It was midnight, the sky as pitch black as it could be. Midnight croaks of crows and ravens flew into the sky as like they were a shooting star. Speaking of stars, they gleamed brightly, making a mark in the huge cosmos above. Olympus sat on its very high mountains it was always on, and the white marble building glowed in the seemingly ever-stained darkness.
"Ugggggh!" Socks groaned, spinning in her chair. She was sitting in Olympus, in the room labeled 'Children.' A giant, redwood table sat in front of her, all the other spinny chairs completely empty.
Hermes sat in the 'audience' row, which consisted of a limited amount of chairs on the side of the room, not very close to the redwood table. This wasn't their time, only their children's.
Socks stopped spinning, fairly dizzy. "Goodness, when are the others coming?!" She asked Hermes, whilst Hermes only shrugged.
"I do not know." He was gazing at a newspaper, flipping one of the gray, texted pages after licking his finger.
Socks narrowed her eyes at her father. "Why are you reading politics? All of that stuff is boring." She informed the god.
Hermes looked up at Socks from his newspaper, the wings on his ankles fluttering like a butterfly's wings. "Well, to get to know the current human world, of course." He spoke softly.
Socks gave Hermes a sassy look. "Huh, to get to know the human world....classy. I think you mean, 'to know how stupid the world has become, and I, Hermes, will laugh at all of these crappy human problems.'" She had an announcer voice as she mocked her father and proceeded to snicker.
Hermes lifted an eyebrow slowly. "Possibly..." He let out a small smile before going back to his reading.
Suddenly the door opened gently, creaking slightly. A teenage Asian girl with soft, brown eyes, and long, dyed brown hair, came into the room. She wore a leather jacket with a pink summer dress.
Sock's eyes glowed. "Kobu Yorisoimasu!!" She purred, spinning in her chair wildly once again.
Kobu giggled, putting her hand up to her mouth. "You do not need to call me by my whole name, Socks." She explained to the younger girl.
Socks shrugged it off like a pro. "Eh, it's fancy. I like saying fancy things."
Behind Kobu came her father, Hephaestus, God of Craftsmanship, Fire, and a lot of other terms. He had very curly red hair, and was portrayed as a young man that seemed in his early to mid twenties. Hephaestus only wore a long, white cloth that reached down to his knees. A Greek Tunic, to be more precise. Why did he wear only that? To show off his fabulous abs, of course. He walked like a penguin, since he was crippled below his waist. The man scratched his head, crippled but very tall, tall like most deities. Hephaestus was the type of god you'd expect to shaved his beard with an axe.
Another child came into the room--an older teen than Kobu with brown eyes, and also brown, slightly red hair. He wore a penguin beanie, with a black hoodie and jean shorts. "Sup, everyone." He let out a small wave, the other hand in his pocket. The older boy's Irish accent was fairly strong. Behind him came in another god. He was tall, as I said like before, most of them are, with purple, shoulder-length hair and blue eyes. In his hand was a glass, full of crimson red liquid, no other than wine. Yup, you got it. Dionysus, the God of Wine. Such a splendid father to have.
In Dionysus's hair were grapes, vines, and green leaves. He strolled in, taking a seat beside Hermes, in which Hermes was still reading the newspaper.
The boy smiled at Kobu, making the girl blush. "H...Hi, Neart..." She smiled while sitting in a seat at the redwood table.
Neart smiled back at her, sitting next to the girl. Kobu's face instantly turned a pinkish red.
Sock's snickered, watching the two. "Hehe, Ceimiceacha!~" She teased, using Neart's fine last name.
The door was suddenly slammed open, revealing a buff teenager with blue eyes, and spiked up, dirty blond hair. He wore a grey jacket, and a T-shirt under it that had the Olympics symbol on it. "Reptar Kentchen is in the house, gentlemen and gentleladies!" He tossed his baseball cap in the air.
The boy sat down in his chair roughly, swinging his arms behind his head. Reptar's father walked in--Ares, strolling like the annoying boss he was.
A girl with short blonde hair walked in next. She had the rest of her hair in braids, black, brown, and red hair conceived in the braids. Her eyes were Heterochromatic--her right being blue, the other silver. She was younger than the others, and different. Her name was Ace, daughter of Poseidon. Ace walked in, all decked out in her Gothic-like clothes, and brown, spiky boots.
"Ey, hello, Ace!" Socks grinned sheepishly to the girl. Ace merely nodded, sitting at the table.
"Is this everyone?" Hermes asked, looking around. The children were sitting at their seats, although not all of the seats were filled at the moment.
Reptar shrugged. "I don't know. Where's the other Asian squirt?" He waited for an answer.
Kobu huffed. "Don't single out Asian. That's not nice." She remarked, blowing her cheeks up with air.
Reptar smirked. "Why not? I can say whatever I want."
Neart snorted. "Yeah, sure you can, white boy."
Reptar stood up, smashing his huge fists into the table. The table shook, and everyone's eyes darted to the older teenager. "Don't say that, Irish shit! You're always acting so full of yourself because of your snobby family!" He roared like a tiger...on steroids. Hehe, steroids.
The gods were totally ignoring their children. It was their time, not the god's. See how that could be used to the god's advantage? They don't really have to interfere with pesty squabbles.
Neart shrugged his shoulders. "You mean because my family is repetitively fought over by the Celtic and Greek deities? 'Cause they're extraordinarily sexy?" He smirked at Reptar in a sneaky way. Kinda like getting away with murder. Yeah, bad comparison.
"NO!" Reptar reached over to Neart, more directly to the Irish boy's neck. When doing so, the room turned black and seemed to spin. The lights flickered one and off, then finally became stable.
Holding Reptar's arm away from Neart's neck was a average sized woman. She had two cat-shaped eyes that were a light yellow. Her black tunic was decorated in blood-red roses, and her leather boots reached up to her knees. The woman's hair was long; all the way to the back of her knees. It was a very, very light brown, also very spiky. The tips of her hair were black.
"Well, Ares, you really need to keep your children under control. Don't want them being like you, yes?" She snapped with a creepy sound to her voice.
Ares, now standing up in front of his seat, was grinding his teeth. "Bufniță-Pisică, why do you dare to step into reality without an invitation."
"Please," The lady let go of Reptar's arm, in which he rubbed it like she had gripped it way too hard. "Why do you assume I came here without an invitation?" She turned to Ares with a faded smile.
Ares glared. He usually's not irregular for him, but even a blind person could see how much he hated the woman. "Who then? Please enlighten me."
Bufniță-Pisică pointed to the door, where a certain blond, curly-haired god stood in the entrance with his Japanese child.
Chāpu looked around the room calmly, digesting everything that happened. He was acting non-responsive.
Ares let out a low growl, scowl aimed towards Apollo. "Apollo! How dare you even bring her here! You're informed by the event Hera had with her!"
Apollo sighed, moving his curls out of his pretty blue eyes. "Yes, but I had too. She's the daughter of Gáta, remember?"
"I remember quite well, thank you." He pouted, arms crossed, Ares throwing himself back in his seat.
Socks looked as confused as ever. "I do not think I understand anything happening." She spoke out.
Hermes took in a load of air, letting out a deep breath. "This is Miáou, Goddess of curses, fabric, and layers of the world. We call her Bufniță-Pisică because she married a Roman king." His wings fluttered. "Did you want to hear the whole story or something?" He put down his newspaper.
Miáou sighed, sitting on the ground with a 'thud.' "Please, inform us all the gritty details of the past." She leaned her head onto her hand.
"All right." Hermes ignored Miáou's sarcasm. "Basically, Zeus knocked up an English Queen in the 1600's."
Socks sighed. "Well, isn't THAT a surprise..."
Hermes snapped his fingers. "Quiet. As I was saying, the English Queen gave birth to Gáta. Gáta became the God of Cats and sexuality. Then in 1999 Gáta found his future wife. Her name was Naomi. She was a college student. He knocked her up, they got married, and eventually Naomi had a set of twins."
"Woot woot!" Miáou raised her hands in the air.
Hermes gave her the 'wtf' face. "Anyways, as I was saying, the two children born to Gáta were Miáou, the youngest, and Lagneía, the oldest that came out. Lagneía, he was the troublemaker. Being the God of Lust, Envy, and Unpurity, he got into a fight with Artemis. Artemis ran into him quite a few times, and they fought. Artemis fought for her security, and Lagneía for Artemis' hand in marriage. It was a battle that lasted a few years..." Hermes trailed off, catching his breath. Lots of words he had spoken.
Socks was way too into the story. "Well? What happened?"
Apollo smiled. "Zeus got pissed that Lagneía was acting that way, so he made a bargain with Miáou. Therefore, Miáou created 13 different layers of reality, called Domains.. Zeus locked Lagneía up in the third Domain that was made."
Neart raised an eyebrow. He had his feet up on the table with crossed arms, "And why did Hera hate Miáou?"
Miáou sighed. "Because Hera hates all of Zeus' children that she did not birth. Even Grandchildren. Long story short, I called her a bitch, and she banished me into the Third Domain with my brother. Then when Gáta had another daughter, Págos, Hera banished her there as well when Págos was two days old. Additionally, when Hermes created his child Tachydromeío, Tachy accidentally killed one of Hera's peacocks, so he was also banished into the third Domain. The 13 Domains are a living disease that sits in the mind of whomever Lagneía chooses, which is usually a young girl, and feeds off of her soul essence. However, the victim has to have been a decedent from a Demigod, or Greek rule. Depending on how strong the soul is, a Domain, whether it be Domain three or thirteen chooses a place for the soul to slip into. Didn't I make such a beautiful thing?" Miáou smiled, which was a bombshell to everyone.
Socks shivered. "I suppose." She was fairly creeped out by the power of the goddess.
Apollo shook his head, nevertheless. "Anyways, since Miáou is a pro on curses and signs, I decided to bring her here."
Hermes' wings fluttered. "Curses and signs?" He jumped up, going towards Apollo. The two looked almost identical next to each other, except that Apollo had curly hair, and Hermes had wings on his ankles and behind his ears. "Why this all of a sudden?" He asked curiously.
Apollo grabbed Chāpu's arm gently, to show a familiar tattoo.
"Oh my gods...." Hermes covered his mouth with his hands. He raised his arm, beckoning Socks.
Socks stood up, tilting her head. "Huh? What is it?" She strolled over.
Hermes grabbed her arm and showed the mark to Apollo.
The god's pretty blue eyes became wide with confusion and interest. "All right...Does anybody else here have a tattoo like this?" He held up Chāpu's arm, pointing to the black-inked, slightly colored tattoo.
All of the Demigod children raised their arms to reveal their tattoos also on their wrists.
Miáou darted up, checking everyone's arms. She raced over to Apollo and Hermes, and glanced at the tattoos.
"Oh my..." She bit her lip.
Apollo looked at her in fright. "What do these marks stand for?" He questioned. Miáou didn't respond, merely entranced by the tattoos.
"ANSWER ME!!" Apollo demanded, jolting forward his head forward furiously. Ares, Hephaestus, and Dionysus stared on, horrified looks on their faces.
Miáou placed her hand on Socks' tattoo, and closed her eyes. The ground began to tremble slightly, although not violently. A flash blinded everyone in an instance, and when it was gone, Miáou was on the floor, as if she had been thrown.
Hermes quickly went over to help her up. Miáou sat up in his arms, eyes dimmed. "The..the tattoo..." She whispered, looking up to Apollo with tears in her eyes. "I..It belongs to Tartarus." She spoke before passing out, falling back. Luckily Hermes was there to make sure she didn't hit the floor.
"Hades..." Apollo tsked, walking out of the room in anger.
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