Under The Crescent Moon: Power, Corruption & Lies/Laughing Stock | Penana
Under The Crescent Moon: Power, Corruption & Lies/Laughing Stock
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Under The Crescent Moon: Power, Corruption & Lies/Laughing Stock
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Power, Corruption & Lies: "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc". The priori; with the bad moon rising at the horizon, beyond the heavy and mysterious sea of Mist, no blood is thicker than the ink belonging to a collection of stories, tails, vignettes, thoughts, reckonings, short poems of a world who revolves around the tip of the spear, gray alike the clouds that lightened and obscured of their own history. 

Laughing Stock: "If faith is what driven us together in search of ourselves, then we must try to do it on a leap". The posteriori; from the idyll to the youth to the decay of substance, life goes on and on in this real life fantasy, alike the path taken by the Crescent and her ancestors, who once shared of same blood ingrained on that red coat. While her youth dreams are kept alive, only the fear, the failure and the spea can block the way to achieve a purpose in a life under the rain.

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Power, Corruption & Lies (First Half):

Playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi2LnK5cla-Pt5__QAm9j0CjgkxSchK_2

Laughing Stock (Second Half):

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi2LnK5cla-OqVuuxMfJKFbTfBIwciysc

Thanks: Myushu for Practice Medicine and Prince of Thieves, Meriko for Duty and Honor, Ayrith for Sum Of  Memories, Guardian1 for Thirteen Ways To Say Goodbye, and JotaTe for The Last Cherry Blossom, among many other authors and their stories who had influenced me over the time. 

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Total Reading Time: 21 hours 15 minutes
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