Our house was three homes down East of the village and two homes up the hill. There we resided in a decent size home at the very top of that hill, with a view of the Holy Land below. The little town of Natseret was one of the most beautiful places in all Galil and of the Yisrael itself. The small village was in the southern ranges the northern land. In the hills where it laid in the south ridge of Lebanon, before it sank into the plains of Esdraelon; which was between two uneven hills. There was a rocky gorge that descended southward. Natseret's location was in the southeast part of a hollow basin that looked to be the shape of a fully ripe pear. Plus, it descended gradually down from the elevated plateau and opened out to a winding path (which was called the pear's stem) that lead into the plain of Esdraelon.
Our village was indeed a private village, but very peaceful at the same time. No cause and effect were there, just a humble little town it was. Our village lied inside a basin that was surrounded by the Natzori limestone hills; which was round like the edge of an egg shell to guard the town from any imposition. The hill, where we lived, was just above the town. And when you reached the top, you would witness a gorgeous scene. That opens to view of the beauties of the land. To the North, there you would be able to see the great plateaus of Zebulun and Naphtali. You could also see the mountains of Lebanon with the snow-covered top of Mt. Hermon towering above them all, ruling over the land.
And to the West, one could see Tyre and the gorgeous crystal blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, which our family would always go see on days of Jubilee. From the hilltop in Natseret you were also able to see Mt. Karmel, where the prophet Eliyahu struggled with the prophets of Baal. To the South, there you could see Megiddo along with that, the Esdraelon plain where the battles of Yisrael occurred, and from Esdraelon to Tabor then to Gilboa's hills where Sh'aul and Yonatan lost their lives.
Then to Mt. Ebal, with the land of Shechem in the background with Gilead and Shomrom. To the East, across the sea of Galil and the Yardan Valley, Gilead and Jaulan with Tabor, the Mountain of Bashan. At the foot of the hill, was the Roman road that passed by, which was called "the Way of the Sea". The Roman Road was connected to the city of Damascus. And towards the South, once again, there was the road that went all the way to Egypt and a mile away from that road was the caravan route to Yerushalayim.
Natseret was built completely out of limestone from the excavations of the mountains that surrounded the basin. And five miles Northwest across the hills was the capital of the Mad King, Herod Antipas. Sepphoris, was the strongest military center in all Galil, it was only five miles to the Northwest across the rolling hills. While Tiberius, K'far Nachum, Beth'tsaida and the other towns were only a few miles away on the boundary of the Sea of Galil. Along with that, even the Holy City itself was not a great distance from our home in Natseret.
Our father, Yosef, had built our home with his own hands, along with the help of our Godly neighbors of course. It was the size of a landowner's home with a tall bobbing palm tree that stood proudly in the back that produced the sweetest dates when they were ready to be picked. The inside of our home was minimal like every other home. We had an oven, a table, a loom, and a few bedrooms on the second floor. Yet, there was something unique about our home. Unlike every other home, our home was very warm and inviting. The only difference was—compared to the other homes—there were three rooms: one was for our parents (before Abba's passing), the second was for my sisters and I, and the last was for our brothers. Lastly—we couldn't forget—a decent size stone mason space in the back of the home behind the bobbing palm tree. It was all Abba could ever ask for.
Abba lived a good life as a stone mason. And as a descendent of Melekh David, he inherited his grandfather's ruddy red hair and ruddy skin that was kissed from the sun, along with ravish good looks. He was taller than the average size of a man, with his broad shoulders and toned muscles from lifting and moving heavy wood all his life. At the age of eighteen, he married our mother, Miryam, who was—at the time—only fourteen when she was impregnated by the Ruach Hakodesh.
Miryam, was his pride and joy, and her beauty was rare. Our mother had long dark hair and large doe shaped brown eyes. Unlike the other girls of Natseret, Miryam was small boned she yet she had a graceful figure. She was 4'11 and was proud of it, with her husky voice and strong hands, they both seemed to belong to a taller woman. Yet Miryam's face was a desert picture. The apples of her cheeks, were tight and fully structured which made them look like plump ripened figs. And her mouth was full and plump making it look as if she were pouting the entire time if one stood next to her the entire time.
Together as the couple grew older—after Miryam had Yeshua—they had nine children together. The first child they had was Miriam, a few years later she had Ya'akov then Shimon a year after him. Priya was born a year after Shimon. Then Miryam had twins Yosef and Yehudah. A few years after that, my twin sister, Pazia, and I were born. With me, I gave Miryam a harsh labor that frightened Abba from my birth. I tore such a violent entry into the world that it almost killed our mother. When I finally emerged, Abba couldn't believe that such a small child could tear such a ferocious entry and cause so much difficulty. My birth cost our mother so much crimson that almost stole her life. And after Pazia and I were born, four years later Miryam had her last child, whom she named Gazah.