THE SHAM | Penana
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Cole Ramsden is a brilliant and successful man mostly renowned to be a tough negatiator and a demanding businessman, but also for his great handsomeness and countless affairs. Unnecessary to say that the man is an incorrigible seducer and this fact never enchanted his family. When his unwell grandmother told him her first wish before dying is to see him getting married, Cole who treasures his elder more than anything, couldn't help but feel obliged to satisfy her desire. So, he starts looking for the woman who could play his wife as long as his grandmother was alive. However, the man who shuns serious relationships, quickly understands that looking for a woman to wed is not as easy as looking for a woman to bed. That's when he realised that the only woman who seems to be able to play this role is no one else but his beautiful yet rigid housekeeper, Bexley Hamilton. But the housekeeper is a woman of great values and principles and convincing her to involve herself in a sham marriage will surely not be an easy task.

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Total Reading Time: 1 hour 11 minutes
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