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Chloë Grace Moretz as Faith Price
Neither of us say anything. Nik instantly lets go of my arms and steps back creating more distance between us. I can feel the tension as we maintain our eye contact. Suddenly, the quarterback, Sam Reeves, a dark blonde haired boy rounds the corner with a group of friends. They break the silence as Sam, being oh so oblivious, grins at us and says:
"Hey! Nik! Nessa! What's up?! Are you coming tonight?!"
Nik and I break eye contact and turn around to look at Sam. That is when I realize Kyler was standing there awkwardly when Nik and I had been starting at each other.
"Yeah, I'll be there." Nik says not missing a beat. Although my back is to him I can tell he's wearing that trademark lazy smile that plays the cool side of him.
Nik and I aren't big fans of Sam. Afterall, Sam and Nik play the opposite sports except for basketball. Nik is jealous that football gets more hype than soccer. Lacrosse is also a very popular spring sport and although baseball is very hardcore for those who play, it is less than popular at Duncan Academy. Sam plays the most popular sports and although Nik is popular, he wishes his sports got as much gratitude and awareness as lax and football. As for me, rule #1: besties for the resties under the clause; join the fight, ask questions later. Joining the fight didn't just mean physical fighting, it meant any conflict or problem. It meant you must take their side for the most part. Nik and Sam have their ups and downs and I had always sided with my best friend which left me to usually frown upon Sam. I mean Sam could be kind of obnoxious and a total manwhore, just like Nik.
"What about you, Ness? Are you coming? Practically the whole school is." Sam says rather proudly.
" I don't know, " I sigh, "I've got a lot of psychics to do." I lie.
Sam raises an eyebrow, "That much just in the first day?" He asks.
" Yeah, maybe I'll get to pop in for a few. " I tell him trying to end the conversation.
"Cool, cool. And the new wide receiver is coming! My man, Ky!" Sam thumps Kyler on the back.
Kyler grins, "Yeah, it sounds fun. I can't wait ."
"Come on, Ky, let's go introduce you to the rest of the team." Sam says, " We've been dying for a new wide receiver since Will transferred to Cornwall. "
"Yeah, sure. It would be cool to meet the team. Nessa, want to join?!" Kyler asks.
Everyone looks at me, including Nik who's just standing there.
"Umm, sure?" It sounds like more of a question then an answer.
"Yeah that's cool. You usually sit with us anyway." Sam grins. He throws an arm over Kyler's shoulder and the other over mine and marched is through the cafeteria doors.
Duncan Academy is not that stereotypical high school where all the football players sit together and all the basketball players sit together and the band kids sit together. Art Duncan, football players and basketball players alike sit together. And they welcome band kids since most of them play a reasonable sport like golf or tennis as the instrument. Nik sits with some of the football guys along with some of his fellow soccer players. Most people play more then one sport, and there are some baseball boys as well who sit with Nik since he plays baseball too. I occasionally sit with the boys, just because Nik and I were close and because Sofie is always dating some guy on a sports team.
"Nessa! Nik! Sam!" Faith grins and waves us over. She nods her head on acknowledgement towards Sam and some of the other football players. " Sup Ky. " she says spotting Kyler.
Faith and Sofie and the rest of my friends are already sitting with the boys. Probably because Jenna and Kacey's boyfriends are on the football team. Sofie is single at the moment and I know she's on the hunt for a new guy. Probably Kyler.
"Hey, Faith. I see you've already met our new wide receiver!" Sam grins.
"Hell yeah!" Faith smiles, " So tell me Ky, you transferred from Cornwall? "
Sofie gasps, "You transferred from that public dirt?"
"Fi!" I slap her arm, sometimes she's so insensitive and snobby.
"What?! I'm just saying..."
" Public schools are cool too, " I tell her.
"Yeah some of us are here on talent, not daddy's money." Quinn barks. Quinn plays soccer and basketball. His family is low middle class, close to lower class. He's here on sports scholarships. He definitely took offense to Sofie's comment and so do I.
"Well, I'm not athletic like you all! " Sofie defends herself.
We all glare at her. About half of the people who play sports at Duncan are here in scholarships, including practically this whole table. Sofie doesn't play a sport though, she's just here in money and she plays the violin.
"Fi, that was really insensitive." Faith tells her.
"Yeah, not cool." Nik says looking at Sofie with an unamused look on his face.
" Yeah, " a football player joins in.
"Guys, calm down. She made a mistake right Fi? Public schools aren't dirt." I give Sofie a look telling her to agree with me.
" Yeah, public schools are perfectly okay. " Sofie says.
"Good. Anyways Kyler, you transferred from Cornwall, is football your favorite activity?" I ask.
Kyler shrugs, "I mean I like lacrosse equally as much."
"Bro lacrosse? That slaps!" Sam grins. "I play it too!"
"Sick man! Are you team captain?" Kyler asks.
"Yeah! So what position do you play?"
As the boys interrogate Kyler and my other friends gossip about some celebrity news, I reply to Cade.
dear cade,
I'm currently in lunch rn, really boring at the moment. so far my classes are boring. Do u have plans for tonight or are u up to watch The Conjuring with me?
I hit send and then tune into the conversation. Everyone is talking about basketball, the common interest. Almost everyone plays basketball. It's something to do in the winter and when everyone is little they need a hobby to take up during the cold months and this is it. I love basketball and chime in about my thoughts on the budget for winter activities. I play point guard and this year in captain of the girls team. I am frustrated and nervous about the budget cuts because basketball almost always gets out to the side because it's "irrelevant" even though everyone plays it and we always need better equipment and more care for the floors. Nik is voted team captain for basketball this year and although the fall season has just begun, he and many other basketball players have been training for it already even if they have other sports to focus on. I am not focused on basketball at the moment. I am playing field hockey right now and I am a co-team captain. It's my job to make sure everyone's practicing and getting ready for field hockey that I don't have time for basketball.