I think I can let slide. You won't hurt me right?"
"Of course not, out of all the people here, so far you're my favorite!"
He laughs and unties the restraints. I move my wrists around when they are finally free.
"Thank you" I say.
He nods and hands me the bowl and a fork.
"Can you please tell me why I am here?"
He looks down, uncertain. "I can't. I'm sorry." He winks and puts his finger against my lips as if to shush me.
He takes a pen and little notepad out of his jacket pocket. He begins writing something. When he's done, he gives me the notepad. It says:
You're real parents are spies. You're their bait.983Please respect copyright.PENANA6EcrfU7WKZ