The Pianissimo Experiment | Penana
The Pianissimo Experiment
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The Pianissimo Experiment
Sakiyama Kazashi
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Shane was always respected on his school as the best student. He was attractive, smart, athletic, talented, and unmatched in the art of music. He could of course get any girl he wanted, or be friends with any guy, but everyone else disgusted him. Their bodies we're not perfect like his, they couldn't think logically, their grades were terrible, and none of them even came CLOSE to the level of talent he had. That was, until he met Blair. Her skin wasn't perfect, but it was close. Her grades weren't perfect, but they were close. But her talent? She was almost as talented as him. ALMOST. She was the first person who caught his eye in a while now. Of course, she was no where near perfect, but that didn't matter. He'll turn her into what he wants her to be.

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