Heathers trembled when the freezing wind flew by as she stood in front of the beautiful setting sun above the ocean. It was nearing evening, and the sound of the waves crashing onto the rocky shore gave her peace in mind. Nature: the most beautiful of sights.
This kind of sight was the kind a heroine would go to after a happy ending. Cliche, but it was the good kind. If only those kind of things happened in real life. She may be the heroine in her story, but in no way was it a good one.
Autumn. Her hands felt as if they held ice, and so she blew her hot breath onto them. What was there for her to think about? It was best that everything would be... quiet. Nothing was going well.
The young woman had a bag on her shoulders, and slowly she took it off to open. Inside were a large amount of drugs. Marijuana, ecstasy, methane, and other numerous types of harmful and addicting substances. Have you already guessed it? Yes, she was an addict.
Tears started to build up, and her frustration got a hold of her. With a scream that would reach nobody, she threw the bag into the ocean and with satisfaction, she watched it drown under the roaring waves. This was good.
Her life was ruined.
Everything that she had worked for, everything that she had fought to attain was all gone in one year. The years she had spent in school, her college degree, her great job, and even the love of her life.
Love of her life. All of it was his fault. If she had not fallen for him she wouldn't have gotten into his funny drugs, if she had never met him she would not have thought about selling everything she owned into buying more of those poisons, if she had never even gotten involved she wouldn't have lost her job.
But even after all that he has done to her she still loved him! Why the heck was that!?
Now thefamily that had once looked at her with pride, faced her with disappointment. Her friends who she thought would stay during her times of need abandoned her. What was going on!?
Her life was a lie! It was a delusion! This was all a dream! She wanted to wake up and see him lying next to her, her house all clean, her coworkers coming to greet her, and her family calling to ask if she would visit. Please let this all be a dream!
Her legs gave out and she collapsed onto the sharp, stabbing grass. Salty drops fell from her eyes and she sobbed quietly. This wasn't a dream, and she knew that perfectly. She should stop being a whiny child and accept reality for what it was. No one was going to save her. Princes in Disney movies did not exist. There was only her and the darkness of the world.
Small splashes of the ocean fell on her face, and the caress of the wind touched her cheeks. Looking down it didn't look so bad. Perhaps an early death was in store. She released a shaky laugh and a relieved sigh.
Slowly she got up and slowly made her way to the edge of the cliff. It was nice that she was able to see nature at it's finest one last time. Her faded eyes dazed when she remembered all the times she spoke about how she loved the sea and nature as a child. This was the perfect way to end it. No more turning back now.
Rocks slipped, the wind whistled, and she started to fall. In one short second she saw all that she had been through her years. Was this what they called 'Your life flashing before your eyes'? She remembered her friends, her family, her siblings, and everyone that she loved---
Fear. Regret. Sadness. Panic.
"WAIT! I want to live!"
And then there was silence.