Pages of Yesterday | Penana
Pages of Yesterday
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Pages of Yesterday
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It was her idea to begin with and Ashely wanted Shantell to say it the first way she said it to her to her mother. Sobbing wet, slobby tears were rolling down her face. She thinks she deserves love, but she doesn't. 

Then, one day it was still without reason that they looked away from the shadow always at this exact same time. It was like a program had entered and never left. I could have called upon the dead but I decided to let this Ashley go, to let her tears heal her wounded broken heart.

I liked to clasp at the beautiful thing. The very thing that has been made broken into the field of something less knowing as well as tragic but then again we are still in arms length at finding a newer, stronger happier ending. If only her dreams were... deceased.

Just. Like. Her.

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