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This story came to me as an idea long ago, and I typed it down at the time. A week or so ago, I found it tucked away in a book. I was going through a writing slump, and this idea boosted my writing, and after several chapters, I've wanted to release it for all to read. This tells the story of a teenager who wakes up after a month in a coma, although when he wakes, he does not know who he is, who those around him are, and how he is able to contact his dead brother.

Sneak Peak:

I knew I was in trouble the moment I woke up.

It felt like I had been sleeping for years without any dreams, but when I woke up it was like an explosion of senses. I opened my eyes and all I could see was bright lights above my head and a crowd of people around me, none of them familiar. All of them were speaking, though, so I couldn't understand any of it.

I could feel at least two tubes hooked up to each of my arms and several wires attached to my chest along with a tube running down my throat, which kept me from breathing.

Somebody in a white coat, most likely a doctor, told me he was going to pull the tube out and gave me some instructions, but I don’t remember it all too well.

I did as he said and soon he had the tube pulled out so that I could breathe, which I did right away, taking deep breaths. The room smelled very clean.

Once my breathing returned to normal I started paying attention to the people around me.

“Do you know where you are?” the doctor asked me.

“Probably a hospital,” I said.

“That’s good,” he said, writing something on a clipboard.

“William, are you okay?” a woman who appeared to be in her late 40’s asked me. At least I thought she was talking to me, because I had a major problem.

I didn't even know my own name.

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Total Reading Time: 46 minutes
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